I feel sorry for men who have to wear pants

atomicorange@lemmy.world to Showerthoughts@lemmy.world – 967 points –

I can wear a dress to work and nobody criticizes me. I’d be really sad if I had to wear pants all the time, they’re just not as comfortable. Let’s normalize pretty dresses for dudes!


Yea, but let's design some to work on male bodies. Dresses are generally built for female body shapes, and rely on curves most guys just don't have in order to complete the shape - so we end up looking like Graveyard Barbie in them.

Guys tend to be a lot more oblong, and the overall design would need a rethink in order to actively work with that shape, instead of unsuccessfully trying to compensate for it.

No, I don't know how to do this.

I was a slutty nun for Halloween and looking cute in a skirt is definitely possible, but man does it take a lot of work to find anything that fits decently. Dresses are simply impossible to find of course because, as you said, the shape is not at all made for men.

Also that outfit made me want to go full f1nn5ter and dress up in feminine clothes all the time lol. It's so much fun! I'm so down for people to figure out how to make the shape work for masculine body shapes.

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My first thought when I read op was that trousers are a relative new development.

The Romans made fun of the Gauls for wearing them.

So if you decide to wear traditional Roman dress, trousers shouldn't be included.

But it's still designed for men.

Pretty cool how the Romans just took a good idea from a more primitive culture. Guess there wasn't anyone around to scream about cultural appropriation.

The Romans calling the Gauls primitive is a bit like the British calling the Americans primitive.

True, but for Gods sake don't look in the mirror.

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Dudes in parts of Africa and the Middle East have already got it figured out. Djellabas look fantastic on most men. I'd love to see more people wearing them.

It wouldn't be that hard, I think. Just make it more square on top and drop the accentuating part from the waist to either halfway between the belly button and hips or all the way to the hips. Or you could raise it to chest height and have a long, straight bottom part, more robe-ish.

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Honestly, one thing I hate about being biologically male is that men's clothes all look so goddamn generic.

Oh, you're wearing a suit. It's. A suit. I guess. They all look the same.

You're wearing jeans. And a t-shirt. And they all look basically the same.

Khakis and a polo? You madlad. Well, you and everybody else at the country club. Who all look exactly the fucking same.

The thing that really gets me is, it didn't used to be this way. You look at pictures of people in paintings and whatnot and men had some wild shit going on. There was variety, if somewhat less, even into the early 20th. But... seriously tell me if I'm wrong here... it feels like we got to WWII and men's fashion just stopped. Like an entire generation of men put on uniforms and eighty years later we still haven't completely taken them off.

They don't ALL look the same. It's just that the stuff that actually looks non-generic are either super expensive or super uncomfortable.

Or, just bad. There's nothing generic about Ed Hardy. Most people elect to look generic rather than be caught dead in that mess.

True that! I have some awesome looking denim pants, that are literally painted with colorful paint. I always get compliments from both men and women when I wear them. I also got them basically for free at the store, since no one were buying them.

But, they're about as comfortable as you would expect denim pants painted with thick paint to be: stiff and scratchy.

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Mainstream clothes for sure, but I feel the same way about mainstream women's clothes. Waist high jeans, an inoffensively colored top and a vest or blazer. Switch out the jeans for beige linen pants in the summer. Yawn. If you want inspiration for some more interesting clothes in general but men in particular, you gotta look to non-mainstream subcultures. Especially ones that don't give shit about gender. I hung out with hippies for years and men and women alike are dressed in cool, colorful and interesting clothes. Both genders wear pants, dresses, and skirts. It heavily inspired my style and believe me, I stand out a lot among other women. If you want more variety you have got to look further than what's mainstream. Because that'll always trend towards boring and basic.

Even mainstream clothes are better in the woman's section. I was in Peacocks (fairly small cheap clothes shop - you can see most of what they've got by standing near the centre) and you can just tell where the men's clothes are by the sea of dull, boring shades with not a single thing showing any sign of colour at all, like the brightness is turned down to 1 on the telly. The style differences are minimal. Even the material is just awful scratchy fabric for the most part. Look over to the woman's section and it's a sea of colour, many more different styles (not that many, as I said, this is a small cheap shop), and if you touch anything it's instantly noticeable that the material is much better quality, softer. I don't get woman who wear men's clothes - why would you put yourself through that?

