Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Review: Why Buy Anything Else? to – -28 points –
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Review: Why Buy Anything Else?

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18 Million subscribers, Billions of views, has had Kobe Bryant and the US president as guests on his channel. If that's "semi-succesful", what on earth is your yard-stick for successful?

I don't always agree with his takes, but I honestly can't think of a better or better-known tech reviewer.

I mean, Linus Tech Tips exist. So do Jay-Z 2 cents. There are plenty of other successful tech YouTubers.

I dunno. My local doctor has saved plenty of lives.

Consider him more of a success than someone who reviews overpriced phones on youtube.

Suppose how you define success depends on what you think's important in life.

A famous YouTuber is not going to be successful at saving lives, but is extraordinarily successful at being a YouTuber.