1 Post – 331 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not trying to discredit or anything but in #4 1 shot is surely good compared to emptying his clip, but shooting or aiming a gun at somebody, the intent can't be "non-lethal".

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I believe it was a CSV file of every item in all of the shops (comma separated values) and it was being read and stored into memory single threaded so it was maxing out a single core on the CPU.

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While the CEO didn't unfortunately and I'd consider that an injustice, the other 2 did.

Baugh was among seven former employees who ultimately pleaded guilty to charges in the case. He was sentenced in 2022 to almost five years in prison. Another former executive, David Harville, was sentenced to two years.

Found an article that details it again since it was a fun read at the time. Looks like it was 10MB json file and the method to read the lines used the expensive length function you mentioned. It also had other simple optimizations too.

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Maybe this will be the one thing that will fix my ISP and let me play online video games without frequent disconnects. I think it's bad node or something, but I had my ISP at my house over 8 times and they couldn't figure it out. Meanwhile my unifi gateway shows a high ping at least once a day.

Go spectrum!

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The problem is they are banning a device that doesn't solve the issue at all except if you have a car from before the 90s. The tools being used for this are custom made with a much larger range. Maybe they should ban smartphones too since people are using them to detect laptops in cars to break into since they are being stupid about it.

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With that many exploits being used I wouldn't be surprised to see it is a group probably government sponsored. They love iMessage exploits as original attack vectors too.

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This is impressive the tldr made it one word longer!

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Legit $12k EVs would crush all competition right now. There are only a handful of EV cars under $50k. Perhaps instead of tarrifs pass privacy laws for cars and let them in so the other manufacturers stop bsing.

Toyotas still trying to push hydrogen for some lucrative non-eco friendly wild dream they have and keep pushing EV to the side it's so dumb.

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If students can become potential liability that will make colleges only admit rich white kids and leave everybody else without an education. This falls under the category of make more people uneducated because that gets more Republican voters.

That being said parts of this bill is attractive. I like itemized breakdowns of what I am paying for for anything.

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Wouldn't this get as hot as cars do when sitting in summers?

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Isn't this because the minimum SDK level increase requirement in the play store and android 14? This gets rid of older Lapis that are less efficient or secure from modern apps. The benchmarking tools haven't targeted newer APIs and are thus the ones at fault. Devs need to keep their stuff updated; that's half the point of the beta period every year for the major version releases.

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I didn't confirm it but saw a comment when there was only one level left. They mentioned how to download them and make them playable as your own offline stage. They also mentioned you can download an archive of all the levels about 1 TB of data. The level has 2 or 3 files for each one if I recall correctly.

Edit: found archive link. The process to do it for one levels not automated but from what I read so someone will likely make a tool around the time it actually shuts down.

Article said they were using Bluetooth and a app on play store / app store I assume the app measures the signal strength to determine the proximity to the devices. Maybe some laptops don't turn off Bluetooth in their sleep state or people just weren't putting their laptops to sleep? Could pickup tablets or phones forgotten in cars too.

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DDOS = denial of service attack. Attacker sends a bunch of requests overloading a service and causing other clients to experience.timeouts due to the service not the load.

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Generally it should be stored in the security chip on the device so no one has access to it.

Your issue sounds more like a capitalism issue. FANG companies lay off thousands of employees to cut costs and prepare for changes in the economy. AI didn't make them lay off all those employees, just corporate greed. Until AI can gather requirements, accurately produce code with at least 80%, can compile the software itself, it isn't a threat.

Edit fix autocorrect

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I don't think so, but it was in response to some smart people developing their government website with the database stored basically in the HTML of the website if I remember correctly. A good Samaritan reported it and was basically charged with hacking the state.

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I appreciate the disturbing sensory you have brought upon my mind kind stranger. I hope your nose recovers one day.

From past posts on this apparently it's common for lead contamination in Apple orchards due to pesticides used years ago. If this is the source I don't think it was on purpose.

A quick article I found discussing this topic

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You can't escape...

They hardly even do it when paid for others in the US at least. Gotta love bare minimums and lobbying to make those minimums really low.

Not a problem! Jack used car prices up to new cars, prevent public infrastructure and provide benefits for cars, all car manufacturers have similar privacy policies. Combine all three and you have customers that need a car to live, might as well get a new one if decade old ones are the same price or have no stock, and suddenly there isn't much choice.

Always always leave a trail when possible. Email would be the best bet for an audit trail. After calling / conversatin, do a follow-up email to keep the audit trail and confirming what was discussed

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Valve also worries about relying on Microsoft. They want people to transition to Linux since it's open and no corporation can go "all games have to go through my store for 30% commission!" The proton fixes that these clients make Valve can also probably utilize to also make and I'm sure the devs for these also contribute to proton so it's a win for everyone.

Denver seems to be leading America with a lot of these good things. Upfront labor wage policies, marijuana, this. Looking at those mountains is also a plus.

Well I haven't seen that report... that is really disappointing and I agree with the sentiment of the top reply. Food for kids with over 200x amount of allowed amount is such a terrible thing to do.

There was a post a couple weeks back of next wear OS update utilizing alow power processor for compatible watches, pixel ones and Samsung ones prior have this core, more than it's currently used with battery life expected to double from it. Makes me wonder if this 50% improvement is mostly the OS update or the new processor.

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Pretty sure someone pulled the code, it's all JavaScript in the browser and archived the firmware so it is possible to do it without relying on that page when they shut it down.

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There are 2 display servers for Linux. X11, which is really old and doesn't support newer things such as HDR and the "new" kid on the hlock, Wayland. KDE, Gnome and such that make the UI you interact with on Linux utilize X11 or Wayland to render everything on the screens.

Edit correction by LinuxSBC x2

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I saw a GitHub repo that explained add-ons that are "useless" and add more finger printing. The biggest reason of them being useless was generally the fact unlock origin already has the feature too.

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I mean the opposite has happened. Democrat elected in turned Republican. Unfortunately we elect the person so if they fail their voters like that you have to wait till they screw up or reelection. This might vary by state though, but I think this is also the common logic for it?

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The library used to read the line does the string length check, so my guess, whoever wrote it initially didn't know about it and tested with a small sunset of items without issue; I assume the games items grew in size over the years too. They also released an official patch with it and paid the modder $10k

Edit fixed typo

That's not just how fingerprinting works. Any setting on your browser that is not default and any addon makes your browser setup more unique. From my understanding they don't need to access your plugin listing or request settings because they can also do it based off of how the browser behaves. If you disable JavaScript entirely I suppose you wouldn't have this issue though.

Sure it won't kill people like programming drones, but it is still unethical and would affect ~5 billion people negatively.

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Since the director asked to discuss more in WhatsApp, does Russian military personnel seriously use WhatsApp for communication regarding military equipment? Trusting meta providing end to end encryption feels like a bold choice for a government.

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The house impeaches with a majority of votes for the members present at the time.

Next it has to pass the Senate trial. The Senate is 49 Republicans, 48 Democrats, and 3 independent. A couple Democrats also tend to side with Republicans. Since he has been impeached, a trial happens in the Senate and 2/3 majority has to agree to remove from office.

I'd assume unless someone fucked up really badly and both sides hate them it is very unlikely for a 2/3 majority.

Read a post on here the other day someone had a few articles linking to studies that apple may not be as privacy respecting as you think. Guess custom roms are the way to go lol.

The hidden cost of power usage could be a lot more expensive then something more modern though lol

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No one accepts $100 bills anywhere anyways. He'd be on paper thats effectively worthless because everyone will think it's a counterfeit bill and it fits him perfectly.

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