There is more variety for sure, but my point kinda was that most people, men and women, don't really make full use of the variety there is. Almost everyone dresses kinda dull. Women have easier access to special and colorful clothes than men (although the latter can definitely find some if they look for it) and they do use it a slightly more but actually interesting clothing takes a little willingness to stand out that most people simply do not have. Maybe it's different in other countries though - where I live conformity and not standing out is woven into every aspect of our culture.

I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment. I think what we should do is learn how to sew. I already bought a sewing machine but I haven't had time to learn how to use it. Hopefully I will be able to learn the basics in the few work-free days I will have in the summer. My point being, we (men) need to take fashion into our own hands and start designing what we want to wear.

I (woman) have been learning to sew for a while mostly due to the indignity of never having pockets unless I put them in myself. But I also took the plunge and made my husband a novelty Christmas shirt last year and honestly even though it seemed like it would be terrifying it was surprisingly straightforward! Now he can have all the ridiculous colorful shirts he wants.

Basically I'm saying yes, learn to sew, it's bloody brilliant.

And they are only available in about three colours - black, dark blue and grey. yawn

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Some workmates and I petitioned our boss for the return of 70's office shorts over the course of one hot summer, to no avail.

70s? Those are just summer work clothes in Australia.

Oh man I wish, I was stuck in shoe length cotton blend for three years of my life and I dreaded February coming around

Those are some ridiculously short shorts, especially on the left. How is he not hanging out the bottom?

Don't get me started on shorts. Modern shorts which go down to the knee - what's the point?!

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As a man I never considered pants to be uncomfortable. They are the perfect mix of range of motion, hiding the private parts. and support. Dresses, skirts, and robes seem like a nightmare to wear. You either restrict your range of motion or have to constantly worry about showing your underwear. And I would wear boxer briefs underneath by choice anyhow, so I still end up wearing pants.

I think the bigger issue is that most of us men are too lazy to look for different kinds of pants and end up wearing the same stuff year-round. Which can indeed become uncomfortable due to changes in temperature. But that issue wouldn't be fixed by having access to dresses or robes. As again, some would either be too cold or too hot.

I used to have a pretty intense not-like-the-other-girls fase in my teens, and I never wore skirts or dresses, and felt the same way you do. Then I got over that internalized misogyny and started experimenting with clothes a little, and the first time I put on a dress it was like a hallelujah moment. The most comfortable thing in the goddamn world. They do not restrict your movement at all, that's only a problem if you wear knee-high pencil skirts of stiff fabric. In colder seasons you wear leggings under them which are equally comfortable. It was so incredibly comfy I did a complete 180 and it took me 10 years to wear a pair of pants again, and that's only because the waist high mom jeans in style now are so loose and non-restricting. Any other style of pants I won't touch with a 10 feet pole.

But how do you sit in an office chair with your feet on the seat, like I do, in a dress?

No, I refuse to sit properly.

Wear a long enough dress and you'll be fine. You could also wear a skort (which is a skirt/dress with shorts built in underneath, but from the outside it just looks like a regular skirt/dress) or just wear shorts or leggings underneath. You've got lots of options!

From experience: as long as the dress is nice and roomy you can sit as prawn-like as you want.

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Anytime you want to try it with a bath towel you might realise she's right. The only thing creating a problem is when it falls off.

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Nah no pity here, we got pockets best thing in the world you should probably feel more envious really

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A friend has a degree in fashion design and her senior project was a clothing line that you ordered by measurement instead of men's/women's sizing so it was supposed to fit a person not a gender.

I think those are called kilts, and some of the cooler ones come with pockets (just like the cool lady dresses.

I've worn a kilt to participate in Scottish heritage festivals and the Highland Games. It's a far, far better garment than pants or shorts in hot weather and super comfy in general. Pants are great, but for just hanging around and casual wear kilts are amazing.

Utilikilts (the ones with pockets) are awesome, but with a traditional kilt you can accesorize with a nice belt and sporran (the little pouch in front).

All in all, I'd be really happy to see more kilts and similar garments in day to day men's fashion.

I personally don't like utilikilts because the sort of folk who wear them at faire aren't always the most savory, but I fuck heavily with a traditional tartan and a sporran.

