3 Post – 101 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Redditors tend to be more technically inclined than Twitter users

This used to be true, but Reddit has been mainstream for years now. Today's average Redditor is likely pretty similar to the average Twitter user.

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May 27th, 2022 I got off work and bought a 750ml bottle of Captain Morgan. This was more or less a nightly occurence. I woke up the following morning, finished off the bottle (less than a single shot thanks to the previous night), and thought "I'm done".

Excluding the single glass of champagne and a little sip of margarita at a loved one's wedding last month, that thought has proven correct. It makes no sense to anyone who's dealt with addiction. Every day I felt myself being pulled toward the bottle, then all of a sudden that feeling was gone. The cravings are gone. Hell, I once got nauseous from friends even talking about alcohol too much.

It was like I had tried for a while to escape from a prison and eventually accepted that I'd die there. Then I woke up in an open field with no explanation. It's bizarre. I can't explain it. But you won't hear me complain.

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They'd still find some bullshit reason to downplay it, but I really think we should stop referring to this election interference trial as a hush money trial.

you take 15 minutes out of your goddamn day to do your job as a parent, and set up a content blocker on your home network.

Or, I don't know, talk to your kid?

When's the last time you tried gaming on Linux? Valve has made a ton of progress with Proton in the last few years.

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For real. The wait is often shorter than the cashiers' lines, and I don't have to interact with anyone. 99% of the time that someone has a problem with them it's user error. Though I do hate that the ones near me can no longer be muted.

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Except that realistically people will continue to run the same machines just without security updates.

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Is the version without the red circle still available?

Edit: Nevermind, an image search for the first four words turned it up.

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Android was Open Source once until Google decided to mainstream it.

Android is still open source. Proprietary stuff gets added by the time it gets to the consumer, but the base is open.

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Arch is about managing the system as a hobby

You're thinking of Gentoo.

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I saved this because there's no way it will continue to be a result once Google is aware of it.

But also four feet. That means he has more surface area to spread the weight across this time around.

How is it not meat?

It would also drive up meaningless and irrelevant comments.

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Even as an idiot teenager I knew the difference between an executable and a video file.

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Now? Probably?

They haven't cared about that for decades. Why would they start now?

When I wanted to cut back on my drinking: "Just don't buy it."

Look, it's great that you've never been addicted to anything, but it also means that you're in no position to be offering addiction advice.

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Wait, is Kanye going by something else now?

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It reminds me of Reddit when I first joined (2011). I actually uninstalled Relay a couple days ago as I hadn't intentionally opened it in weeks. I'm probably not on here any less than I was on Reddit as some people are saying, but I do tend to browse all most of the time for now. I almost never browsed r/all.

I'll still go to Reddit if a search result takes me there, but even that seems to be happening much less than before.

Obviously you're referring to James Doakes (from the tv show), but I'm now picturing Albert Doakes (from the books) trying to say this. It's much more amusing.

This is what I thought stack inserters did before I unlocked them the first time. Now that we'll have that functionality, wouldn't it make sense to switch the names of the stack and bulk inserters?

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People who claim the opposite either haven't tried a mainstream distro in several years or they work for Microsoft.

Well that's...something...

I was hoping for Relay, but the dev is sticking with Reddit and switching to a subscription model.

vimtutor, which I believe is installed with vim by default

Edit: My brain apparently inserted an extra word that made it seem like you were seeking said program. Leaving it though for those wondering in the future.

I've seen them in recent years, but I haven't always seen the maps.

This post is the reason I looked up the trailer. After watching that and seeing the second search result, I'll definitely be watching the movie when it's available to stream.

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Performance wise, Chrome is dogshit anymore. A decade ago it was great. I returned to Firefox a couple years ago and haven't looked back.

Most people also hear their voice about an octave lower in their head.

Is this true? It's the other way around for me. Well, I don't know if it's an octave, but my voice sounds significantly deeper in recordings than I hear it as I'm speaking.

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Wasn't blue light special a Kmart thing?

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And too many people are in denial about it. They say "a robot could never do my job". Not only is that an absurd thing to think, but almost every job in existence will be possible to eliminate within the next couple decades at most.

Yeah, using "black" as a noun cleared that up pretty quickly

No, I can't. I don't have a kettle, and my stove operates on gas.

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I'm still salty about that cancellation.

Yeah, if they can't even bother making it work with Proton then I can't bother giving them money.

It actually does (don't know which instance), but I doubt it's the same person.

Those are some ridiculously short shorts, especially on the left. How is he not hanging out the bottom?

Yes! I'd love to go back to using Signal as my main messaging app.

I know it looks difficult, but if you already touch type on PC then Minuum is a great mobile keyboard. You just have to train yourself to not try being precise with it (impossible to do quickly). I actually find it easier to use if I don't look at it while I'm typing. I've been using it since it was on Indiegogo and haven't seen anything else worth trying. I'm pretty sure you can even get it for free now.

Note that it does learn from you over time, so the more you use it the more accurate it becomes.

In the above image, I've put the cursor back on the word "accurate" for a little demo. The first group of letters are the ones that I actually hit. After that are Minuum's guesses in order of probability of being correct.

If you want to type a word that isn't in its dictionary yet, you can swipe up from the top row to bring up a full keyboard. Selecting the word once it's typed usually adds it, though for some reason they've excluded swears from that.

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