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Joined 1 years ago

The floor being on the bottom is an unofficial standard, at least.

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Poor sound mixing is exactly why I watch most things with subs by default now. I got sick of constantly having to turn the volume up to hear dialogue and then quickly back down to avoid massive explosions etc.

21 more...

He's obviously a bad person but wow, what a life. The synergy of the prostitute baby to abortion clinic to stem cell grift, bravo little man

Could mean nothing but it's a bad look to be having talks under NDA. We'll see how it turns out but I'm glad I never got invested in using Mastodon.

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But how do you sit in an office chair with your feet on the seat, like I do, in a dress?

No, I refuse to sit properly.

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Is anybody out there buying vegan stuff thinking it's meat? Read the label. You should be doing that anyway.

This is the root of it. Reddit is not profitable (like twitter) and between my experience of Reddit over the years and stuff spez said in recent interviews, and the whole blackout situation recently, it's obvious that profit is the main driver for the business. It's funny referring to Reddit as a business, but that is now its primary purpose and descriptor.

I imagine the past few years have had a knock-on effect on social media businesses including Reddit, just as it has for the energy, food etc industries. What are the margins per user for ads served? It's got to be razor thin these days especially when Reddit employs thousands of people doing who knows what. I know they had to hold off their IPO due to the market and recently laid off some staff, they are clearly in bad shape as a business.

Some drama is just down to their politics (authoritarian Marxist Leninist in the main), and some relating to their moderation based on politics (bans for users posting articles critical of China, allegedly). You should be able to search and find recent treads, here is one I still had a tab open from yesterday:

Another part of this is people's concerns about whether their politics influences their development of Lemmy.

Would this actually be a GDPR breach? I was thinking about the right to erasure/to be forgotten earlier in relation to a post I saw about how your posts aren't deleted on other federated instances, if you delete them on your home server. But I figured it wasn't applicable because it's not personal data and I'm thinking the same about this Reddit issue. Can anyone set me straight?

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Linus has done a lot for him, that is probably the main thing.

Do you have any plans to start redirecting users to your new spot, while keeping the subreddit open?

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Another auto industry scam. Unnecessary, unsafe and wasteful. And we buy most of them on finance plans (in the UK).

God, I loved RoN! It was like a better version of Empire Earth which, to me, was already like a better version of Age of Empires.

I mostly enjoyed the era changing, my favourite being the Napoleonic era. And I remember it having a good choice of campaigns/scenarios to play.

I thought RoN would spawn a series of titles but I think they just had Rise of Legends which was interesting but definitely not the same.

Kbin users

Interesting, I thought the sound mixing in films was poor because it was designed for cinema viewing and then not optimised for home setups. But I don't watch many movies on the big screen anymore. I thought at least some people were enjoying good quality mixing haha

Why arent you allowed to wear shorts?

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Sounds like their chip is part of a botnet

The project could be "hottest/most destructive fart". If it is, I would like to see the white paper.

Edit: my thinking being that the chairs would be a fairly consistent medium to test against

The last time I downloaded Linux mint to give it a try was the day before they announced the ISO from the official site had been injected with malicious code. Bad timing for my interest in using Linux, lol.

I've not played for some time but I'm liking the sound of these changes! I'm glad they've started these diaries by talking about roads, which were always a pain point for me. Here's hoping the traffic simulation is also improved.

That sounds pretty good! I wish you luck. Hopefully, more of your community will be up for migrating over time or during whatever the next incident is.

Funnily enough, watching TV in bed is the other reason I started watching with subs! I've since switched to bluetooth headphones for that and I find I don't usually need subtitles if I'm using them.

Fair enough, that's too bad. At my work there is no such policy and there are a few men who wear tailored shorts in the summer but it's not overly common here either I suppose.

I reckon I'd go in the left lane approaching the roundabout. Your exit is maybe technically "to the right" of entry but it's marginal and that's only a rule of thumb. You have to move to the left lane to come off anyway and you're not going to be in anyone's way going round are you?

Probably the wire or sopranos, they feel very iconic and nostalgic to me.

Speak for yourself please, I wouldn't find it deeply confusing.

These people think they're running a 'psyop', lol

This is the one for me. I just checked and I've been using the premium version since May 2016 and it cost me £2.50. Only issue I've had in that time is the web player was failing to buffer episodes for streaming, but that has since resolved for me.


Aged accounts with Karma are worth more apparently, or at least they used to be. Actually, if they still have any value, people should sell their accounts rather than deleting them.

just saying "script reverted it" isn't going to save you

I feel like this would actually be worse than someone doing it manually, in terms of GDPR.

I doubt Reddit is ever going to check all these comments manually to see if they do or do not contain personally identifiable data. They have to delete this data. The data also doesn't have to be "hi my name is X and my address is X", it can be anything that could be potentially identifying, on its own or in combination with other identifying data.

I'm reading some of them, in all their unprompted and unhinged glory.

Yes, I've been using this for a while on my work computer with win11, neat little feature.

I am a super casual pirate these days. Qbittorrent with jackett, and debrid for streaming gives me everything I need. I used to do Usenet and torrents with a bunch of private trackers but I like how easy it is not having all that crap. Managing my debrid and syncler subscriptions is about the limit of the regular admin I want to do. My only issue is public torrents feel a bit exposed but it's not something I worry about.

Yeah Heinz are American but the can you have looks like the type we have here. I hope you had them on toast ;)

With sausages?

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I would like something like multireddits, a feed that you add certain communities to. That way you can have all of your music content in one music feed, even if the communities are called post-rock, popmusic, funk etc.

I like your idea, maybe there could be default feeds that you then customise or create your own. That would make it easier to get started finding content.

It is still early days so who knows how things will develop.

I haven't been playing it since 86, but I feel like I first found this on the internet over 20 years ago and played it every few weeks for a solid decade. It's still really impressive to me today that it has such replayability.

That is fucking horrible... Single dad who lost his wife to gun violence as well.