Bromite is dead, long live Cromite.

ѕєχυαℓ ρσℓутσρє to – 159 points –
GitHub - uazo/cromite: Cromite a Bromite fork with ad blocking and privacy enhancements; take back your browser!

The Bromite project has been inactive for the last 9 months or so. Today I found this fork of Bromite that's well maintained and seems to work flawlessly. Hope it helps others who were looking for a replacement.


Thank goodness someone picked up the project and released a fork. The browser is too good to be abandoned.

Why waste your time with this when Firefox exists?

Can't use Firefox as system webview sadly.

If you disable chrome and only have Firefox on it will use Firefox webview. Android should have make it use default browser or have a selection for default webview.

There is a selection in developer settings and it does not list Firefox.

Disabling Chromium or not having it in the first place simply makes apps that use WebView crash.

I don't see it as n option in webview under dev settings but.. it uses it I believe? Screenshot

What's shown in this picture has nothing to do with WebViews, it's a custom tab.

Try opening an app that has a WebView. I can't think of a good example on the top of my head but the Deutsche Bahn Navigator uses them and crashes without a WebView present.

Ah TIL. From the user perspective they have similarities, but developer side they got some different use cases. Thanks for the references!

I find mobile FF does have a webview component (aka custom tabs), but it must be explicitly called for in a app's setting. Otherwise the system only uses the Chrome webview.

I even installed the Mulch webview app. But the system still used Chrome's webview; that's until i temporarily disabled Chome. It was then Mulch shows up in deveolper settings.

I want to use Firefox on Android, but it's simply not there yet. It's noticeably slower, some sites have broken layout, and I kinda hate their tan management system. I still have it installed, and willing to switch if it's capable enough, but sadly it's not.

It's the best browser on desktop though, by far.

Because OP prefers Chromite, maybe? Just a wild guess...

I think people who prefer things other than what I prefer should be round up and shot.

Hope you forgot an "/s" somewhere

Nope, this is my genuine, unfiltered, dogshit opinion. I genuinely believe execution is the correct option when someone has a slight difference in preference compared to me.

Does it allow playback of DRM media? I have some cough science websites that needs DRM for playback.

Yes, it does.

Cool. I hope it is released on Play Store if it is possible. If brave & kiwi can be released, I'm sure they can also release without issue.

It's not free to publish apps on the Play Store. And I'm not sure if this is still the case today, but I recall of Google forcing to include their libraries on apps published there.

Chromium already does use tons of Google libs already underneath. The fees is a fair point though. But it's one time fees right? I think the community can raise that much money. Heck even I would be willing to donate a part of they are willing to publish on Play Store.

2 more...
2 more...
2 more...

Kiwi is the only android browser for me, being able to access all the standard desktop addons is game changing, like damn.

Fennec has been amazing for me for quite a time now but it is a bit frustrating to use FF only when you're using android. That's only because Google sucks ass but this will somewhat be a remedy.

There is an open issue for JPEG-XL support. Once Cromite adopts JXL, I'd be willing to switch over

Mulch can also be said to be another spiritual successor to Bromite since it's also supposed to be hardened against threats.

I don't understand why bromite can't sync to chrome pc? Anyone?

It's not in the dev's hands. There may be some workarounds, but Google discourages against using them.

I wonder if they could use firefox sync

i imagine it'd be more work as it's not pre-built, but samsung internet does it so maybe mozilla are a little more lax with who uses their services