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Joined 1 years ago

Yeah I guess they are generally more… grounded

I also work 3x12s and mostly love having the 4 days off. The downside is being able to do virtually nothing on those days besides eat and sleep. I think one advantage of the 9-5 week is being able to still do a few things more often. It’s hard to practice hobbies and maintain the house with gaps on days that I’m working.

What you value changes slightly as time goes on. Having the more consistent day might be more appealing now. And if you dont like it, there are always nurse jobs that are in need. Maybe there is something in between the hospital and that gig, like dialysis nursing. Worth a try.

I remember a podcast on NPR a few years ago mentioning something similar. The psychologist that was on the show was discussing how doing something that does something that requires your full attention reduces anxiety. It’s interesting to see that this can also be applied to reduce PTSD.

That’s a good question. From what I gather, Lemmy (and most of the Fediverse) is an alternative to something, with less focus on the money/advertising. So I would guess most people are looking for an alternative way to connect about common interests. And because it’s not the easiest path for social media, I would guess most people have a desire for agency/self-reliance.

And because the whole Fediverse seems to be a different way of approaching social connecting, it takes a little more understanding of computer technology, so I would also guess most people have a least a higher than average affinity for computer technology. Linux and Programming Humor are larger communities.

That said, I have enjoyed a somewhat active participation about woodworking, gardening, jokes, news, medical updates, etc. Like mentioned in another comment, the different instances will have somewhat different norms and practices.

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I didn’t learn this until about a year ago, but fine china is a type of ceramic, similar to porcelain or bone china. They differ in what mixtures they are made of and what temperature they are dried at.


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Idk, I found a lot of shops for custom pieces that I would not have otherwise found. I’ve never had an issue with them

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I guess not something that I would change, but I’m very glad we started with a marriage counselor. We did not have any overbearing concerns, but it has been immensely helpful in understanding each other and having a healthier relationship. Sometime people get weird and say “Oh no, a counselor, what’s wrong with your relationship.” Nothing. That is the point. Talk to one to get a baseline and when (not if) challenges come up, you don’t have to waste sessions filling them on your back story. Honestly, I think it should be required to do like three sessions before signing the papers, if nothing else to have someone point some things out that youre blind to otherwise about yourself.

I’ve enjoyed using Mango. It’s always been free but there’s a paid version now too. It dives right into useful conversation, but gives cultural context before, like formal/informal or when certain phrases are used. It has flash cards built between lessons to help with memorization and you can even record your pronunciation and hear/see the audio clip and how it compares to how you are saying it. It also has the ability to download lessons for offline use. I first used it because it was one of the only apps/websites that specifically taught the Levantine dialect of Arabic not found on other apps.

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Depends, am I a horse-sized duck? I might have some people to fight

I’ve had a good experience with an old Kindle 3G and the Calibre program. You can get the old Kindles pretty cheap and they don’t have the built-in ads and some of the slightly useless features of the new ones.

That, or like the16bitgamer mentioned, an iPad has good options for free ebook apps without ads or tracking. I found this one called eBoox that has great usability and no ads. It’s weirdly marketed as a “cute” ebooks app, but it’s honestly better than the stock one and doesn’t actually have cats or those pictures that are in the description in the actual app.

I would definitely have to say my wife. She inspires me to be a better person and my life has been exponentially better since I have known her. Don’t get me wrong, the relationship has been a LOT of work. But every ounce is worth it. And I would not have had the chance to be with her without my dad teaching me a solid work ethic. That with my patience/persistence/determination has gotten me to so many better spaces. I’ve definitely learned to highly value those good people around.

الحَمدُ لِلّه

It is tragic that 70 Israeli people died on a Jewish holiday, and also tragic that the Israeli government response has 482 dead and 1600 wounded.

As with most things, there are probably multiple layers of context. But it is just sad that people have to die in the middle of things.

I think you have the most accurate answer. The “othering” behavior can be seen in essentially any group of people.

Plus, if you read any of the texts of these religions, I have never come across instructions to shun others. I think people have a surface level of belief and then sophomorically apply it to be “more righteous.” They’re really missing the forest for the trees if they elevate themselves above others.

Not the Middle East, but I remember Hinduism having a caste system that does actually rank people, but from information I got, people were generally on the same page about it.

Yeah I wish my doctor would check my prostate using lube, or at least a glove.

Kidding, kidding. My doctor actually said the best practice is no longer to routinely check prostate via digital rectal exam (DRE) because it doesn’t indicate prostate issues any earlier or more accurately than checking a blood PSA level.

