ѕєχυαℓ ρσℓутσρє

@ѕєχυαℓ ρσℓутσρє@lemmy.sdf.org
30 Post – 419 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I fuck numbers.

Coffee. Caffeine doesn't really work for me in terms of giving me energy, but I like the taste of a nice cup of cortado.

I like tea as well, but can't stand the herbal stuff. Only Camellia sinensis for me.

This reminds me. I got some good quality Atta (Indian whole grain wheat flour) for making Rotis a few weeks ago. Haven't even opened the packet yet.

Rapist mentality.

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The original line comes from Chapter 11 Verse 32 of the Bhagavad Gita.

कालोऽस्मि लोकक्षयकृत्प्रवृद्धो

(kālo ’smi loka-kṣhaya-kṛit pravṛiddho)

The most literal translation would be: "I am mighty Time, the source of destruction of the worlds." But काल can alternatively mean Death, and it looks like that's the interpretation Oppenheimer chose. The verb here is a simple "am", as in "I am Time/Death". So the "am become" part is not due to any feature of Sanskrit itself.

But people usually take some liberty while translating poetry. Given the context (i.e. Krishna convincing Arjuna to fight, and showing him his true form), it makes sense to use "I have become" or even "I am become" (as explained in the other comments, it's grammatically correct).

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I guess we can eliminate formula one. Seems kinda boring to me.

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As long as piracy is easier than obtaining something legally, I'll continue to do it. I stopped pirating music, because Spotify is much much nicer to use and gives a better experience overall. I stopped pirating games since steam is nice. I almost stopped pirating movies when Netflix came out. Only pirated some extremely niche stuff. But now I'm back in the high seas, baby!

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Most high-skill jobs (e.g. software dev, engineering, research, higher education) are usually flexible with time. No one really cares when you come or go as long as you get the work done. People (read, good-for-nothing management people) are trying to make some of these more time-bound, but it's usually counter-productive. Turns out when you want creativity from someone, you need to give them some freedom.

It should be socially acceptable to punch anyone in the face whenever they say stupid shit like this.

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To be fair, he was the most culturally relevant homer for almost 2700 years. (And still is, outside of US and maybe a few other countries.)

P.S. I know it's a shitposting community.

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Where's the list?

Edit: Oh lol. I should go to sleep.

I teach math to undergrads, and damn it's sad. They don't know how to send a PDF file from their phone to laptop, and upload it to Canvas. One guy ended up emailing it to me. They don't even know what a folder/directory is.

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This is what I use for my personal archive:

yt-dlp -f bestaudio/best --extract-audio --embed-metadata --embed-thumbnail --recode opus --audio-quality 0

It does recode to opus but since the bestaudio is usually in that format already, you don't need it most of the time. You can skip the --recode opus part if you want to. I keep it because I like having a "uniform" collection. You can probably change the bestaudio/best part to simply bestaudio without losing much as well.

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Adding to the discussion, if you want to watch anything that's not mainstream (i.e. non-western, or arthouse), you're basically supposed to either wait for it to stream on Mubi or get a Blu-ray/DVD (that are often out of circulation if it's more than 5 years old). So the only real option is pirating.

LaTeX. As someone in academia, I absolutely love it. It has some issues like package incompatibility, but it's far far better than anything else I've used. It's basically ubiquitous in academia, and I wish it were the case everywhere else as well.

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Good thing that these things haven't really taken off in my home country. Otherwise, you don't even need to submit your DNA. If enough of your stupid relatives do it, they'll have a good idea about you.

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In a rich man’s house there is no place to spit but his face.

One of the greatest quotes of all time.

I remember there being some Android phone (some generation of Samsung Galaxy S series probably) with a "feature" where it pauses video playback if you look away from it. Good thing it didn't catch on.

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The /s doesn't really belong here.

In Bengali folklore, we have this thing called Nishi. It's a nocturnal spirit that wanders around, and calls people by name. She'll knock on your door, and call you by name. If you answer, you're placed under her control. And she'll take you to some remote location, and kill you. It's also said that if she calls you 3 times, and you hear all 3 calls, there's no way you can resist answering her.

In my childhood, sometimes people would be found passed out in the forests, and it'd be attributed to the Nishi. I think that they were just drunk/high, and went along with it when the others said it was Nishi.

There's a Hindi horror comedy movie named Stree on a similar folklore from another part of India. It's pretty good, would recommend it.

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What credit card company? That seems like such blatant fraud.

Once my friend put total in place of tips. He was very drunk that day. He went over next day to talk to them and they obviously fixed it. That seems like common sense to me.

