0 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Nah no pity here, we got pockets best thing in the world you should probably feel more envious really

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Being out the guillotine

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Yeah It's called sexual attraction at least meet the bare minimum

People actually hate these things?

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I have managed to block fuckcars 6 six times. Which is funny because every time I block it a new one pops up

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Be able to see 5 seconds in the future

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Obviously it's Lemmy fault for taking all the good mods not their fault no way

Hell yeah, finally someone fixing the real problems of the world

Good news to hear

From all the things to make political why mask? Is taking care of your health a leftist move

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You can probably read their body language

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They exist? Thought they were a fairytale

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Don't allow cookies from websites

We're kinda get vaccinated for the future with all this stress testing

Hmmmmmm maybe they're trying to say something but don't know what

Oh no the streets are going to be safer without us

I'm ready for this raid boss

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You mean riots that you agree with right?

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Thank you Minecraft. I hope other devs do the same

Really funny movie I'm glad with the direction that they went with it

Just put it all in one account and take a gamble when you're browsing in public

From a guy who takes the bus all the time.

Yes I prefer cars over buses, why? More freedom For getting around

And they wonder why people don't visit News sites

Kinda the opposite for me really the space is always open and is quicker then waiting in line for the cashier

When one door closes another Opens lol

A bite of the forbidden glow stick

Easy to find stuff

Let's goooo guys! top spot is ours

What's a webapp?

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Had a older brother lost him 6 years ago found him again last year now we're best brothers again

Right to Information

Allowing the public to get access to information without it being censored or hidden.

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You guys turn to people when things get rough?

I guess when things get tough I'll turn to my older brother for support, one hug and everything is alright. But before him I was alone

The fuck how does that happen? Is it malware?

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A dark path many have taken

Why wouldn't you shake a baby? That's the quickest way to stop them crying

Nacho Fake cheese that stuff make me vomit from a bad experience in the cinema

Eye sight is just a clutch holding you back don't need it

Bruh I live in a place like the one you mentioned but even then I can't find everything I want so online it is.

Buddy I think you just cracked the code of why it's political

Also freedom of choice but only for this specific thing ONLY nothing else