2 Post – 166 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Everyone loves a buffet!

Would you use the term “bitch” when talking about dogs? Or just say female dog to avoid being misunderstood? It used to be used that way, but now you’re going to sound like an asshole if you use it.

Once people start using a technical term as a slur, it gets tainted by that additional meaning. You can’t forcefully separate the technical term from the slur. If you don’t want people to think you’re throwing around slurs, you need to find a new word to use.

Don't blame the people hurt by the slurs, blame the assholes who misused the word so often that they fucked up its meaning.

Prove it, show us the Rizz!

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We must set ourselves apart from reddit. Birb content only.

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Why the fuck would anyone want to ban medical emergency abortions? How would any sane person think this is a moral stance? The only goal is to kill women. How is this a mainstream political party’s stance?

Just declare open season on women already. Jesus Christ these people are fucking sick.

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Partyparrot. I just want to see more videos and photos of birds having a good time.

Like this guy.

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We had a local grocery chain get bought out by whole foods (before it was amazon). They went from 80% bullshit homeopathic vitamin shit and 20% old rotting produce to stores with actual (if overpriced) food. I’m sure the local vegans and crystal mommies were sad, but I thought it was a huge improvement.

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Somerton, not Somerset.

156 movies!? That’s like 3 per year since the ‘70s! That motherfucker works hard.

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I’m gonna design a dress made of nothing but pockets out of pure spite.

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It’s because the US doesn’t do secret trials. By default, everything in the courtroom is open to the public. An open, transparent justice system works really well in a functional democracy, but it’s going to seem hopelessly naïve in our current proto-facist hellscape.

They don’t give a shit about children, or birth. They think that women who have sex for fun deserve punishment, and that childbirth is just punishment for “immoral” sexual behavior.

All of them. Every prion disease affects the same protein in the brain. They’re all 100% fatal degenerative encephalitis diseases and they just plain suck.

Dog and social security card tax!!

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Yes! They’re just like us (divorced). Except birds.

The part supplier is the issue, the airlines weren’t aware they were being sold counterfeit parts. Chances are that many airlines, including small ones, purchased parts from this supplier. I’d be more likely to trust an airline that found these counterfeit parts than one who didn’t, it means they have a good maintenance / inspection system.

Yes, that’s a huge part of it. “Democratic” has been poisoned as word for many Republicans to the point where they can’t even discuss topics like democracy without experiencing reflexive disgust. So much of their decision making is centered around fighting things that make them feel scared or icky, it makes a twisted kind of sense.

I think the toilet wall thing is because we have an expectation that every public building must have public toilets available. Places don’t want you to fuck or shoot up in the bathrooms, so they make them un-private so you hurry the hell up and leave. It’s a bit of hostile architecture, like making park benches that you can’t lie down on to keep people from trying to sleep on them. Make the “undesirables” uncomfortable enough and maybe they’ll go be undesirable somewhere else. Meanwhile it’s just a little bit less nice for everyone else as well.

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Would he have been cast for his Marvel role if he never said “motherfucker” in previous iconic roles? It’s impossible to detangle the impact of motherfucker from his success. If we could quantify the value of every word prior to his first on-screen motherfucker, and compare with his post-motherfucker value-per-word that might help support the hypothesis that motherfuckers are worth more.

The towel falling off just makes it more comfortable.

I can happen to you! You can be in your late 30s, never had an issue. Then one day, BAM! The dream was too vivid and you’ve pissed the bed. Your body will betray you some day.

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If you give kids free lunches, they will have no incentive to get jobs cleaning slaughterhouses! Without this opressive welfare program, the kids will be free to choose whether to continue on to middle school or leave their studies behind for a lucrative career in an abattoir.

Without the grandma-name baggage, it sounds like a colloquial name for industrial injury -based PTSD. Like naming yourself Shelshok.

That man could make a mean stew.

Nope. I think cis men (trans men too) should be able to wear bright colors and different types of clothes like skirts or dresses and not have people give them shit for it. Like… wearing a piece of fabric in a slightly different shape shouldn’t make people wonder if you’re gay or trans. The super rigid definition of “masculine” sucks and it makes life more boring.

I really like wearing fun shoes and giant earrings and cute dresses. I’m sad thinking that some guys would like to branch out but don’t feel like they can “pull it off” without making a scene.

Antonio is an excellent name for such a dapper duck.

Time for butt stuff!

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I’m picturing some sort of high tech containment field. Perhaps somewhere deep in a sub-basement laboratory at the Gore Naval Research Base in Antarctica. At the center, held aloft by powerful magnets, are two birds rapidly spinning, emitting an eerie blue glow. A series of tubes, illuminated from within by this mysterious ether, branch off in all directions. This is the core.

The fucking SWAGGER. Thanks for sharing that, it made my day.

Well invertebratarians anyway. Calamari’s still on the menu!

They could have just asked! I’ll happily piss in any cop car, free of charge.

Do you think the abortion law might not have anything to do with the change in birth rate among Hispanic teens? I guess I’m not sure why breaking this out into racial demographics is adding anything to our understanding of the trend.

Examining why hispanic girls seem to be disproportionately affected by the law could be an interesting followon study.

But they’re so classy and adorable! Your boss is a monster.

How many times have you repeated this process? Why was one flayed dick not enough?

If the gloves are nitrile they sometimes can have a nasty sulfur odor that doesn’t wash off easily.

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You gotta learn to have fun with it. Maybe use glitter.

Dammit, now I’m craving seven corndogs!

Nice try, Margot.

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