90 Post – 734 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Born and raised in London. Just a normal guy with a moral compass.

I think UI is the least of their worries. They've not even decided what to migrate yet.

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Piracy and Porn rule the Internet

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Sucks to see the flagship British instance go, but at the same time, I like the idea of all the Reddit references being confined to the past.

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Perhaps someone should create a script to purge orphan images

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Stack Overflow has a CEO? WTF for? It's a repository of information. All the LLMs have already ripped a copy of the site, so where were they planning to generate revenue?

I hope someone starts a version and integrates it with activitypub and then users can donate towards the hosting costs.

Stack Overflow is supposed to be the wiki of developers, not a fucking business. I hate these greedy fucks. "let's make money from other people's time and effort" 🤮🤮🤮

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The whole planet has a mental health problem. Was discussing this earlier in another community with a German user.

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This is a weird one. On the one hand, we have Mozilla, the last remaining browser company not sucking at the teat of either Google or Apple and we all expect for Mozilla to somehow generate enough money to pay enough employees to stay competitive on the other hand we have the users who expect them not to do anything to try and leverage their userbase to create financial independence.

The problem with Mozilla remains the same problem that they've had for a while. Mozilla doesn't acknowledge the symbiotic relationship it has with its community and the community always over reacts, which means there's a chasm where simple things should be easy but they're not.

Take this for example, Mozilla only had to have a public facing discussion about this and then go and do it anyway.

Sometimes paying lip service works. But since they didn't, you have people like OP who feel like something nefarious is happening and in the end Firefox users lose out as things like donations being pulled hurt.

Mozilla already shows ads, as do all the other browsers, however unlike the other browsers, you have a fully functioning uBlock that can and will remove anything that the preferences don't cover.

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I quite like the way that reads. It sounds like some people within the BBC are quite forward thinking.

Maintaining users' access to an open web on all platforms is a critical aspect of the proposal.

But with this the web wouldn't be open. 😒

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Have you considered not Spotify?

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It's a news organisation, so it's okay. We definitely want more journalists and news organisations in the Fediverse. I'd much rather have them directly on mastodon than the million different bird.tld mirrors.

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Mastodon is your personal soapbox where you can shout your thoughts.

However before you have followers, you're kinda shouting into the void.

However hashtags are like little campfires and if you go to one. You'll see people. If you share your thoughts around the campfire, people will see you.

Now once you've met people (and followed them), you can see them from atop your soapbox, no need to stand around the fire. Though in some cases, you won't know what they said before you became friends.

The more campfires you find (and follow) along with people, the busier your home feed is and the more interesting and/or fun your experience will be.

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There's idiotic and then there's Elon

Ubuntu is a great gateway distro. When I dumped Windows back in the Windows 10 days, Ubuntu made it an easy transition, time elapsed and there were things that didn't work right that I found frustrating. I eventually ended up trying out Fedora and the rest was history. I'm glad you found a good fit for you.

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Google says this every few years and never follows through.

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What in the definition of CIA training is this?

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Why are you moving instance? And why to an already packed instance?


It's assinine that these companies keep investing in ideas that A/ Rely on video and B/ Rely on the majority of their content creators contributing their content for free.

The only thing that Twitch was ever going to do was drive traffic elsewhere. Hence why Amazon bought them. But they failed to get good at being Twitch. It still sucks in terms of performance and there's no subsidiary platform for Twitch clips. Also didn't they chase off most of their adult content creators?

So they're basically trying to be profitable off of traditional advertising? Ha!

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Makes me sad that people are ruining good things for what? No reason!

This. I'm baffled by people coming here to talk about Reddit.

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Because there were enough incompatibilities to make it a hassle. But when they were sorting out the Web Manifest v3, they designed it with desktop and mobile in mind, so new extensions won't have problems.

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The fact that Ernest commented on this two months ago and then didn't fix the issue is saddening. I understand that everyone is busy, but crediting people isn't a big ask.

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The fact that you're sharing is already enough

Thunderbird for Android

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I believe Dessa said during the AMA that he's working on it.

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I would say that voting isn't actually different from posting/commenting. It's a process whereby a user takes part in a discussion/topic/post. In an ideal world, everyone would post, but we shouldn't act like active people who don't feel like they have anything to say explicitly, aren't here.

Honestly, most of the plastic we use can be replaced with hemp plastic or bamboo plastic, but because it's more expensive to make, none of the manufacturers bother.

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That's called an inconvenient truth. The fact of the matter is, if piracy was eradicated, concerts would be near empty and no one would know the music. Films that don't leak don't generally do as well unless you count blockbusters and even then, take Spider-Man, even if people pirate, fans will go and see it a few times. The problem isn't the piracy, it's that they can't profit off of it directly.

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Capitalism is shit. We're brainwashed to believe that there's only so much and we have to get as much as can and before everyone else, damn the cost, even if it's our mental health. I don't understand how we can't look at it from the other angle and say, if there's only so much, let's protect it. Let's share what we have so everyone can have fun. Let's care about everyone and lift everyone up.

I think even before that, there were major issues. The pandemic just made it so we couldn't ignore them any longer. Which is ridiculous given how much people were acting out. But now everyone is aware of how important it is, because so many were trapped with their own thoughts and/or monotony. Even so, our governments paid lip service and then failed to make meaningful changes. My government cares more about getting people back into the office than making sure mental health care is accessible to everyone.

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Wow, I mean all instances are free to what they wanna, but banning a sub seems extreme

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No, I'm trying to find a solution to a very real problem. World has had at least partial outages every day for a week now. It affects everyone when it gives the impression that things don't work and people aren't able to create content to attract new people to the wider platform. But have an upvote anyway.

OnlyFans is hugely pirated. But they will do well for two reasons. The first is that their service is good and easy. The second is that customers know that their money is motivation. Without their subscriptions, the models won't make content.

Bluetooth broadcasting. One device will be able to stream to hundreds and thousands of devices.

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So basically all Bluetooth devices are affected? This is huge news.

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Fucking hate patent trolls.

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Much better title!

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You sound entitled as hell and most of your ideas read like stuff a project manager comes up with when trying to justify their job and I say that despite their being some good ideas in there. Anyway, it's Saturday night, surely there's better things to do than whine about the developers not implementing what you want?

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