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Completely agree. While both pants and dresses have their pros and cons, it should be everybody's own choice which one they want to wear. I hope that this is something that will change over time.

A few summers ago I brought up the idea that men should be allowed to wear shorts to the office if women can wear dresses and my boss literally laughed in my face. We work in a small-ish office and are not client facing so who tf cares what we wear? A while later they made a whole big deal about us being allowed to wear jeans to the office ever day (vs only on Fridays) you could hear a pin drop at the staff meeting. It was painful but satisfying to watch. Fuck those assholes…

If the corporate policy doesn't explicitly require you to wear pants (or prohibit shorts), then just go ahead and wear em I reckon, they can't fire you for wearing shorts.

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Boxers-while-working gang rise up.

While I can appreciate the freedom of boxers, I don't like the gentlemen down below wandering all day long. A nice mesh boxer-brief is where it's at. If I were rich, I'd have a full set of the Saxx Quest Ballpark™ Pouch boxers - those are my go-to for travel days. Sadly, they're also $30+ a pair.

This is why I am nude 100% of the time.

I tried to remain nude for 24 hours for shits and giggles. Was not particularly comfortable.

Pants are optional when entering my house however underwear is mandatory lol.

A lot of comments here are not wrong. Men’s clothing in general doesn’t have a lot of variety. 4 different colors of the same style shirt or more doesn’t count as variety. Look in a big box clothing store and you’ll see that the women’s section is almost always 2 to nearly 3x larger.

The women's department has two full floors dedicated to it. The men's has to share a floor with the children's department and non-clothing items.

Look in a big box clothing store and you’ll see that the women’s section is almost always 2 to nearly 3x larger

What do they sell in the men's section? Genuinely curious because as a man I never shop for clothes...

Years ago, I found a brand and model (yes, they have a model number) of pants that fit well and have lots of pockets. I have them in long/short, and black/blue/tan. I wear a uniform shirt at work (it's totally optional, but about half the staff wear them and I find they puts me in "work mode" mentally). My partner buys my shirts, because she tolerates me owning half a dozen pairs of the same pants but will not tolerate it for shirts.

My fashion choices are my shoes, my watch, my glasses, my phone, and my haircut. All four are the same every day but every six months or so I change one. That's enough for me. I think it's incredibly freeing to not have to worry about what I look like every day.

Im pro men wearing whatever the f they want. Im not pro shaming men wearing pans to promote men wearing dresses

Not trying to shame anyone. I feel sad that men seem to have fewer choices is all. I’m pro-pants, and also pro- skirts and shorts and dresses and jumpsuits and strategically arranged utility belts.

Here's a little secret. We have all the options in the world. No one is stopping me from wearing a skirt or dress.

I just simply don't want to. I love pants. I think they feel great. Adds another layer of protection for my balls.

You don't have to be sad for anyone.

Edit: just to add... just underwear is not enough for me. Just like some girls don't like it when their boobs bounce around, I don't like it when my balls bounce around.

Pants help keep them in place. Gotta take care of those. My entire bloodline depends on it.

I’m glad you feel free to dress how you want! I’m not sure that’s universal, but hopefully some day it will be.

I have 4 kilts and wear them to work when I want to, almost as a dare to management so I can retire off a lawsuit. Utilikilts and Verillas have great kilts with pockets for workin' men that like a pretty skirt.

If they give you flak, just say it's part of your religion.

Oh, I'm definitely planning on testing the limits of my newfound freedom of speech through religious expression.

Considering founding a religion that bars wearing shirts and shoes in public buildings. Then we can have a splinter group that can ONLY enter buildings while armed, good luck getting those guys to court without violating their civil rights!

It's strange how seeing a man in a skirt or kilt feels so off. Like, my brain just fires an alert for some reason. It's just a freaking piece of cloth, wtf.

We are so brainwashed.

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Any links to dress fashion for men?

I’m all for it. I hate wearing pants in the summer, but we’re not allowed to wear shorts. However, no one can refuse me wearing a long skirt or dress!

Why arent you allowed to wear shorts?

Sexist rules in most companies, men are not allowed to show their legs nor feet, but women are, guess why.

Dress code standards most places. It's frustrating watching the women at work with skirts and tank tops while I'm dying because we're not allowed to wear shorts or sleeveless shirts.

