1 Post – 682 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Other platforms exist. I'm sure they'll be fine.

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Before smartphones we had snake and Tetris on nom smart phones and we liked it. Before that books and news papers were popular.

Manual lawnmower.

The surface RT and windows ME e-machine computer were both a close second.

The thing is, if I want something I'll go looking for it. At the point where I'm looking for it or something like it, I am happy to consume ads even tangentially related to that thing. If analytics marketing worked this way (showing me relevant ads when I'm shopping for something, even if it's for something I am not actively looking for), things would be better. But ads have worked their way into the cracks of everything and that's my problem with them.

I hate Billboards. I don't like circulars (waste of paper and generally too much trash), I hate junk mail and I think it's predatory. Popups (singing, flashing, scrolling when I scroll to stay on the page, tiny exit buttons, video, etc) are garbage.

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You're in for a treat, my friend. I hope you love the book.

Are the tanks sound proofed too?

Trump would kill himself in a week. Vetinari wouldn't even have to do anything except talk to his dog during the debate. Vetinari would even put through a request the the Assassins guild to make sure the price to beat was too high to have him assassinated. Just to make a point.

Who's driving that ambulance?

If we used billboards for something like missing children or traffic announcements etc I'd be okay with that. But pretty much no actual ads for products. Billboards are a driving distraction and I don't approve.

On the mach E, my understanding is there's a panel where you hook up a jump box that supplies power to those circuits to allow you to use your key fob to open the door. But there's no bladed key to manually unlock the car. So technically there's a failsafe but it's not ideal. And I agree it ought not be allowed.

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There's a little panel you can use the uncut key blade to pop out and a power and ground wire in them that's accessible outside the vehicle. Of course that requires you to have a jump box or another car and some leads. I don't know who needs to hear this but stay real close to civilization if you drive one of these. Don't get stranded in no man's land.

I'm sure an OTA will fix it. /S

I've actually gone out of my way to avoid it but that has nothing to do with the accuracy of the results (although I would need those results to be accurate), and everything to do with avoiding ads and using the search web function to find very specific and detailed information rather than a summary.

In my short experience with the AI features for search specifically, I have experienced not being able to see the source of that information without having to click through and scroll down or continue a conversation with prompts. I don't want that. It very often slows down my work flow and that's the intention. To keep me on the page making additional queries and looking at more ads.

I have experienced Gemini with my phone though and it's actively worse than google assistant and home assistant in a lot of ways. Features that have allowed me for years to control smart devices and have been broken or unreliable. More so than the results of the Sonos lawsuit.

I want my devices to work. I don't want to have a conversation with a device to turn on lights or find out what the weather is like. Bottom line, the point of my comment was that (obnoxious to you or not), nobody is under attack for using AI products.

I said it was novel. I didn't say it was good.

Part of the reason I am not advocating for or against the extension or the source. People can judge for themselves. I thought it was funny (not a great idea but definitely an interesting implementation). For the record I use both unlock origin and Firefox, and I also run a pihole at home. I'm just putting out there that it exists.

Technically false. Google is an ISP. But they aren't using their position as an ISP to slow down traffic or fast track other traffic in this instance so no it has nothing to do with net neutrality.

Do it. Do a flip!

If they could stop trying to foist nitro on me that would be great.

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Hear me out. Perhaps it's a heavy handed mod or the community who is tired of Tesla posts full stop. Or Elon Musk posts, which tbh is kind of fair especially on places like the tech community. Musk does a lot of things to stay in the news cycle to stay relevant and a lot of people are fatigued about it.

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Motor vehicles are exempt and the law doesn't affect anything until 2025.

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Does anybody but me remember top sites? Back in the day bootleggers would distribute and share ripped movies and albums on top sites for bootleggers to download and copy to disc or tape. Like. They didn't use regular chats except to vet new people. They literally had their own chat networks. The same applies here. Like. Why do they think this will do anything much to make a dent in CP? We all know it won't and it's a poorly concealed attempt at destroying privacy laws.

Joe Rogan is in the business of making reactionary content for people who respond (regardless of whether that response is good or bad) to reactionary content. A bit more advanced that YouTube videos of prank fake bank robberies or filling a car with cement. But still in the same vein. He says things about hot button issues that I don't necessarily think he believes just to be controversial. He also tries to legitimise those opinions (even ones he doesn't believe in), and his fans believe him and therefore hold him in high esteem.

There is the potential for the person you know to like him or his show because it's absurdist in content. However it's more likely that they like it because it feeds certain biases of theirs. A world view that they embrace that doesn't necessarily match reality. The politics in your country may not be the same. But the politics in the US definitely have an effect on just about every other country in the world. Not all of Rogan's takes are political. He spreads a lot of general misinformation. I wouldn't be surprised if your acquaintance was just looking for validation in his content.