I can only imagine that a cervical exam is very uncomfortable. And being that I work in the medical field, I have assisted obtaining cervical swabs. I will say that some providers are pretty focused on getting a good exam or swab and seem to forget that it is a person they are working with. I would definitely mention that it was especially uncomfortable last time and see if they can go slower or anything. If not, maybe get the exam from a different provider, if possible. Some people’s technique just does not include the comfort of the patient.

Homework actually 😅. After a couple of hours, they all start to sound like the cantina song on Star Wars

It’s not integrated into any of the apps I use, so I use a mobile browser. There’s a shield icon that appears next to the notification bell icon. It’s essentially another inbox that shows the reporter, reportee, post, community, and reason for reporting. I still have to manually click the post and decide what to do (ie, remove, ban, nothing), and then go back to the mod inbox and click a Resolved (like a “read”) button.

I’ll be honest, I wear stretchy scrubs for my job and cannot imagine more comfortable clothing. That being said; never tried a dress lol

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As someone who cares for elderly people sometimes, please please fill out an advanced directive (not just a living will). It’s a sort of “if this, then that” for health scenarios. It’s immensely helpful when when caring for someone not well, and can be much more stressful without one. I have had dying, incapacitated patients wait weeks for guardianship or POA-HC to be processed before care can be changed to comfort measures, because they did not have one on file.

Get one from the hospital you would likely go to, fill it out, give them a copy, keep a copy, and give a copy to who you list as a decision-maker. You do not want to add the stress of logistics to an emotionally difficult time.

I think as a society we should embrace death more. Pretending it doesn’t happen just makes things worse when that reality of mortality unwaveringly stares you in the face.

Yeah I’m hoping it was an honest mistake, but if I don’t get a reply, I definitely want to leave a review about what to possibly expect from the seller.

It’s a vintage woodworking tool and semi-difficult to find. There are new ones available but are double the price. I’ll just have to try to find another one from a different seller, but I’m kind of upset because I thought it was a done deal.

I hadn’t really heard of the new technique of “manifesting” until now. I read this for an explanation. It does sound very similar to the mindfulness practiced through prayer.

At least from my perspective, the difference being that prayer includes other things like thankfulness, asking for forgiveness for mistakes I have made, etc. I think prayer is a bit more “complete.” I also believe there is a huge advantage to acknowledging that we are simply not in control of everything that happens in our lives. That sounds like a lot of pressure to assume your success is only dependent on your actions.

I am all for people finding ways to healthily better there own lives. If manifesting fills that niche for non-religious people, it seems like a good thing.

It is an antique woodworking tool. It was a decent price, that’s why I scooped it. The idea was to buy a vintage one and fix it a little so it was cheaper than a very expensive new one. But many of the vintage ones are approaching new prices.

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Sure, small groups of closed-minded people can easily become echo chambers. For everyone else, safe spaces can be a way to support thoughts or feelings that may not otherwise be expressed and discussed. I guess the question becomes “What percentage of safe spaces are made up of mostly close-minded people?” If you assume that most people are close-minded, then you are correct.

I currently journal and think an anonymous blog would be a neat idea, but I’ve never actually blogged.

Do any of you have a recommendation? Medium? Self host? I think the ability to search, reference, and download a copy would be ideal.

All spot-on advice above. I don’t work in IT but just wanted to add that I learned that the hard way, many managers are simply not good at their job and know they can pull a bait-and-switch with newer employees. It takes a little bit of experience to feel confident enough to say “That’s not what I agreed to.” In the nursing world they call that someone’s nursing voice.

What helped me and might help you is reassuring yourself that what you’re currently doing is not what was originally discussed, and you are looking for a role doing X. It’s nothing personal toward them, it’s simply “I am looking for this certain role and quality that is not available in this current role.” I personally hated confrontation, so sticking with objective aspects helped make that uncomfortable change.

The seller has high ratings. I guess I’ll just try messaging them for an answer and leave a review about my experience if they don’t respond. I had some bad experiences with eBay in the past and seemed to have gotten better, but this makes me a bit more hesitant again.

That’s a fair point. I guess only one or two I knew said they didn’t use it because of the aluminum, but I didn’t get to ask more about it.

I’m not sure what you’re using it for, but I use an ebook reader called eBoox. It’s free with no ads, not sure if open-source. I had bookmarks but I don’t think annotations. I like it because it can open my epub, mobi, and pdf books, change the font and font size, sepia and night modes, has many options for how to change the page, and fairly simple UI. The creator markets it as a cutesy cat thing, but that is only present on the initial setup and then it’s just a regular e-reader app.

