1 Post – 202 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Honestly, I have found teens using iOS to be more tech illiterate. Like they dont know about Piracy, Ad-blockers and stuff. Crazily believe that apple IS privacy friendly and shit like that.

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Yes, I can't wait for them to launch the newest innovative tech of Type C for iPhone, which will offer more speed and better compatibility cause they are the good guys who swear they would protect your data and keep an eye on your photos too.

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Honestly, Custom ROMs have been in decline of usage since few years. There are also Other ROMS like Pixel Experience, PixyOS, Havoc, evolutionX, PixelOS, Paranoid, Derpfest, CrDroid and lot more.

The reason for the drop is due to a combination of reasons like better OEM UI, unpublished Kernel code (Chinese OEMs, Mediatek), locked bootloaders and Safetynet issues.

I'm currently rocking CrDroid it has currently ~85K active devices (

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The fact that iMessage got the exemptions underpins the entire act. I would any day switch to Signal, if there is 1:1 interoperability b/w the platforms.

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Apple protecting it's precious garden.

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I really cant wrap my head that religion still exist in this age. Like we have mass destruction weapons, rockets that go beyond earth, have proof of how vast the universe is and then what we fight over is how some God has dictated our life to be.

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High time Google opens up the RCS for other apps on Android.

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Is someone archiving their stuff?

But it doesn't track you. So, better Privacy

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Nice to hear after seeing the disastrous landing by Russia.

Kudos to the entire team that made this possible.

I srsly dont want the internet infra to be controlled by the dick headed person.

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Plasma 6 is really shaping up to be quite a nice overhaul of the system.

This is honestly something Android should have years ago. But it's never too late to get it. Should save ton of time for everyone involved and keep better user privacy

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The number of times was down made it unusable for me to use. Switched to and it's so much better now.

IMO from this outlook the entire planet is covered in graves and we all are bad for living our life.

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During the peak of Whatsapp Controversy, I had 50 out 450+ contacts on Signal. Now it is just 5 people.

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Any Lemmy instance list which shows communities that have been defed by each instances? Should help new users make better choices.

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What's the problem with using uBlock on FF. Gets rids of ads, has ton of features to custom add filters and more.

Also, I kinda like Pocket Integration on FF. Found some interesting articles that way.

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Doesn't wake up one day and decide to DRM the Web or kill the adblcker.

How are Samsung's SSD?

I am looking to buy one external drive of 2 TB for Backup of my multi-media collection and 1 M.2 SSD for my laptop upgrades.

If someone can even specify the model that's known to be good would really be helpful.

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IMO, the biggest headlines in the launch. 7 years is crazy timeline to support. But the phones have matured so much that it makes sense people would want to keep the phone for longer period of time

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I'm only interested on its real world perf and the heating issues that this might come with

Yes, and next we will have: No tip to cook and you will have delayed ordered preparation, No tip to Doordash and we will delay placing your order.

It's time to just cook the meal or go buy it directly.

I don't game at all, but I now feel like buying the game just to show my support to these awesome devs.

I do think if the platform needs to grow more, we need more full time devs working on it and building it up to par. Good time to start funding campaign for Lemmy

HP used to be good circa 2005-8. I used to have a HP mini and it had great build quality. DK what happened after that coz all of the stuff they have sold after 2010 is pure garbage honestly.

One more wave for Mastodon for sure.

I have been using MiXplorer for past 3 years. Has been working rock solid for me.

I kinda want to see how it would look with MD3 tho.

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My eyes are bleeding.

Srsly, the amount of shit brave has put on its web browser has become too big.

Someone should fork them and remove all of their BS.

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He still hasnt released the TWOW yet? Srsly, i feel sad for his fanbase.

Honestly, given the current fragmentation of Streaming Service, it has become completely anti-consumer.

People don't like to spend so much money just to watch one or two shows from one platform. They like the concept of AIO platforms and being on-demand & ad-free. All three of them have been broken.

Yup. I just re-started since it had been quite few days since my laptop had a reboot and boom I was shown this.

Like c'mon, even LTSC is Targetted with such BS, then I'm not sure wtf is going with W11.

Nice to see FF doing the work and opening doors to so many extensions. The few things I have encountered on FF that are still a major PITA for me:

  • Sometimes tabs gets corrupted in sense that they just wont load any data and show data of the tab that was shown previously. navigating to other domain and stuff wont work. (Encountered it in Private mode)
  • Downloads may sometimes stop in middle.
  • I feel the app consumes more battery
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From linux perspective which is better, Framework or System76?

I have been looking to upgrade my laptop (i5-8250U) with something decent. I don't game, so dont require heavy graphics that draws too much power.

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I think you meant uBlock Origin? Also, if you use Firefox on Android, it does support extensions so you can use uBlock Origin too.

Plasma 6 has been shaping up to real nice. Excited to try it when it launches in Feb.

Kudos to the entire team for doing so much of the leg work.

IMO DDG, Yahoo and Bing all sucks when it comes to anything complicated. I can see why general public would be put off by this. If they can't figure on how to switch Search engines, then don't really care about any Privacy.

Yes. Can feel this sentiment coming from reddit.

Just FYI, you could also switch to Windows 10 IoT LTSC for longer support (2029 IG)