Plan a day where some of the guys come in skirts. Bonus points if they are a bit too short. You'll see how quick they change that dresscode. Employers are not allowed (at least where I live in EU) to have such dresscodes based on gender, that's discrimination.. we were planning to do it at the place where I work a couple years ago but when management heard about it they changed the policy.

Fair enough, that's too bad. At my work there is no such policy and there are a few men who wear tailored shorts in the summer but it's not overly common here either I suppose.

I agree with your overall sentiment, but I'm good keeping my ugly knees and hairy legs covered.

Your body, your choice. If you really don't like hair you could shave it. I hope you can learn to love your knees, you've got 'em for the rest of your life.

He can love his knees without thinking they're pretty.

He can love his knees without thinking they are pretty, and without feeling shame for them or concern for what others feel about them.

"Can" of course meaning "conceivably possible" ("one can be both rich and unhappy") and not "easily accomplished" ("one can blink, usually")

Yeah, no. There's no complex or embarrassment here. I really don't give a shit what anyone else thinks about my pale weird legs. It's just personal preference. I've never been much for short pants.

But I absolutely, unironically appreciate your word salad at the end there. Masterful writing.

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I feel the opposite. I wouldn't wear a dress even if it was socially acceptable, they don't look comfy.

They look comfy as hell when it's hot out. I don't think I could swing wearing a dress in the office, but I bet they'd let me wear a kilt...

With ya there. I would totally wear sweatpants to work if I were allowed to though.

They are insanely comfy BUT you're gonna want to have things tucked away down there. If you walk into the wind...I've never felt so exposed in public in my life.

And skirts. They are soooo comfy, but it's not socially acceptable to go outside in one.

Unless you are a Scot

My boss made it very clear that while the pictures in our dress code handbook are of the general gender stereotypes, doesn't mean we are holding people to that. As long as you are business casual it doesn't matter how you represent.

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I'm cool with pants. It's one less thing to worry about, not having my crotch exposed or readily available.

Plus, if I fall, my legs are more protected

I may be in the minority on this, but I wear pants to work every day, even in the summer, and it doesn't feel uncomfortable. I just like wearing my jeans, and if anything, I've gotten more flak from friends about not wearing shorts enough

Same! To me wearing jeans is the most comfortable form of pants, I don't even own a pair of sweatpants lol. I only wear shorts when its too hot for jeans.

Men, let me introduce you to sarongs. My cousin was roommates with a Ukrainian guy and after he tried wearing it he basically got converted. He bought a dozen to be brought back to Ukraine. With the conflict going on I hope he's safe now.

Forgive my ignorance, but what’s the difference between this and a towel or bedsheet?

I honestly do not know

It’s similar to the difference between toilet paper and facial tissues. Size, texture, materials, thickness… etc.

Heres a video on how to wear a sarong, notice how unlike a towel or bedsheet its not a rectangular piece of cloth. Its as if two opposing ends of a towel were joined, turning it into a tube of cloth.

Its worn casually in some and formally (traditional clothing) in others, the material and design can get very elaborate. Its worn by men and women in lots of different ways.

Im speaking from experineces in south and south-east asia, it might be different elsewhere.

I don't have experience with a sarong, but a saree is basically the same thing.

The difference is in the shape and size of the piece of cloth. That's how you can tell a saree, bedsheet and towel apart. There is also usually difference in material (but fine silk towels exist, as do coarse cotton sarees), patterns/weaves (but there are towels and sarees that share pretty similar patterns) and quality of materials used (but again, ridiculously high quality silk bedsheets are a thing). The real difference is the shape and size - sarees are always 5.5m x 1.15 m ('standard' 6-yards), or 8.2m x 1.15m (9-yards, worn only on special occasions now, and only in a few specific regions).

In a pinch, a saree works as a towel or a bed sheet or a cover sheet of any sort, really. However, good luck getting a towel or bedsheet draped onto your body - you'll look like you're in a sack. They just don't have the right shape!

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I agree. There should be a turn back to the robe-like garments that are used by everyone in certain cultures. It's comfy and it looks regal as fuck. And with the heat waves we've been getting we are gonna have to adapt to our environment where we can

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I don't know if I would wear a dress, but I'm all for making skirts gender neutral.

A dress could be nice. No more butt/stomach showing if I crouch or bend over. Also, I bet cats would love it.