Thank you for the list of suggestions; that’s really helpful. I haven’t been on Android in a while, is the Gcam app noticeably better than a stock camera app? What sorts of things would it do better? Low lighting or blur reduction?

I agree about the ROM. I’d really like to have something that is simple and looks to have continued support when necessary for security and other major updates. I also agree about the camera. It seems to be a deciding factor for smartphones. The last I checked the Pixels had excellent sensors but had some camera software issues that I believe were eventually resolved. I’m hoping that isn’t an issue if I’m just using a basic OS.

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Spot on, it was a hand plane haha. Stanley 46 plow plane

They’re a bit on the pricy side, but I like Figs or Cherokee Infinity. I’ve been told CodeNxt is the same material as Figs but half the price; I would try those. Figs actually started making casual clothing as well now.

What is the overall goal to teach them? Do they need to be journal articles? The most “grabby” headliners I have noticed are on marketing items. Especially if you want to appeal to a younger audience, you could screenshot examples from Snapchat tabloids. “Top 17 ways to get your SO to notice you more,” “Prince Harry did the unthinkable,” “How to instantly cut fat out of your diet,” etc.

Their goal is to “hook” you into reading or scrolling or watching. Journal articles might do this on a much milder scale. “Novel method for disposing of plastics.” So you think: Novel? Must be revolutionary. Let’s find out.

Idk I hope that helps.

Oh man, I have many many written down. I quickly found out that there are many schools of thought for approaching woodworking, so it’s helpful to think about what you want to make and what you like or dislike as you try different things. I decided I wanted to go the sharpening route, as opposed to continually buying electro-hardened blades, and I wanted to use as simple as tools as I can learn how. This ends up being axes, chisels, saws, and I did get a hand-crank grinder from 1910 for those heavy grinding situations.

I almost always have the Mortise and Tenon podcast on as I’m doing things. Joshua and Mike’s discussions really resonate with me and the philosophical elements really prompt some introspection. Joshua has two books that I’ll probably get soon. Otherwise, I bought Sharpen This and the Anarchists’ Toolkit; anything from Lost Art Press is probably worth the money.

As far as channels, Matt Estlea has many great videos for the essentials of sharpening and good form for chiseling and sawing. He also has other videos that I would consider “optional” but I did end up making his sharpening block stop, because it makes sharpening quicker. I may try to do free hand honing though, since the heavy cambre is difficult with a honing guide.

Paul Sellers has so many great videos. I especially loved him making a bench without having a bench. So many people show you how to make things already having many other tools and setups.

James Wright (Wood by Wright) has some really good videos and offers honest opinions. Beavercraft has some nice simple ones for getting started with carving. I haven’t explored one for tool restoration yet; if you have any that you suggest, I’d be happy to hear them. I eventually want to just make my own wooden planes.

Can you define what you mean by religious toxicity?

I have tried a few. Duolingo seemed to be good for making it fun to get interest but a lot of it was semi-random vocabulary. Try the Mango app for more practical conversation practice. It has flash cards that remind me of Anki that are nice for reinforcing memorization. It is free but I think has a premium option now.

Also, Tandem for practicing conversation with real people that speak the language via text, voice message, call, or video call.

Thank you. I wholeheartedly agree, learning to work with nature such as wood, instead of imposing our will on it definitely gives me perspective on considering our connection with nature. In the modern era, much of how we connect with nature is removed or sterilized.

I’m really glad to hear you sing. There are so many ways music and rhythm weave through our lives. I expect a follow up post if you Snow White like 20 birds onto your arms!

That sounds like a unique experience. When I had a running coach for a short while, he said I should curl my toe down as I pull my leg back. The lack of exercising that bottom foot muscle often contributes to flat-footedness. This wasn’t probably an issue when people walked barefoot because we naturally dug into the earth for traction.

Do your feet ever get sore?

That must have been a cool experience. There was/is an r/iwantout that was nice to get some local experience of some expats. I’m sure every place has its pros and cons. Id love to visit more places and get a feel for the culture and lifestyles.

But I agree, making time for just doing something that give you that spark of joy is pretty important. It seems too easy to get sucked into the cycle of bills, life tasks, credit, etc. Does anyone think of that on their deathbed? From I gather, people think of the important people and experiences they have had.

My high school teacher was named Richard Face. That pretty much writes itself.

Or “Ihave Noname” or “Whatis Yourname” would probably cause some confusion.

I drove the bus driver for Slipknot back to his bus.

I also partied with Pretty Lights and Griz in a campsite but didnt know it at the time. Super chill people.