2 Post – 338 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Lol people are toxic everywhere.

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You are not. Politics should be world politics and countries can have their specified version like "US Politics" or whatever.

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I broke my ankle a few years back and the bones had to be surgically reattached, but the OR was full so they had to set and splint it in the meantime. The shot of fentanyl didn't do anything, so they gave a cocktail that knocked me right the fuck out and set my ankle. My husband said I shot straight up like I was in the Exorcist, yelled and swore a bunch and passed out again. I remember nothing, thankfully.

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My husband and I discuss this regularly. The loss of the social contract.

It is so sad to see so many people respond with "not my responsibility." Why isn't it? If you want to be a part of society then it is your responsibility. Part of being "civilized" is the strongest helping the weakest and most vulnerable. Our truest measure as humans is how we treat those who need the most.

Bringing other people up to a dignified level increases your value, not decreases. It doesn't take away from you to let others have dignity and respect.

Did you maybe go to a physiotherapist? That doesn't sound at all like a chiropractor, especially the MRI and actual treatment part.

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Expressing our dislike is not the same as the karma system. My profile does not have a score that communities will use to discriminate against me and stifle my comments because I'm not popular enough. We should be able to express our dislike without having a giant thread of arguments over it.

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They are asking because kids are kids no matter where you live. If we use the same word for the dish as Italians, it stands to reason that children who are still learning would have the same issue regardless of location.

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Cop ran red light, swerved across two lane and hit the gay bar. Then they went after the owner and trumped up an assault charge when witnesses say there was no assault. Oh and first they tried to say they were swerving to miss a dog, then to miss a parked car.

I think that's about the jist of it.

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That there must be something fundamentally unlikable about me but I don't know what it is and nobody seems to want to tell me so that I can change it.

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I'm no Swifty, but I'll take what I can get.

If you don't want to be called an incel, don't blame your loneliness and lack of sex on anyone else. Everyone is lonely, it's nobody's fault unless you want to blame society as a whole which will get you nowhere. Continue to grow as a human and don't stop trying to find new avenues of reaching out to others.

And most importantly, never expect someone to like you in any way, no one is obligated to you.

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That is exactly why Shein and Temu exist as far as I can tell.

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My cats are not allowed past the catio because they will either destroy everything in sight or be destroyed. If you love your cats, don't let them roam.

But Dolly is most certainly a fabulous philanthropist.

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That sounds heavenly. Mine will not shut up. And when I've run out of current problems to worry about, I start thinking about all my past fuck ups an embarrassments. And that's just in the time it takes to a simple activity. When I'm at work it is constant flipping back and forth between my anxious thoughts and doing my work and worrying about how I might be fucking up my work.

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You cannot know how scared he was when a much larger man kept advancing on him.

I'm not a fan of American gun culture, but in this particular case the prankster got a big cup of fuck-around-and-find-out.

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  1. If you buy it, live in it- no more commodification of homes.

  2. zero tolerance driving policies that prioritize pedestrians and cyclists and blatantly discourage driving.

  3. safe supply. Anything that was going to be disposed of in police evidence is to be tested and used to start the program. Can't get people to a place where they want to be treated if they're dead.

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I would suggest finding a new dentist of possible. Let your new dentist know these things before work begins. Your dentist should be going above and beyond to make sure you feel safe in such a vulnerable position, not the other way around. The opportunity to get frustrated with your dentist should have never been presented and their bottom line shouldn't govern your pain. I have had 22 Novocaine shots for a complicated extraction because it only lasts about a half hour. And if you had the max then your dentist should have been using epinephrine along side it. Whatever it takes to make sure your experience isn't traumatic.

Also, your friend was out of line for bringing up a private patient experience that they weren't a part of and the dentist was inappropriate for bringing it up to them.

Brad Pitt was his stand in, can't you tell?

Where I live there is a "College Heights". It is not at a higher elevation, in fact it is one of the lowest areas, nor is it near the college. They just name shit whatever they think will make the most money.

People's whose politics are fueled by hatred of others having rights are not good people, they just wear their good deeds as a "good people" costume.

We've listened, and yes they are monsters. Their entire purpose is to take away from others. That's not good people.

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I was a big fan of Illuminaughtii/ Blair Zon for a long time. Now she's so controversial, other creators make content on her.

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I'm stupid, I don't know how to use anything that isn't an app on the play store.

Eta: thanks everyone, I'll get my SO to translate after work lol.

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American centerists just don't want to admit they voted for Trump.

I truly thought we were going to get through Christmas with zero racism. Then grandma and grandpa came over. Luckily I was able to steer the conversation away pretty quickly, but it always puts a damper on things.

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And yet so many Canadians seem to want to dive head first in to a fully private healthcare system as if anyone could take that financial hit.

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Free healthcare in that the prison doctor or nurse will refuse to diagnose him with anything until he's on his death bed and then give him comfort release so they don't have to take care of him?

Pretty much every item of clothing I own is from the thrift store or has been second handed in some way. I love being able to find clothes that are more my style without the $70+ price tags and I'm able to maintain a business casual wardrobe required for my office.

Furniture that isn't beds are all second hand as well, I just steam clean everything upholstered. Buying brand new is a money making sham that only fills our landfills unnecessarily.

Also, learning how to cook has saved us a lot of money of takeout and prepackaged meals. There are so many ways to learn now too.

We also no longer own a vehicle, we walk, bike, or transit everywhere. I do maintain a license so I can rent a car when necessary though. Vehicles nickle and dime you to death when you own the outright or cost a years wages or so to buy, plus gas and insurance prices are insane. It costs me $500 a year to ride the bus.

If your appliance or electronic catches fire the first thing you should do is unplug it if you can. You can't do that with a screw plug.

My boss made it very clear that while the pictures in our dress code handbook are of the general gender stereotypes, doesn't mean we are holding people to that. As long as you are business casual it doesn't matter how you represent.

I think they'd prefer he not be killed...

Kardashians are terrible people and no amount of philanthropy will buy them out of that.

Canadian confirming that the angry party leaves the bed. Usually me because I need time to think it through, get pissy and maybe a little childish, get over being pissy and childish and then go talk about it once I've realized how I was probably wrong or have come up with a way that accurately describes how I was wronged and why that makes me angry or sad. My husband is also the type that needs to think it out before talking so it works, unfortunately his process is way slower than mine.

I don't know if it is a healthy way of dealing but it works for both of us and neither of us had healthy examples of any relationship in our lives so we take what we can get

In Canada we are dealing with a housing crisis, a healthcare crisis, and a climate crisis (we still have wildfires burning in January) on top of alt-righters trying to reverse all progress that we've made.

So very similar to America- not quite as dramatic. Though Albertabama has been quiet for a while so I expect the Premier to do something stupid soon.

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The best part of winter is the double down on depression and the constant ache in my bones because I can't get warm no matter how many layers I put on. Even though the mind blowingly cold temperatures haven't hit us yet this year, all the wet is still making me ache.

I've come to appreciate summer more as I age.

Are we starting from scratch here or working with what capitalism has given us?

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Sometimes putting people in their place is for the greater good and it does make you the better person to stop someone from doing shitty things.

When COVID hit I had a now or never moment and took the now. I took it a couple times actually. Got me a real career in a new province out of the deal so I figure I ended up for the better. Sometimes the choice is obvious like it was for me and you need to jump on that shit before you never get another chance.

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As it currently exists it is awful, but it doesn't have to be. If sex work was recognized as legitimate work with pay, benefits, and regulation it could be great.