I don't think skirts are gender for me personally (cis man), but if it wouldn't draw any extra attention to me, I'd consider trying them.

Maya Kern's skirts have pockets that can fit a Nintendo Switch in them. Consider the pocket possibilities if they made "men's skirts" (or just reasonable pockets for everyone). Imagine... Being able to adjust how you're sitting without your remote car keys setting off your car alarm.

My grade school had a dress code, and one part of that dress code was that for the winter months, boys had to wear pants, not shorts. The girls could wear skirts on any day.

Well there was a heat wave and we asked multiple times to wear shorts and they told us no... so we collected as many skirts as we could and most of us came in athletic shorts with a skirt. Technically in dress code becaure girls were allowed shorts under their skirts. Rule was changed the next day.

I tried to use this argument with a boss during the summer, when she told me shorts weren't "professional"... She didn't bite when I pointed out the variety of "professional" female vs male attire, and that no summer male alternative to pants exists. I pointed out the skirt she was wearing during that scorching day as an example.

But I worked primarily in the field and none of my Clients nor their care facilities cared, so joke's on her and I wore what I wanted anyway. Dressed in pants on days I went into the office or brought Clients to one of my (former) organization's facilities.

But I am totally okay with this trade-off given that men's clothes actually have pockets! I'll sweat my balls off in exchange for functional pockets any day..

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Agreed, 100%. I grew up in a hot area and worked in offices where long pants were the standard. I was always jealous that ladies could get all that ventilation and I was stuck with boiler pipes on my legs.

Nobody's making me wear pants. I've worn garments similar to dresses and skirts and I'm not a fan at all.

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Technology in pants has gotten so good that jeans which used to be uncomfortable have now gotten thin, stretchy, and soft while still looking the same

I just got talked to about wearing shorts by my manager. I told her I'd just wear a dress then. I haven't found one I like yet.

I bet you'd look good in a nice maxi dress. Just pick your colors or go all black. That goes with everything and maxi dresses look great with boots or just some flat shoes.

I am also down with guys wearing whatever they like and especially dresses and skirts. Men look so nice in skirts especially, it's like their calves are built for it.

As a man I appreciate your concerns. However, in my country the problem is much larger on the women's side as female professionals are struggling for their rights to wear trousers in professional settings. The recent progress? The lawyers just got allowed to wear pants instead of skirts only.

Why the fuck is this something that must be permitted in the first place? My rights to wear a kilt can wait until women can wear pants.

Why would this division in rationale be productive? The struggle to wear a dress and the struggle to wear a pants are both but the same, the right to choose for yourself what you want to dress with. Same as the right to wear a Hijab, or the right not to wear it. The right to wear what one wants is not something that can wait for anyone.

At least in my country, men wearing kilt would be weird at best, but females of certain professions would be outright barred from practicing if they showed up in pants.

The level of oppression towards women is much stronger, hence the urgency.

Yeah, my perspective is definitely American. I hope the women in your country get the right to dress how they please soon. Thank you for being an ally to them!

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Got it. Utilikilts for all!

This. Not Scottish, but I wear a kilt whole summer everywhere. Fortunately our company does not have a dress code at the office.

All clothes should be accepted based on functionality and practicality regardless of gender.

No need for dresses. Just make baggy cargo pants (and cargo shorts fo those of us who , unlike me, like shorts) fashionable and business code compliant.

I'm a chemist, we're basically glued to our jeans regardless of gender. Yes, summer is hell for us.

Imma literal bread factory technoliogist 💀 A row of 220C ovens it is

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Tbf, regarding dresses, skirts and other gowns: Your legs never get pinched, you can just fold your legs up under you when sitting down, as a guy you can just lift it up to pee and don't risk getting your member stuck in the zipper, as a girl, if you have the proper underwear, you don't need to take of your pants, many long skirts actually come with pockets or you can mod pocket slits into them and wear historical pockets under them, you can have them in any length, some pants lengths are silly, skirts allow more air ciruclation, just wear them made of the weather appropriate material...

But honestly, as a guy who grew up doing late High Medieval Living History (about the time of Friedrich II of the HRE), dresses are frigging lit. Just pull it over, secure with your belt and pouch, put on your shoes, if it's cold get your cape. DONE. Go out there and look like the Anti-Christ, King of Jerusalem and "principum mundi maximus"

I quite like pants and am very uncomfortable in a dress, so I wouldn't want to give up pants for dresses.