They don't clean the planes. Like you may think when they go in for maintenance they get a deep clean or whatever? Nah. Between flights? It might get a wipe down if it looks too dirty but probably not. Every now and again someone has to wipe the lavatories and the galley, but that's it.

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The YouTube adblocker overlay and such doesn't work if you're in incognito mode. You're welcome.

Has what's called a Telematics Control Unit. And that thing phones home. It's basically a wifi modem.

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Car toys is just gonna take in the bucks. These car manufacturers are thinking they can charge a subscription fee when car toys will plug in a little doohickey they just makes your heated seats work.

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Can linkedin go under. Can musk buy LinkedIn?

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We gonna go after every company that does this because pretty much all of them are.

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OnStar has been a thing since '96. They've been putting antennas on cars to locate or other wise track them for a long time. One of the things that bothers me about this article is that they don't say what year models or anything. While I'm sure that for the most part not all the automakers started this practice the exact same year, I am sure there was a starting point. Before then they couldn't track you. After they could. That's kind of disappointing. There are some people who think there early 2000's cars are safe. I am not so sure.

They also don't mention the fact that if they are using 3G or 2G or Edge components chances are they can't still be collecting data on users driving those vehicles. But anything with a newer onboard modem would be effected I should think.

If we could stop pretending we're superior to other social media that might be a start. The number of posts talking shit about the "average redditor" or suggesting that we need more "high quality content than reddit", or that everything needs to have a meaningful discussion is exhausting. We as a group seem to want to dictate who can comment, who can post, what kind of post is acceptable, and are fairly mean to newer people. You won't keep new people if you're rude to them or they see post after post trashing them.

Engagement comes at the price of low effort sometimes. So does content. Not every post or comment will be a shining beacon of perfection. Sometimes people just want to talk. Some of them are starved for human interaction.

Stop trash talking the lurkers. They may be sharing what content there is here and driving people to Lemmy instances. They're an important part of the ecosystem.

Ask what caliber of people you want here. Because it is very apparent to me that the loudest members only want a specific type of community member here. And they are very outspoken about that fact. But are they actively extending a hand to those people when they encounter them on any other platform? Word of mouth (or keyboard) works. It's slow but it works.

The only reason for Costco to do this would be theft prevention or to make sure members are the only ones using their cards.

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How long until we find out he's somehow in the closet?

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This is why they're losing advertisers left, right, and center.

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Meanwhile I've been trying to turn off all the news, bing smart AI, and BS popups in windows 11 on the computers where we clock in for weeks. No such luck.

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They hired a fixed ops manager who wanted to change the "culture" of the maintenance department. What he meant was he would penalize us for not meeting certain metrics while simultaneously posting our production to make us compete against one another. People quit. Don't think they're open anymore.

This is perhaps the most ironic thing about the whole reddit data scraping thing and Spez selling out the user data of reddit to LLM'S. Like. We spent so much time posting nonsense. And then a bunch of people became mods to course correct subreddits where that nonsense could be potentially fatal. And then they got rid of those mods because they protested. And now it's bots on bots on bots posting nonsense. And they want their LLM'S trained on that nonsense because reasons.

That's their business model. Drowning us in ads is literally how they make money. They aren't a tech company. They're an ad aggregation company. They collect data via having users use freemium services. They use that data to create anonymized profiles of millions or billions of people. They break those profiles down into subsets. And then they let ad companies buy the ability for Google to target those users with ads based on things they're likely to buy based on the data that Google has collected. It's a much more effective way of marketing ads than just playing ad spots on tv or on radio. Better than billboards and magazine spreads etc. That's literally what Google (and Apple, and Amazon even) do. It's what Facebook does. It's what most social media does. Their tech? Just a way to get you to buy into an ecosystem so you continue to feed the profile and the algorithm and see the ads.

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"People's store-bought DVD collections are always copy-protected or DRM-ed. In 2006, the U.S. Congress passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which made it illegal to circumvent DRM (Digital Rights Management) protection on DVDs. This means that it's illegal to create a software program that can bypass DVD DRM protection. Another way of saying it is, the moment you crack DRM to rip the DVD, you've violated the DMCA.

However, the DMCA contains an exception for "fair use." This means that you can legally rip a DVD for personal use, as long as you don't violate any of the other copyright laws. What does this mean in practice? You can rip a DVD for your own personal use, but you can't distribute the ripped file to others. You also can't make a copy of the ripped file for someone else.

So, in a nutshell, if you rip DVD's and restrict the copies to your own personal use, you're probably safe."

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I wanna play with the dick cage.

I do what I want. I'm eating Mac and cheese and nobody can stop me!

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