
1 Post – 414 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

beep boop

Dont have a source, but its not all that unrealistic. Airdropping one species, to counter another invasive one, is not unheard of.

I just wonder how they would do it with wolves. Probably using a big ass cage that opens when it hits the ground.

Edit: Nvm this is the first result for "wolves airdropped" Article

Double Edit: I now have realized you were talking about an artist source lmao im dumb.


Someone named Ronny P shared artist @Jubidoo‘s vision of an airborne wolf attack.

The Twitter Account that was linked (@Jubidoobydoo) is dead but there is an old archive snapshot

New handle seems to be @JubilationsArt

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There are things that are cool if they are voluntary but not cool when forced.

And for anyone wondering btw, this is actually a proven fact and not just a guess.

This article in german talks about the connections that the people pushing this have to the relevant tech industry companies.

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I doubt it tbh. A static wordpress site is infinitely less complex than something that constantly needs to take in and distribute content from/to thousands of endpoints with potentially many different api versions on the other side.

Im not that deep into activitypub stuff but from my understanding, automatic updates are not really a good idea in this case.

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I mean celebrating isnt gonna get you out of a post war collapse. So good job by the dutch?

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And instead you gift us with

Unable to load image from i.imgur.com

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Its insane to me how it was entirely proven that this whole political movement is a giant fear mongering psyop and despite that its still being discussed at all.

There are humanized warships in this one popular anime style game but i cant remember the name.

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I think he was making lighthearted fun of you for misspelling stake.

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This is a very shitty shitpost. Good find.

Oh dats cool :) Never seen an engine like that. Its impossible to see in the picture, so thanks for sharing!

Do you know what "figure of speech" means?

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Fair enough. It was kind of an exaggeration i guess.

Thats gotta be the worst one i have seen so far wow. Whats the opposite of a punchline?

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"5G india browser fast and secure" is probably the worst browser name i have ever heard, holy fuck

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This is neither novel, nor morally acceptable. People that do this work usually end up traumatized for life, because of the fucked up shit they often have to look at. Prisoners are not really in a position to negotiate, meaning you can push this work on them in a sort of non consentual way that is below what modern society should strive for.

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This is probably off the mark and i dont have any context, but on the first read it seemed to me that they thought you might have your own celebrations planned and didnt want to interfere.

On second read its weird because you agreed to their party while also just mentioning that fact on the side.

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Paywall hell is real.

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The bottom text in the black bar is crazy lmao.

Poor dude got accused of sexual harassment when he was trying to convey his love for human flesh.

Lots of lies in there, also pretty sexist. No need to maintain shitty gender stereotypes.

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This is what the pharma giant, Bayer is trying right now kinda. They just told everyone to manage themselves.

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The word "almost" is doing a lot of work here.

Thats not vandalism. Thats just a public service.

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The main dev made the last commit, so they dont have the right to make another commit, until they arent the last person to make a commit anymore (until someone else has made a commit). This makes sure that there are at least 2 people making commits but hopefully much more.

In other words, making a commit revokes your right to do so until someone else makes a commit.

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I would have assumed it was modeled after a real whale which actually died.

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Sauce? Where huge girl cock?

Found it: 368435

It is actual porn btw not just comedy.

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Honestly tho why are people even mad about stepsiblings banging? They are not related so where is the issue? Is it the social consequences? But people know and have good relationships to their partners parents all the time. Dont let your parents choice in partner hinder your own choice.

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Here some excerpts for lazy people like me. This is how they try to justify not doing anything about a lack of privacy for US citizens.

Getting a FISA court order is bureaucratically cumbersome and would slow down investigations — especially fast-moving cybercases

Yeah sure, because we dont constantly keep seeing atrocities being commited even when the feds already had intel weeks, months or even years before anything happened.

probable cause needed for a warrant is rarely available early in an investigation. But that’s precisely when these queries are most useful

So we just abolish probable cause and the burden of proof step by step because it makes things slightly easier? Sounds like fascism to me.

Serious answer? Yes. They often have either bleached teeth, which eventually destroys them so then they need veneers (fake front) and after that they get dentures.

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Dont even care if you are right, but go eat some dirt please. I have never read a post this annoyingly written.

Air quality i assume, i started leaving it open after getting a CO2 meter in my room. Having a larger volume of air to pull from, massively reduces the CO2 level in your room. My morning level went from 2500+ ppm down to ~700ppm. If you have plants it probably helps a lot too.

Idk if thats what these "experts" are talking about but thats just my experience.

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Calling Jews nazis, and saying Israel should be nuked

You just used the word Jews. Nobody was talking about Jews or Israel. We are talking about IDF war criminals and a dictator.

Yeah the nuking part is dumb but nazis is pretty fitting at this point. They are, using their goverments statements of intent as evidence, comitting genocide and constantly using very similar language to that of nazi germany.

Many high ranking israeli officials consider palestinians inferior "animals" that need to be eradicated.

If you dont get why people are losing their minds over that, then you shouldnt be surprised people dont like you.

I would argue the value distribution is not even tho. Im sure his iconic "motherfucker" and the movies in which he used it have contributed disproportionally more to this success. 🤓

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Old people like us need our apple slices so we dont spontaneously combust from vitamin deficiency.

For anyone interested, one of the last live streams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD-ohHo8crg Most of the others went to sleep after the masked israeli agitators left when the cops started moving in.

The camp people did a pretty good job at deescalating but when you have 30+ random masked people trying to tear down your camp, throwing stuff at you and beating up old people trying to deescalate then its tough to stay calm.

Pretty telling tho that police was present for 4+ hours and did nothing while people were getting assaulted. Eventually they will probably attempt to clear the camp under the pretense of violent acts happening, when the only violent people were the ones outside the camp.

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I instinctively read the characters the other way around, considering the cops kill people for no good reason pretty often.

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Nah i think the solution is not, everybody spamming communities with their local politics that have no international value.

The solution is, to post things that matter to everyone in shared communities and to either not post the rest or create communities for those topics.

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Idk why but twin tower jokes will never not be funny

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