8 Post – 220 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Since Twitter has nothing to do with Tesla (beyond the emotionally stunted owner) this is serious line being crossed. I mean - I don't care about Tesla. But I do care about SpaceX and Starlink as they have serious geopolitical implications.

Some country's leader disses Twitter and they don't get to launch satellites. Or their people don't get satellite internet.

This amount of power should not be in the hands of one rich guy with an inferiority complex.

18 more...

I love Firefox. Love it.

But I keep coming across sites that don't function properly with it. Is this Firefox's fault? No - Firefox follows standards nicely. But growing numbers of sites don't, and this is a big problem at a micro and macro level.

Chrome seems to have such a foothold that it is getting away with embrace/extend/extinguish and I think it's a very sad thing.

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Have they tried subscribing to Twitter Blue? As I understand it, it 'unlocks' the door feature...


This is very good. The higher those numbers go, the more pressure there will be for better official support for both HW and SW.

FOSS is fantastic. But lack of options (FOSS or paid) for a few of my use cases keeps me stapled to Windows and WSL. Unfortunately. I'm hoping the momentum shifts.

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So I looked them up with my Mastodon account to try to follow but quickly discovered that not all searches for 'BBC' lead to accounts related to the BBC...l.

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This is a shame. Hosting a high visibility server is no joke, and I don't envy the admins and the very difficult work they do. It's simultaneously an argument for and against decentralization. For - a single instance can get knocked out without talking out the whole fediverse. Against - it seems as though high visibility communities are potentially fairly easy to target and take down.

I think that decentralization wins out here in the end, but it does feel like there may be a need for some sort of fallback mechanism to be in place at an instance/community level. I suspect this might evolve somehow over time. It would require some way to expand trust between instances and or portability of communities (which could be fraught with user trust/data integrity issues).

If things don't evolve it could grow into a whack-a-mole game for bad actors, or there might need to be more investment into server infrastructure (which could work against decentralization if only because of economies of scale).

Or maybe there's no issue after all? I'm just imagining potential implications of a scaling fediverse - it's fascinating and exciting stuff!


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To be fair, Twitter is also undermining Twitter's livelihood.

This comes to mind.

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The key is that with the right use case, it frees up lithium to be used where only it is suitable.

(for my needs I'd be fine with sodium...)

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Yet another not just another Linux desktop.

I suspect this has to do with the lack of video. I could be wrong of course.

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Thoughts and prayers were a bit much too ask for, clearly...

I really hope it's the "Any" key. I have upwards of 40 ys of modal forms from which there is no escape because they demand I press any key to continue...

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Maybe, but with a sharpie and a bit of creativity, you could have yourself a barely functional wall clock.

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I sure Discord is handy and reduces friction, for development, but when it's used as a substitute for a support forum for paid products, it's atrocious. (not a knock on Discord, but certainly a knock on companies that choose the wrong tool for support).

It's really was.

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For us, it's "Paying bills" == "Paying bills"...

. Cybertruck.

Well the missing socks have to get sent somewhere... /s

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Vscode remote ssh is clever, to be clear, and in many cases is ideal. But it seems to me that they really need to ship an out-of-the-box extension that does edit over sftp with local caching as a fallback option. Notepad++ does this and it's great.

I know that there are a bunch of 3rd party extensions that seem to do this but most seem a little bit janky as you dig in to it. This needs to be an official Microsoft extension.

In general, I don't want my IDE running or depositing anything on my servers that I haven't explicitly asked for, especially if a main goal is to simply edit config files easily via a familiar editor application. Basically a 'leave no trace' philosophy (for the sake of predictability, consistency and control, not for any nefarious reasons).

(that said, remote ssh with vscode server is fantastic - but only when I actually want it).

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Linux can breathe life into older laptops (if the HW is supported). It's not for everyone (and downright infuriating in some ways) but it it does work very well for many things.

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Adobe lightroom (with its multi-device editing and catalogue management - even when only using its cloud for smart previews).

Hardware support for music. NI Maschine is a non-starter. Most other devices are, at best, a 'hope it works' but are most definitely unsupported.

Music software. You can hack your way into getting a lot of your paid modules to work, but it is certainly not supported.