I tried on my wife's skirt and walked around the house one day.

Easy, breezy, like A/C on my balls. Shit was kinda nice.

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Legit one of the nicest parts about WFH, I just wear loose basketball shorts. Feels so nice.

Fellow WFH'er over here - basketball shorts, joggers, hell... even briefs when it's particularly warm!

WFH'er here too. Clothes are entirely optional, though a handy t-shirt is good for impromptu cameras-on Zoom/Teams call!

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I'm a guy and really like wearing long skirts. They're just so comfy for me and i can't wear them outside =(

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It already exists and is called a sarong. That is a traditional Sri Lankan dress for males that slowly went away after western colonization. Bonus fun fact: Arthur C. Clarke used to rock this style.

We know it by a different name, but it's still going strong in India.

That's a vetti, yes? There's a tiny difference in that a vetti is an open cloth whereas a sarong's ends are sewed together. So a sarong is a closed loop.

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India wears it all; be it dhoti, lungi, or the mundu. And we wear both the lungi (aka sarong) and the mundu (the unstitched sarong) at half-mast with full pride, never mind our thunder thighs and skinny legs.

Now if only someone could take away the rice belly and the mosquitoes, both women and men would be happier.

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I'm a woman and I'm confused as to how you find dresses and skirts comfortable. They're a pain in the ass, uncomfortable, look terrible on most people i see in them and pants are way more comfy if you buy the right ones. And most offices are freezing cold year round anyway.

You need better fitting dresses and skirts then. Are you only wearing tight/form fitting dresses? Of pencil skirts? These are terrible indeed.

Nice, flowy dresses? Pure bliss! I hate wearing pants in the summer, it's way too hot.

No, they're all just uncomfortable. Flowy dresses aren't any better than non-flowy, but tight dresses feel better than the loose ones, which just feels like nightgowns (which I don't like either). All of your skin sticks together unless you're wearing hose or something underneath and there's nothing worse than dealing with hose.

Different people are different. Not everyone likes the same things. This notion that skirts and dresses are universally comfortable isn't any more correct than saying everyone wants to wear pants all of the time.

Nah they all suck and are uncomfortable. Form fitting clothing sucks in general, but flowy dresses are still uncomfortable because you have to be careful of how you move unless you want everyone accidentally seeing your bits or your ass. Also still got the problem of the fabric bunching up getting in the way. And they still look terrible on anyone whos not rail thin.

Offices are freezing cold for only half of the people. For the other half offices are always way too hot.

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I wear a kilt. It really is more comfortable than pants.

I actually remember seeing a blog post, too, showing a fashion line of skirts for men. Not for cross dressers either (but no judgement if that's you). It was marketed as a style that still made the men appear masculine. I forget the brand name, but I was intrigued.

I've almost stopped wearing shorts completely. Except for swimming. I now wear UPF sun protected pants and sun hoodies most of the time outside. Hate sunscreen but hate being burned more. I've watched my dad get a lot of potentially cancerous moles removed. I'm trying to prevent that

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I would never wear a dress. Pants are fine with me. I'd be perfectly content just wearing jeans and a t shirt for the rest of my life.

Not me, I wear comfy loose shorts all summer. They are so loose and comfy that my dong can be seen flopping around as I walk. I imagine it's somewhat close to what a dress might feel like, and it's very comfy in the hot months.

Thank you. I get to work from home for 2 days a week and I dont wear anything for the 8 hours lol

Do you finish your shift, clock out, and get dressed?

Why not just stay nude on your free time?

Or is this all just a subtle hint about the type of work you do? 😉

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Sarongs are the answer. In warmer months I wear them often.

How can it be sarong when it feels saright?

Growing up in Fiji my school uniform was a formal sulu (Fijian sarong). Comfy and versatile. Even the police wear them on the job.

You're 100% right. I shall spread the word and call it "saright" from now on. I have some from Samoa and Thailand, but perhaps I should look into sulu for special occasions.

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ong you get used to it after a while. it would be cool tho if it was socially acceptable for dudes to wear dresses. sun dresses look really comfy during the summer time.

