5 Post – 247 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

£5.99 refund. Quite clearly not in the US.

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How do people think paying for a service and still being served ads is acceptable?

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Reddit are past the point of no return for me. They could reverse all their API changes but I'm not going back. They've show their true colours.

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Same here in the UK. Far too warm.

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You should really disable clipboard history. A security nightmare.

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Not having to physically put a SIM in your phone.

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I want to know who has seriously ever clicked the notification bell. YouTubers are constantly telling me to and I have never even come close. Why would I want more pointless notifications in my life?

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Most but not all sadly.

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Separate messaging app was the best thing they ever did. I've not had Facebook installed since.

Have you ever heard of shower gel?

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They do...

Note this downloads from YouTube if an equivalent match is found. Quality will be 128kbps unless you have a YouTube Music subscription.

This is info taken directly from the github link but useful to know.

Yes. Why would I need a cloth?

Come back to me when Apple openly let's you sideload apps on an iPhone.

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I'm a truck driver though I do have a Master's in maths. Make of that what you will.

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My PC only gets used for gaming and I was fed up of switching into Windows for every other game. I WANT to use Linux but game developers just aren't allowing me.

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Sign up for a free trial of Deezer and user Deemix-Gui to download your Spotify playlist in flac format.

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I'd love to see the return of Steam Machines. I loved the concept back in 2014 but Linux gaming absolutely wasn't ready back then. A first party Valve Steam Machine could be a great entry point for many potential new PC gamers.

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Lack of AA isn't the problem, it's the 130k for that hideous monstrosity.

OpenSUSE TW for me. Used to be Arch but it's just too much faff for me.

They're considered to be more reliable because they are. Simple as that.

Strong disagree. Gestures are so much quicker and just generally more natural feeling.

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Lo for the same reason it's hi and not high.

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Deezer Premium accounts can download flac, hence the free trial.

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The most popular Xbox this generation was a mistake?

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Hours to complete is such an odd measure of value. I'd rather have a 10 hour experience I loved than a tedious 100 hour experience.

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Yet another music app ruined by forced podcasts. Only Qobuz and Apple Music left I guess.

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How much maintenance does Gentoo need once installed? I don't mind a complicated install but it's the constant tinkering I can't deal with.

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I loved Google+ at the time but I was invested in the Google services ecosystem back then.

Shorts are also comfy though.

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People bragging about modded Spotify always confuse me when there are plenty of better open source options utilising YouTube Music.

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I've never tried EndeavourOS as it always seems a bit pointless now archinstall exists.

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"Huh... All of this guy's passwords are CTRL-SHIFT-INS."

Can we just ban them entirely? Horrible cars.

Is it not just easier to buy an aux cable with an inline mic?

At this point I'm waiting for the them to put a stop to my VPNed price of £1.81 for a family plan but they keep allowing it.

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I'm a YouTube Premium subscriber that uses NewPipe. If they kill it I'll be unsubbing.

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Absolutely crazy how a 2 year old post can pop up sorting by hot. It is funny how relevant it is now though.

Comic book and sheet music reader for me.

I only know Flipboard as bloatware on a Samsung phone.