Wine is 'fun'(?), but it's a game of whack-a-mole chasing windows' tail and will never allow everything to run. Either way it's not 'supported.

Businesses any any size tend to eschew SW/HW that doesn't have formal support. (things like RHEL are most definitely supported as servers and orgs certainly leverage it).

I keep installing Linux hoping I can get a sufficient amount stuff to work "well enough" to move on from windows but it's just not to be (yet). Hope it changes, but it'll require buy-in from commercial product developers. I hope as Linux continues to grow a foothold in desktop installs, a critical mass will be reached, commercial devs take notice and it'll be easier to switch.

For now, I'm stuck with Windows and WSL. (But I am not happy with Windows' direction).

14 more...

I ashamed to say that I expected this comment.

I tend to agree. And people need to realize that Adobe's secret sauce is not in their apps, it's in the multi-device interoperability. I love lightroom, but it's not the photo editing ability (darkroom has that), rather it's the fact that I can seamlessly work the same catalogue from any device (even if I don't use their cloud for anything but smart previews).

I think Adobe would cash in if they supported Linux - for want of a workable alternative, I'd even pay them.

Music device manufacturers need to support Linux too. NI Maschine (and others) is simply a non-starter...

As per Apple's wishes, I imagine.

It will go bad. For my own part, I will not buy a car without AA/Carplay. The whole benefit of AA/Carplay is that I can take my infotainment with me and share a car or two without having to mess around with more logins/security etc. Especially with an inferior interface...

They really look nice. A good font makes a huge difference.

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I got a barebones Chevy Bolt. Simple car - absolutely perfect for the city at times when public transport isn't an option.

What's more - it has AndroidAuto/Carplay (mandatory in any future car purchase for me).

GM subsequently cancelled the model (though rumours say they'll bring it back?) and are building bigger cars instead. Ridiculous.

What we need is a smaller, practical EVs and a robust charging infrastructure. (especially in condos/rentals)

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Well, a month or two ago, Canada formally accused India of being behind an actual assassination on Canadian soil.

Very nasty stuff. Troubling times.

I had the most luck with shotcut. I've been meaning to try kdenlive again though but there were a few fx I needed that immediately apparent in shotcut that I could not find quickly in kdenlive.

I suspect kdenlive has it covered but timelines dictated that I not change horses mid race, and I haven't got back to retry.

Basically, either is good!

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I wish I could say the same. But my kids say it a lot..


(To be fair, they like looking up words to see who can find the biggest ones.)

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I thought that was Shaking My Head..? Similar uses, I guess. But if it's as you say, I may stop using.

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At first I thought this was a great idea. But need to understand a bit more about the security implications for those that subscribe and post to the communities that want to do a move. It's one thing to trust your credentials to the host server, but quite another to implicitly trust the community mod who wishes to move. How would the old posts migrate? How would integrity of the constituent posts be preserved? How easy would it be to inject comments into to historical posts and republish them on the new, official, server? Could you be held liable (whether officially or through reputational risk) for posting content that wasn't really yours? Maybe there are good mechanisms to maintain integrity of data? I'm just not sure what they are.

I think there may be implications to this that are not obvious.

Happy to have these concerns assuaged, of course!


Pfsense is fantastic. Extremely flexible. I am contemplating switching to opensense when it's time for an upgrade (it's been running seamlessly for many years, but someday I'll need to).

Note that it's a router, not a wireless access point. For that I use a few Ubiquity APs (I forget the model).

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Not being able to see the source code of extensions, and having them loaded and executing remotely really ought to be a non-starter, but for some reason we find ourselves ok with this?

Maybe there are checks and balances? I really don't know - but I certainly don't know what they are.

I'm actively exploring alternative cross-platform editors for this and other vscode usability reasons.

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Most of the Deloitte consultants I've dealt with are already bots, whether or not they are wearing a power suit.

Pink Floyd's Atom Heart Mother was so named because Waters had just read a newspaper article about a woman who had received a plutonium pacemaker.

Had been using Sync nonstop. Tried Boost this morning.

I no longer use Sync.

No game has ever home close to Zork for me. I was the right age for it, and there was so much imagination in it, and more importantly, it inspired so much imagination in the player. Nothing wrong with new games, but nothing's ever come close to that feeling.