1 Post – 298 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

So I've just bought a PC. I haven't had a new computer for 12 years. The newest game I've played is Subnautica (and Below Zero). I've basically missed everything from the last 15 years.

I own a few games that I haven't been able to play until now (Fallout 4, Star Wars Squadrons, Witcher 3, few others). Thinking I probably have enough games in my backlog to play those and maybe look at new stuff next sale.

To confused people exploring from all Communities trying to understand what the hell is going on:

  • Bethesda is a game studio who does a decent job of giving people choice to do/be whatever they want in their games. Out of the box they included the option to choose your pronouns in a new game called "Starfield".
  • They also make it possible to modify their games to make very drastic changes to the player experience.
  • Nexus is a site that hosts thousands of mods to all sorts of games. People make mods, upload them to Nexus and players download them.
  • Someone made a mod to remove the option to choose pronouns from Starfield.
  • Nexus decided they don't want to host this mod. It's hurtful to people and goes against their values of inclusivity.

That's about it. Most of the people whinging about censorship don't even play the game. They're just here to whinge about how the world is moving on from old bigoted ways and they want to stay in the past and be jerks to people for merely existing. If they actually cared, they'd just download the mod from some other site. The mod itself is probably not much bigger than this reply.

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Given how many millions of people must have used Amazon to order stuff to work from home over the past 3+ years, this is a really weird position to hold. You'd think this guy would be all about everyone kitting out their home office spaces.

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I'd be surprised if Reddit hasn't recovered and grown past its size at the point of the exodus. Only about 60,000 came here. 60k isn't even a big sub.

I read somewhere that they were 2% smaller in July. We are no threat to Reddit.

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$10 a month to have basically every song ever and never have to worry about YouTube ads. Yes, I use it.

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Why were you fired?

  • I stole a coworker's wallet
  • I defrauded Walmart buying gift cards
  • I am very stupid

That's an impressive trifecta.

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It isn't a monopoly though. Even ignoring the Blizzards, Epics and GOGs of the web, any developer can host their game on their own Web site and market it completely independently of Steam and keep 100% of their takings.

The monopoly on storefront argument holds water in mobile land where side-loading a game is not possible/easy. In the world of computers though, I don't think the same standard applies.

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I'm genuinely surprised the Lemmy exodus has been as large as 3%. Reddit will be just fine. This isn't like Digg > Reddit.

I mean, this is actually a lot like Digg > Reddit, the same class of user has migrated. It's just that Reddit has long outgrown that techy/nerdy demographic. I doubt they'll miss us much.

Nor do I want that other 97% to follow us to Lemmy, especially.

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In defense of Google, I have a first-gen Pixel that still gets unlimited Google Photos uploads.

This phone is seven years old and Google had kept its commitment that photo uploads would remain free for the life of the phone.

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Dear users,

I can delete photos. Just give me the url of the photo you need killed and I'll happily delete it for you. But also, don't (accidentally) upload a nude.

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I agree with him. If you don't know what you are doing and just blindly install something off the Internet, it's a security concern. I would not recommend that most users side-load apps, either. You have to remember that this crowd is not representative of the average user.

Just don't take the option away from those of us who do know what they are doing.

When it was released, Chrome was revolutionary. Sandboxing individual tabs into their own processes was a stroke of genius. Until then, if a single site ate up all your memory and crashed your browser, all your tabs/sites died and you had to start again.

It really was the best browser for a hot minute before others copied the idea.

The biggest problem I see with this is the scenario where calls are recorded. They're recorded in case we hit a "he said, she said" scenario. If some issue were to be escalated as far as a courtroom, the value of the recording to the business is greatly diminished.

Even if the words the call agent gets are 100% verbatim, a lawyer can easily argue that a significant percentage of the message is in tone of voice. If that's lost and the agent misses a nuance of the customer's intent, they'll have a solid case against the business.

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That's not what deport means. That's displace.

The photo sphere is still present on Android 14. It isn't being taken away if you already have that feature.

Nobody talks about Daydream, but I have an old pixel 2 with Daydream and it's great for these photo spheres.

I'm one of the dozens of people who likes Daydream and wishes it wasn't killed off.

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Ok, so you've triggered my personal bugbear with Yoda. Time for a rant. Let me explain:

Yoda was pitched to Luke on Hoth as the Jedi master who trained Obi Wan. Luke (and us as the audience in 1980) had this expectation of a wise old man if he trained Obi Wan. When Yoda pulls Luke's Xwing into the swamp and meets with him, he puts on a "Little Creature" persona to test Luke's patience. Anakin was famously impatient. Yoda hammed up his speech mannerisms to 11:
"Away put your weapon, I mean you no harm"
"Help you, I can! Yes! Yes!"

Once Luke fails this test, and we get to Obi Wan, Yoda drops that whole act.
"I cannot train him. The boy has no patience."
"Too old! Yes! Too old to complete the training."
"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one, a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away! to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was! What he was doing!"

Then once we get into training, we get the bombs of wisdom:
"For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us, binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force flow around you. Here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, yes, even between the land and the ship."

You see? Yoda retained a little of that vocal mannerism - easily explained as someone speaking a different language to his native one. For the most part though, his dialogue was pretty natural.

But then people spent the next 20 years doing Yoda impressions of his little crteature act. So by the time of the prequels, it was expected that Yoda would talk all backwards. So the prequels had him doing that backwards-talk throughout. I hated it then, and I hate it now.

It's a crying shame that people coming to Star Wars never get their expectations of Yoda subverted today as we did. Yoda is just too pervasive in our culture. Even my own kids who I tried to shield from all that instantly recognised Yoda when he came on screen.

I have always loved these great tits.

Something about their body language. I imagine the one on the left is telling a funny joke, or maybe it's laughing at something the one on the right has said.