For a total newbie, Linux Mint or PopOS are probably the best options. But EndeavourOS is getting there. There shouldn't be any issues during the installation if one sticks to the defaults. Only thing is, it doesn't come with a graphical package manager out of the box. But once that is installed (I think anyone will be happy to write a single terminal command, at least), I don't see why it's any harder to use than any other distro.

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To be fair, no one's blaming "the Jews". We're blaming Israel, which is a very different thing.

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Others have mentioned most of my favorite tools. One thing I'd like to add is SageMath. It's a mathematical software that's comparable/better than commercial offerings like Mathematica and MatLab. I've rarely seen anyone in the academia using anything else these days. If someone does use something else, it's just because they're more used to it. SageMath is by far the best tool for most things math.

Also, while typing about Sage, I was reminded of how great of a tool LaTeX is. If you want to write anything that'll be more than a single page, LaTeX is probably the best way to do it.


It's a decentralized continuous file synchronization tool. It's literally magic.

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the kissing gourami's mouth is highly protrusible as its family name suggests, the lips are lined with horny teeth

Check the community, mate.

It just feels like I don't need custom ROMs anymore. Nowadays, most phones already do what I want them to do. I used to be pretty deep in the custom ROM community, but nowadays I don't even think about rooting my phone.

I guess the only use case for custom ROMs is the privacy aspect. But most people don't care about it, so the support is abysmal.

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Years are also redundant. It's day 738835.

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Wow. This is one of the stupidest takes I've ever seen.

I had the same fucking experience setting up a modem. I was doing everything on their instructions, but it simply won't register on the network. Customer service kept trying to get me to rent their first party modem. I had to spend almost a day, calling 4 separate times until finally someone forwarded me to an engineer. And boom, fixed in 30 seconds.

Only way to watch good quality content on Linux is pirating. So, fuck 'em media houses. Imma sail my ship to the high seas!

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While this is true, I still felt like this even when I made actual accomplishments. OP might be like me.

The only times I was genuinely proud of myself were when I didn't even try and still got extremely good results for something. If I prepare for something, when I do success in achieving it, it just feels like it was supposed to happen anyway.

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Don't you think that it may be because Firefox is pretty much the only browser using a different engine that Chromium? There are literally two major browser engines, and you're developing for one them. Ofc everything else will act like Chromium, because they are Chromium for the most part.

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I've been exclusively using Linux for almost a decade now. I started in high school when the computer we had at home was painfully slow with Windows. At start, it did seem a bit hard to wrap my head around. I was a kid, and there was no one who used Linux to teach me. I guess the installation etc. are much simpler nowadays. And the online spaces are much less toxic.

Even after all that, the main reason, I believe, is that it's different. If someone is using a stable distro like Debian, and just wants to do what 90% of people do (i.e. browsing, looking at documents media etc.), Linux isn't really a hassle. The installation process might be daunting to some people. But after that, they don't need to open a terminal ever if they don't want to. My sister is basically tech illiterate, and she's been running Mint for a few years now. Never heard any complaints. Only issue she had was when she deleted her .config folder. But I had set up a script that backed up dotfiles to her external drive, so it was easily fixable.

People get frustrated because whenever something happens on Linux, and they go online, they see all these walls of text that they need to read, and commands they need to run. But they forget that on Windows and Macs, that isn't even an option. Most of the time, you need to reset your system. Or, in the case of Macs, get it replaced. The frustration that people experience is caused by conditioning. They accept the inconveniences of Windows and Macs because they grew up with it. But since Linux is new to them, the shortcomings stick out much more.

TL;DR: For the average user, the OS doesn't matter (they should probably still use Linux for increased privacy). For the power user, unless some specific applications they need are missing, Linux is always the best choice. The frustration is mostly due to conditioning.

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Yeah lol. When I we first got wired internet at home (about 15 years ago), the speeds weren't good. It averaged around 120 KBPS for browsing the internet. But the guy installing the connection told me that torrents went up to 10 MBPS easily, and he wasn't lying. Before that, I didn't understand that torrent worked in a fundamentally different way compared to direct downloads.

It was in India. I won't be surprised if the situation is still similar. (I mean the attitude towards piracy. The speeds are pretty good nowadays.)

She's the GOAT

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Torrents. I don't really find Usenet worth the money. I can get most of the stuff I want on public sites. Some others I can get on private trackers. Never really felt the need to use Usenet. And as others have pointed out, the arr apps work great with torrents.

And honestly, I find it a little scummy to pay for content to people who don't own them. I don't think piracy in itself is unethical, but I if you take money for stolen content, that's not cool in my book.

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