BBC: Extending our Mastodon social media trial to – 517 points –
Extending our Mastodon social media trial

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So I looked them up with my Mastodon account to try to follow but quickly discovered that not all searches for 'BBC' lead to accounts related to the BBC...l.

News. You need to add the word news to your search. I'm just waiting for someone to name a large organization DILF. That's going to be hilarious.

There was the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in Philippines.

Oh God. At least that's a college level research topic. If you end up on that page it's because you wanted to be there.


I want a news alert set up whenever porn stars get boned by rather large phalluses belonging to those with darker complexions.

If I want that, what search terms should I use?

look up the domain

You are very helpful and correct - thank you for that. I suspect it was something of a double entendre joke, however.

You may be onto something.... /s

(I almost went with British Broadcorping Castration...)