An underrated aspect of dresses (IMO) is that it's all one garment - no deciding which shirt goes with which pants - it's all one thing. Of course you still need to choose other things like shoes, but it feels refreshingly simple to just have one garment. I guess you get the same benefit with jumpsuits but people wear those less.

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Ties are even worse.

So, we're going to take this bit of cloth, tie it in a slip knot and put it around your neck.
Is this a dressing or a hanging?
Does it matter? you aren't going to enjoy it either way.

I love to wear dresses! Unfortunately the social stigma is still strong, even in progressive environments. I’d love to see a world where dressing is not a gendered matter.

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I would gladly wear a Roman senatorial toga all the time.

Middle easterners wear a juba. Which is a long flowy robe that is not unlike a dress.

I've never wanted to wear a dress, I do however enjoy the fact that I can work naked from home.

Do you also get the webcam paranoia though? I'm covering up mine when I'm working in the nude.

I got a little flap cover on Amazon for my Logitech camera. Now it’s a very deliberate and physical action.

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If I actually wanted to wear a dress, I totally would. Somehow I can’t get over the idea of everyone looking up my crotch as soon as I sit down.

I've often complained about how females have so many more options for clothing than men. Men get shirts and pants. You can choose to have long or short sleeves (same with pants). You can accessorize with a belt too! maybe a watch if you like. Beyond that uhh, that's all you get lol

Yeah but you know what men get? Pockets! I hate having to go everywhere with a fucking bag

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I used to feel really sad about having to wear pants all the time. Some might have even called it dysphoric.

I’ll be honest, I wear stretchy scrubs for my job and cannot imagine more comfortable clothing. That being said; never tried a dress lol

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With this heat I am seriously considering looking in to kilts or just straight up getting a skirt. I don't know that it will be any nicer tbh.

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I wear shorts to the office when it's hot out

Man, I'm so glad I don't have to wear some ridiculous suits or even just shirts with ties or similar to the office. In current weather, I wear shorts, a T-shirt and sandals (which I exchange for slippers if I know I won't be leaving the office for the next few hours).

Don't feel sorry, I have shorts. And my pants are tech ones, so they're better than a dress anyways.

I always say this! I don't understand how some women DON'T wear dresses. There's nothing better on a hot day.

A few years ago I was in a music video from a local band were I was dressed in drag. A skirt and a light shirt. It was one of those very hot summers and we'd be basically dancing in a basement in the video. I was happy like a little princess, jumping around between takes while everybody was sweating their balls off.

We want male manly dresses NOW!

this is why i am naked at home all the time. Clothes are so restrictive. bball shorts are a good second. Skirt/Kilt could be even more comfortable.

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Skirts, dresses, capris, shoulder length sleeves shirts... I'm over here suffering in long pants and long sleeves all summer.

Pants are cool and all, but having to shave almost daily just to keep up appearances is worse. Women can go ages without shaving their legs (some don't even grow hair on their legs, so they don't even have that), and nobody will notice. For a guy, you're basically a bum off the street if your facial hair growth is like 2 or 3 days old. You might have that sweet spot where a day or two of growth looks "rugged", but it only lasts for a few minutes and only in the right lighting, then you somehow cross over into looking like a pathetic alcoholic.

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Why wear a dress when you can just get naked instead? lennyface.jpg

The Scottish are way ahead of ya. those kilts look pretty comfortable.

I already see more men wearing skirts in summer and it brings me so much joy. I've said it before and will say it again; clothes don't need to be gendered. If something looks good on a woman it will look good on a man too, and vice versa.

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Southeast Asian batik clothes are a nice alternative to western clothing (for both men and women)

Here they can be considered both formal and casual so you can wear it for anything. I'm a big fan of batik pants myself.

I feel blessed that I only have to wear pants.

at any previous job I would agree, but I work in a datacenter now that is not only quite cold, but also has lots of strong sources of blowing air that could be problematic with the wrong dress. Whenever I go to renfest I wear my kilt and fucking love it though.

Yeah, but it's worth the trade off. Men's clothes typically have pockets FOR DAYS.

Don't feel bad for us. I like my pants. Even on a blistering hot day at work they keep me safer from burns and cuts and when I'm out hiking in jeans I don't have tick problems

Been wearing a kilt for years. I will never go back. Pants are tight, restrictive, and lack much needed ventilation. And let's be honest, they weren't designed to accommodate the male anatomy. Much better to have a kilt and enjoy the breeze between your knees.

