0 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

They still haven't solved the problem of a Gnome Shell crash taking down my entire session with it. I need to be able to restart the shell independently of the Wayland compositor for me to switch.

7 more...

Why is Biden still building the fucking border wall? It's absolutely disgraceful.

4 more...

Damn, you work way too much. How do you even have time to post on Lemmy?

I shower around 0.5-0.75 times/day.

Don't these colleges have any admissions standards? What's going on that they're admitting these idiots?

2 more...

I have two XPS laptops that run the latest Ubuntu Linux flawlessly. Hell, that's why I bought them. They are literally sold with Linux preinstalled, why wouldn't they work?

I even get BIOS/firmware updates in GNOME Software!

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Honestly, why do they care at this point? Do they really think someone's going to buy an upgrade to Windows 11?

Damn, he's just been vetoing everything lately. Gotta love that race toward the centre.

WTF is BeReal?

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That is no longer necessary with Dynamic State Partitioning. Every top level domain is automatically given its own container, essentially. The extension is really only useful for logging into sites on two accounts simultaneously.

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Seriously? 46% is so damn high! I have a hard time believing that. Is it just because there are so many baby boomers still out there or what? I can't imagine paying for commercials. The last time I had cable was 16 years ago.

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Wait, that can happen?

Why waste your time with this when Firefox exists?

12 more...

Ignoring it like every year?

I hope that also includes WhatsApp. Europeans are addicted to that shit.

16 more...

Never—I'm too busy thinking about the Spanish Inquisition.

It really makes me sad more of these services haven't embraced PWAs. Being able to run your app protected by uBlock origin is truly the best of both worlds.

Why haven't people learned yet to simply never click a link in an email? Even if it's not malicious, it's still trying to track you.

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Just when I thought I couldn't admire him more...

It always was.


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Don't care, ship it now!

Do his idiot supporters really not realize that he can't just do that? I know they desperately want a totalitarian dictator, but come on...

Is that supposed to be the name of a person?

Not really. I try very hard not to let myself fall prey to so-called "cultural religion." I don't celebrate any religious holidays like Christmas. I try to be as aware as possible of the religious influences in my daily life and avoid them. It's not easy, though! Religion has infested so many facets of every culture, it becomes increasingly difficult to separate.

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Create a villain capable of defeating Data.

3 more... is such a garbage site. They do the worst anti-science clickbait like this all the time. I block them wherever I can.

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More reason I wish devs would stop using Electron and stick to PWAs. Then you only have to update a single browser.

Okay, but what about the Pixel 8? That's what we really want to know.

Yes, I had to scroll way too long for this! One of my absolute favourites.

I would never suggest doing away with Bach's or any other sacred music or art. They can and should be appreciated in their proper historical context.

I don't think it's at all fair to say we have ended up in a "culturally poor" place. People are still producing all kinds of cultural contributions without religion. If anything, it is capitalism that has commodified culture causing some of the decline we see today.

Ugh, I hate this question so much!

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No it's not, Unity is a separate project that Ubuntu retired, but fans have kept it alive.

As opposed to what? I've tried to switch to DDG so many times, but its lack of explicit phrase searching makes it practically useless. I just end up using g! all the time until I finally just give up and switch back.

rclone added support for Proton Drive very recently. I haven't tried it yet, but am interested to see how well it works.

LinkSheet is another great option for this purpose. It emulates the previous Android app-picker UI. It supports filtering URL tracking parameters, redirecting to Invidious and other privacy-respecting alternatives. Very handy.

Netguard firewall. I wouldn't run Android without it protecting my privacy from connecting to invasive domains.

This is a very frustrating limitation of every PWA implementation I've seen. They need to respect the default browser setting for external links!

Thank goodness, we must spend hundreds of millions of public funds to protect our precious luxury stores! Why should they be forced to pay for their own security when society depends on their goods?

lol, like anyone would ever trust Yelp again. How are they even still in business?

Not everyone's friends are idiots.