92 Post – 431 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


A lazy cat in human skin, an eldritch being borne of the '90s.



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He asks, in a FOSS community.

Remember kids...

Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević.

Anna's archive. Google it.

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Holy shit, welcome you mad legend. Glad you made it to the other side.

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Man, there is such a huge difference in how one is led to interact with a site run for social connection verses capital funnelling. Rage and anxiety fuel the engagement. No thanks. I am so happy that people are finally dipping their toes here. I made this account a few months ago and just waited. Ever since I got into the Fediverse, I have not really looked back. I still mod some communities on Reddit but they are small and slow enough not to matter so much for quick checks.

4 million deaths can be directly attributed to this asshole. Many, many, many more indirectly. He was the last member of the Nixon cabinet still alive.

I saw one interview with the CEO on Reddit and deleted the app. The guy is an absolute nonce.

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Adding mine:

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No karma competition here. It has a bigger effect on behaviour than you'd think.

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My department is on Mastodon. :)

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DuckDuckGo/Brave + Kagi.

Others, more specific uses:

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I started on Mastodon last year and watching it increase in size by orders of magnitude over the last several months has been a beautiful thing to watch. I am thrilled Lemmy has taken off, finally. The fediverse has restored my faith in humanity quite a bit and consuming it feels healthier, there is no way I am going back to centralised platforms. Come to mastodon and get a glimpse at what Lemmy may become. :)

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Here's a list of his promises:

He's got accounts on Mastodon and others too.

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Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel peace prize.

-- Tom Lehrer on why he stopped performing political satire.

Yes, but we are on scholars hours. 🧐

Lynn Doan Tue, March 19, 2024 at 11:14 AM GMT·1 min read

(Bloomberg) -- Reddit Inc., the social media platform gearing up for an initial public offering this week, said Nokia Oyj has accused it of infringing some of their patents.

Nokia Technologies, the company’s licensing business, sent Reddit a letter on Monday with the claims, and Reddit is evaluating them, according to a filing made Tuesday. “As we face increasing competition and become increasingly high profile, the possibility of receiving more intellectual property claims against us grows,” Reddit said in the filing. Nokia’s claims come as Reddit prepares for an initial public offering in an effort to raise hundreds of millions of dollars. The company has been working toward a listing for years, and its public market debut this week is set to become a high-profile addition to the year’s roster of newly and soon-to-be public companies.

Nokia is no stranger to patent fights. In February, the company reached a patent agreement with Chinese phone maker Vivo, ending a years-long dispute that dragged the two companies into court and forced Vivo to pull out of Germany. In 2021, Daimler and Nokia settled a dispute over the licensing of wireless technology patents in cars, ending a legal battle that had at one point threatened sales of the iconic Mercedes brand in its home country.

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I make my own projects that challenge me in the same way, and I feel less urgency with them than work, but of course this doesn't help in a pinch. It's a long term thing. Maybe leave the phone on the charger when you go out! Treat it like a detox. The rest is really important and if you don't stop you will burn out eventually.

I miss being fit. Muscle mommies are underrated. All the endorphins. First thing I'm going to do off a grad student salary is get a personal trainer. Fitness makes me feel normal and happy. I lost my six pack here, foo.

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Reddit shat on their content creators and organisers. What did they expect? Reddit could and should be profitable, the fact it's not shows what a total shitshow it is. Spez clearly lost the poop challenge.

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You will never find a satisfying answer to this question because there isn't one and social relationships are not transactional. Acknowledgements are nice, upvotes or comments but no one really expects replies. I generally only reply if I want to continue or add to a conversation. Nevertheless, it doesn't frankly seem like you want advice here. If you want to study, literally just get off of Lemmy and back to studying, there isn't a way around it.

A lot of these dinosaurs still exist. Literally is still up. They just are shells of what they were. The household name of reddit is worth too much capital to scrap.

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Has anyone ever noticed how much he looks like a PS1 character.

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I Iiterally cannot keep up with my feed. You have to build a network there. It is not spoonfed to you.

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Morally, no, but it's against their TOS I think. Fuck em, though.

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Cage fight, hit them with the steel chair.

He's got a 6-8 part Behind the Bastard series about him but the article here is a tldr. Basically he is directly responsible for killing about four million people, basically carpet bombed Vietnam and was in Watergate.

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Broke-ass grad student budgets. Doing my best.

This caused me to rage quit my emails this morning. I'm going to back to Thunderbird.

Rat bastard**

Most websites track IP addresses, keep them in a database, and use them for various things. You can find a lot of information on this online, however in the case of non-profit social media like Mastodon, it can be useful for tracking bad actors and blocking them from access. Most of the time they are used for commercial purposes.

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Welcome the normies, we need them too. :)

Missed opportunity to do it in Paint.

If you didn't see this after Fallout, namely 76, I dk what to tell you.