3 Post – 16 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Right? I remember watching some time ago a AI-generated video of an actress - I think it was Kirsten Stewart - doing a monologue. It was eerily undistinguishable from reality. This is happening, and actors have all the rights to be upset by it until proper compensation rules are in place.

5 more...

What a horrible day to have a memory.

Welcome to the Fed Side. We have cookies :)

I would gladly wear a Roman senatorial toga all the time.

for a period of time

Quite the optimist here, dude.

1 more...

True, true.

Hear hear!

How does it work when you ask to moderate a federated magazine?

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The RNC can’t even find enough testicular fortitude to tell Trump to fuck off.

They need Trump's rabid following to have any chance in the upcoming election, simple as that. Relying on the Dem's inanity and self-sabotage tendencies is too much of a risk, so they are resigned to kiss the orange oaf's arse to save their seats.

I'm sure a vast majority of the Rep MP's is secretly hoping Trump gets properly incarcerated and invalidated in some way from running, so that they can say "sorry, not our fault" and return to autonomy.

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In Italy we have now compassion fatigue. It is just so overwhelming that we've become desensitized. Thousands of lives are saved, and lost, year on year, and nothing ever changes. The migrant plight has become both a business and a political stance to take advantage of on all sides.

Aside of those poor souls, there are no good guys in this fucked up mess. Do not be surprised, also, if the Titan wreck makes the news and the loss of 1000+ people in the space of a summer doesn't.

Because news are not subsidised anymore and need to run on money, views and paper sales.

A wreck on an iconic wreck site generates views.

The n-th migrant shipwreck does not generate views anymore (compassion fatigue, remember) unless you stick to it the picture of a dead child's body washed ashore.

It's cynical, and I hate it, but it's how it is.

don't google "1man1jar".

try my hand

I see what you did there.

No worries, thanks anyway!

For what it's worth, right now is lightning fast here in Italy. Regular cable connection.

I might be wrong, but I've noticed that right now, if you subscribe to a magazine, you subscribe to all subreddit-equivalents across instances with the same name. Let me tell you that subscribing to ! led to interesting stuff in my feed...

Not considering vaporware or failed products (e.g. Eolo car):

  • The Esperanto language. (Yes, I'm old)

  • NFTs.

  • Blockchain. Yes, it has its use, but it's not the pervasive, all-use game changer it was claimed to be.

  • Sony Betamax. Pity because it was better than VHS.

  • New Coke. Nuff said.

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