Who made more money with it, him or Prince?

Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 723 points –

Apologies for the stupid and unnecessary censoring. I didn't make this.


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I would argue the value distribution is not even tho. Im sure his iconic "motherfucker" and the movies in which he used it have contributed disproportionally more to this success. 🤓

Your showing your confirmatuon bias. Marvel earnings weigh heavily in his total box office haul and he didnt swear in any of them. I think we're gonna need more graphs, to really get to the true value of the motherfucker.

Would he have been cast for his Marvel role if he never said “motherfucker” in previous iconic roles? It’s impossible to detangle the impact of motherfucker from his success. If we could quantify the value of every word prior to his first on-screen motherfucker, and compare with his post-motherfucker value-per-word that might help support the hypothesis that motherfuckers are worth more.

NGL when I watched the Robocop remakes I was waiting for him to get mad and say it and I was disappointed every time his scenes ended until finally on the last one he did it, I was excited to say the least.