PSA: Pixel 8 Pro + NextDNS with 1Host (Pro) Users to – 44 points –

This is just a small public service announcement to inform users that 1 Host Pro blocks a GoogleAPI subdomain that blocks Google Play Services and subsequently notifications. 1 Host Lite doesn't have the problem and the issue doesn't affect devices which aren't in the 8 series. I was pulling my hair out before I figured out what was the cause of the issue.


Have you considered reporting this to the maintainers of the list?

The list does warn that breakage may occur.

Is the culprit ""?

Good looks. I’m a big fan of this configuration tutorial for NextDNS.

That's a terrible configuration.


How so? The 1Hosts blocklists introduced loads of issues for my network. Hagezi is about as perfect as it gets.

Was there something wrong with those optional FB/Insta whitelist options? I don’t use FB personally.

The Facebook graph is literally the thing everyone tries to avoid.

Personally I run a few different block lists, despite what people say, one isn't enough.

I believe that’s why it was listed down at the bottom in the whitelist section for those who still wanted to use FB?

What lists work well for you?

I'm running 16 lists. But looking at your setup, I would recommend adding EasyPrivacy and Goodbye Ads. Those two plus what you have already provide the widest coverage and plug the most gaps.

Following this tutorial will block TLDs used by some Lemmy instances, such as .zip.