A few years ago, back in the Netherlands, the male bus drivers of a certain public transportation company were forced to wear long pants by their 'managers'. Their female colleagues had a more comfortable uniform with a skirt. As a protest, a number of male bus drivers started borrowing the uniforms of their femaile colleagues. HR gave in. Good.

Was hot enough the other day I pulled out the ranger panties at work, no shame. Those are good enough tbh!

Hey, I'm retarded but is this a trans thing...?

Nope. I think cis men (trans men too) should be able to wear bright colors and different types of clothes like skirts or dresses and not have people give them shit for it. Like… wearing a piece of fabric in a slightly different shape shouldn’t make people wonder if you’re gay or trans. The super rigid definition of “masculine” sucks and it makes life more boring.

I really like wearing fun shoes and giant earrings and cute dresses. I’m sad thinking that some guys would like to branch out but don’t feel like they can “pull it off” without making a scene.

No. ? They said men should be able to wear clothes that's more comfortable without the feeling weird about it

I'm a woman and I wish I didnt have to "look cute" every day. Sometimes you just want to wear a shirt, pants, sneakers, and a ball cap. But for some reason that would be weird even tho the guys on my office dress like that every day. We're just talking about these weird unwritten rules.

@atomicorange I've been kilt-only for two years now and the very idea of ever having to wear trousers again is outright horrible.
I've also tried skirts, dresses. and women's things in general but holy crap most of it is just wildly uncomfortable and not remotely functional. The entire Western clothing industry is caught in a serious rut

I prefer shorts or capri pants over pants and dresses. So much more comfy, and I don't have to worry about showing someone my junk by accident, while still getting that nice air flow of comforting relief.

I guess the closest we got are priestly robes and kilts then.

I've got some nicer looking golf type pants that work really well in the heat. IT's been over 90 for months already, and i'm in Canada where we're not used to this being here for so long. I'm pretty much dri fit from head to toe when it's over 23c now and it's at least as light and flowy as a dress haha.

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To all the men saying they're comfortable enough in jeans / chinos / whatever... you should TRY wearing a dress in a hot summer. There is a little bit of adjusting to get used to it, but after that damn they feel amazing. Women are so lucky to wear these whenever they want to.

You can of course decide you're comfortable enough in whatever, but an informed decision is always the better thing.

I have to wear dresses on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s.

I disagree. Incredibly uncomfortable.

And I hate the sexual appropriation. Especially coerced.

Sorry you’re being forced to wear something you’re not comfortable in!

Men’s clothing is so limited in style options, especially in the US. It feels like there’s enormous pressure not to look “girly”. Even stuff that used to be normal for guys, like heels and hose, are unacceptably genderbending now. One of my favorite things about being a woman is feeling (relatively) free to dress how I want.

Men’s clothing is so limited in style options

To some of us, that's a feature, not a bug.

If I had it my way we would all wear coveralls whose color and stripes would say everything people need to know about us.

Oh hello Roger (name tag), father of 3 (orange bands on left arm), architect (symbol on right front pocket),...

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I join my wife for mani pedis and always ask for color. I get so many weird looks. It's really sad that some color worn in the wrong place is unacceptable genderbending. Good thing I simply don't give a shit.

It does suck, and hopefully it's one of those things that continues to relax. Nail polish of any color automatically makes guys cuter, imo. Anyway, who doesn't want a little novelty

Eyeliner too. Anyone who’s seen Jason Momoa in game of thrones knows that shit is masculine as hell.

Oh, how could I possibly forget eyeliner. Practically every lead singer of every band rocks it to fantastic effect. Likely a good number of male actors on set. Tim Minchin has some great eye makeup in general, electrocuted squirrel that he is. Why does this only have to be a famous person thing?

That’s kind of why I like women’s clothes. Men’s clothes are so boring and drab most of the time, but women’s are so vibrant and have cute/fun patterns.

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I’m all in favor of this. Now we just have to get everyone else on board. And like others have said, find dresses that actually look good on men. I (m) have been trying out dresses for a while and finding something that looks good on me is a challenge.

I work from home so I wear my pajamas or boxer shorts all day and there is no one to criticize me.

I have a long tee to wear at home and god it's awesome Can imagine dresses give a similar feeling

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