
1 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I was working outside this week (Southern US) and it was an absolutely miserable week. After a half an hour I was drenched in sweat, and it was rolling off my hard hat, getting in my eyes, and I was forced to pace myself and work much slower than I would otherwise be able to do because the heat was that intense.

I was able to drink some of my coconut water reserve because it has the things plants crave.

It's definitely the worst summer heat I've felt since ever.

5 more...

Dude they sell our data to advertisers and big data for profit. The least they can do is provide some services for us for the amount of analytics they collect from us on a daily basis.

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I can think of only a few reasons why the military would have you take training in Texas:

  • Gunslingin' with revolvers, single and akimbo

  • Practicing the perfect "Yeehaw"

  • Wrasslin'

  • Combat maneuver training in boots with spurs

  • Lasso training

If they give you flak, just say it's part of your religion.

The early Chrome was crazy fast when it had none of the bloat.

This one has a cloth like padding at the forehead, it collects the sweat but gets saturated and beads up on the front and rolls off.

It's nice to have if it isn't a lot of sweat, but when your entire face is drenched, it does that.

So many trackers that even a kennel of bloodhounds can't keep up with it.

That's why I believe that the username crisis is real. Future generations won't have short usernames and will have to use increasingly longer usernames to have a unique one, or have a Redditesque default [word1][word2][4numbers].

We might as well just go all out and just have everyone use a UUID with minimal chances of username collision.

I'm sure they won't notice a few rolls of toilet paper going missing.

The Son of Eric must have been really good phonesmith.

What really grinds my gears is that metadata on pictures you have in iCloud gets stripped when downloading to Windows. I take pictures of stuff for work and label them to know what the hell I'm looking at, but the descriptions disappear on file transfer.

So I gotta either:

  • Re-add in the description in the metadata

  • Label something else, like a sheet of paper or something and put it in the frame

  • Manually name each individual file after transfer, which is just as laborious as adding back in the metadata.

earth.nullschool.net is a pretty cool visualizer of all things meteorological.

I've got a book that has been out of print for decades that I've painstakingly scanned in page by page. Is there a way I can donate it to the archive?

If I were to tell someone from 70 years ago, "hold on let me get my phone," while talking about taking a picture, they would think I'm nuts.

What if they had an "analog hole": pay someone to copy and paste things-to-moderate to ChatGPT and copy and paste the responses back while logged in as the mod.

Is there a reason that it's oblong shaped and not circular?

Agreed. Ladies, gents, and everyone else, make it so.

This is why the discriminator /s is necessary for comments like that.

Also front left for phone and front right for wallet and keys.

For the phone in left pocket though, only the phone is placed in it to prevent it from getting scratched (even with a screen protector it's annoying), so nothing else goes in there.

Learned that the hard way.

Yeah I've noticed this in ESO as well. I've been playing since the beta and people have constantly complained that the endgame content was too easy. Cue some cycles of power creep where your character can get progressively more powerful with better gear followed by more difficult dungeons, and now there is content that the average player just can't do anymore without min/maxing. I was in a Vet dungeon with three other experienced players and couldn't complete it after around 7 hours worth of attempts, and our gear/setup was good and we understood the mechanics of the bosses.

There's no way that Meemaw who picked up this game to casually play as a cute Khajiit and questing would be able to beat it.

While cheering about your favorite sportsball team.

The only problem I have with, "They" is that it requires context to distinguish the plural form and the singular. We need a dedicated, genderless word for singular third-person.

Perhaps. But by then it certainly would be the year of the Linux desktop by then. What other operating system can handle years that long, starting from Jan 1, 1970 to Jan 1, 6.460263446E+5814. Linux, that's what.

A cool thought about sourdough starters is that they are unique. A starter from 1897 should impart a flavor unlike any other starter. It's like the snowflake of the yeasty realm.