At that point, the OS will be 10 years old, and was a free upgrade for anyone running Windows 7 or later. It's plausible to not have paid a cent for your OS for 15+ years by 2025.

If you've bought a new computer with Windows since 2021, you'll have v11 anyway and won't be affected.

Frankly I have to hand it to Microsoft - they've been generous with OS support. The pessimist/pragmatist part of me puts it down to upgrading old OS's to combat their reputation as being the cause of worms/viruses going mental on the Internet over the past decade or so. So it isn't like they haven't had ulterior motives.

But yeah, I can't really fault them for this one.

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18 Million subscribers, Billions of views, has had Kobe Bryant and the US president as guests on his channel. If that's "semi-succesful", what on earth is your yard-stick for successful?

I don't always agree with his takes, but I honestly can't think of a better or better-known tech reviewer.

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That's only legal in like two countries.

The author has a MacBook and has discovered that the new Apple Silicon is terrible for games. Particularly 32-bit games. It turns out Valve hasn't re-made these 10-20 year old games to compensate for Apple's hardware compatibility changes.

Somehow, that's Valve's fault and a sign that they're going down the drain.

A guy brazenly snuck into an army barracks, stole an Armored Personnel Carrier and then went on a bit of a rampage through the city. Crashing into a police station, law courts and Police HQ.

The media called it a tank rampage, because they didn't know the difference between an APC and a tank.

The story is all but forgotten now, I never hear anyone talk about this incident. And the killdozer story in Colorado pretty much trumps it anyway.

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I was Googling like mad just this week on how to execute a cmdlet as Admin from within a script that isn't running with elevated privileges. The results all basically came back with some variation of "just run the script as Admin".

This is the right way to do it. I'm glad it's coming.

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I've had debates with vegans on something similar:
I'm not vegan, I'll never be vegan. That's a complete non-starter for me.

What I have done is reduce my meat intake from 2/sometimes 3 meals a day to 1 meal per day - occasionally (less than once per month) two. Once Lab-grown meat is a viable alternative on cost/taste/texture, I'll be all over that. I still won't be vegan. Even if I reach a point where no animals are harmed from my diet.

I believe it is far easier to convince 1 Million people to do this than it would be to convert 100,000 people to full veganism. A Million people doing this would save Billions more animals per year than 100,000 vegan conversions and maybe even in itself convert a few of those people to full veganism along the way.

They're never interested. It's all or nothing. Black or white. Vegan or Animal killer. They usually have issues with lab grown meat, as well.

It's as though they're a member of an elite club and membership is more important than actually saving animals.

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I'm sorry, what?

We are not a big instance, but there is no way on earth we are handing any details of our users to some foreign government. It would actually be against Australian law to do that if we even wanted to.

Hell, we don't even know anything about our users. Most of them have provided an email. That's literally all we know about them.

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Reddit wasn't much bigger than this when I first used it. This feels a lot like Reddit in those days. It was a nicer place than today's Reddit.

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Subnautica. I didn't really get it at first. Swam around the life pod a bit; didn't see the point.

Was travelling some time (months?) Later and stuck at an airport with my laptop and a Power outlet but super patchy wifi. So I fired it up again and really, really got into it. Kept playing on the plane and all through that trip. By the time I got back, I had a Cyclops and a Prawn suit and was about to find the lost river.

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His pay was $300k something. So it was almost all stock.

Ahh, that makes all sorts of sense. The idea that he was paid $193 Million was unbelievable.

You could pay 1,000 moderators $100k for the year and still give Spez $93 Million if that were his salary.

This thread prompted me to look into the Wallet notification settings. There was a setting where Google could send you notifications. I just turned those off. I don't want them, but I also can't remember ever getting one.

I don't really understand what the controversy is about. If an app abuses its notifications permissions to send me spam, I disable it. The post is right, granular notification settings in Android are great. I carry both android and iOS around every day and iOS notifications just kind of build up and periodically get cleared all at once. Too much noise in there. The android notifications are things I actually care about and want to be notified about in a timely fashion.

I'm a simple person. My main philosophy for just about everything is: "if everyone did this, would the world be a better place?"

Things I do, things I say, things I think. I know I won't change the world (much). But I won't make it worse.

It's a poor person's VR. Turns your phone into a VR headset. Ever sat on the couch and watched a bunch of YouTube videos? Or a TV show/movie? Put on the daydream, and you are sitting in a virtual theatre. It's good when you need the house to be quiet because everyone is in bed. I'd say 90% of my Daydream usage is watching stuff like Youtube/Netflix.

It's amazing when you are on a flight. It totally takes you away from the plane experience. Also really neat when travelling in general. Sitting in a hotel room watching content on a virtual big screen and not the pokey little hotel TV.

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If you root/jailbreak your phone, banks will no longer allow you to use it for payments. The NFC chip won't be trusted any longer.

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It is frightfully expensive to host video content. YouTube would cost Billions per year to run.

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Yeah, like it or not, Lemmy is not as big as Reddit. One weekend wasn't long enough.

Then again, no bot armies was nice.

The one time I moved a data center, we did it in two trucks for this very reason. Of course, it wouldn't have been the whole organization lost, we had more than one data center. But yeah - the two planes part of this story makes complete sense to me.

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The lottery is run by the state government where I am, and all profits are put back into the community as grants.

Your odds of winning are just as awful, but at least you know your money isn't just making some rich people richer.

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After that happened in the movie, I was angry that a big moment had been denied me. I basically stopped watching trailers of any film I intended to see that day.

People who are into movies say that the trailer is a part of the experience. But I'd prefer to go in completely unspoiled.

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The Pixel hasn't left the house since 2018. All it has done since then is run SyncThing and upload the photos/videos taken by my current phones.

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