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Joined 1 years ago

It’s not an issue of not being reversible. The problem is that it is symmetrical without being reversible. HDMI and DisplayPort are much less annoying. Even USB Type B (printer cables) is relatively easy to figure out orientation for.

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Alternate headline: "Racist racists racistly"

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Bad people doing bad things is nothing new.

But these things allow good, otherwise well-intentioned, people, to become unwitting moles for Meta.

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He didn't hang himself because of child porn. He hung himself because he was facing life in prison for downloading some journal articles. The government was trying to make an example out of him.

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Sounds like you need a Ping Pong table.

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Uh huh.

And yet she’s giving Israel bombs to destroy people’s homes. Literally forcibly relocating them. Never mind that 70% of Gazans were forcibly relocated from their land 75 years ago.

These statements are just cover for more Israeli murder. It’s designed to make people feel complacent.

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It’s not mindless. This is exactly the intended outcome.

The Steam deck is a leap forward in capability IMO.

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I don't care if spez is fired or not. It doesn't matter. He's incompetent, but he's just carrying out the wishes of the investors.

I spoke ill of her while she was still alive. I promise not to make any new arguments, as that would be unfair.

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Every justification for pervasive online surveillance starts with "it will protect the children."

So if you're someone who hates pervasive, overreaching, surveillence, taking the position that CP isn't actually harming children makes sense as a tactic. I don't think he was winning over too many converts to that POV though.

You know it's bad when you're using your combover to block your neckgina.

To me Mass Effect 1-3 felt more cohesive in space, because it was always clear how much you could do, whereas in SF it looks exactly like you're in NMS, but you can't do NMS things.

It's not game breaking or ruining though. Just know going in that it isn't No Mans Sky.

The PA is Hamas’s enemy. Cutting off aid to them in response to Hamas’s actions is exactly what Hamas would want.

Samsung phones are the worst android phones you can buy, except for all the others.

As frustrating as Samsung is, I always find myself going back to them. Displays, build quality, cameras, performance, storage capacity, speakers, software features (Dex!), they're just ahead of the curve across the board.

The only legitimate advantage of Chinese phones is the super fast charging, but I'm in the better safe than sorry camp on that one.

I've had the Fold 3 and now Fold 4, and I really don't see myself getting anything other than a Fold 6 down the line, unless something major changes.

Apple tracks iPhone users. Apple is an advertising company. Apple just tries to block other advertising companies from tracking you on their platform, because they want more money.

It's pretty good. I'm not super into fantasy so I think I prefer the story so far over TES. I do like a sideish plot I'm in to join a faction and potentially betray another faction.

I am running on a 3080 with no real hiccups. I get 40-80fps. It's higher indoors and on the blower side in cities. This is on Ultra with resolution scaling at 77% at 4K, which is slightly above the Ultra preset.

There are loading screens when you take off and land or enter certain areas. They're annoying, but usually just 1-2 seconds. I do wish they optimized this more.

Combat is decent. It's not the best shooter in history but it generally works okay. Space combat is again just okay. Kind of simplistic relative to something like Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen. Actually, after admittedly only a couple space battles, I actually think even No Mans Sky has better space combat. Don't take this as gospel though.

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These are not smart people. You can ignore their opinions. They are lizards. They hate failure and weakness. As soon as Trump falters, they will pretend that they never supported him. These people would have died for George Bush, and he became a laughing stock within a couple years.

But the fact that AVs detect dark skinned people and short people at a lower effectiveness is a reflection of the lack of diversity in the tech staff designing and testing these systems as a whole.

No, it isn't. Its a product of the fact that dark people are darker and children are smaller. Human drivers have a harder time seeing these individuals too. They literally send less data to the camera sensor. This is why people wear reflective vests for safety at night, and ninjas dress in black.

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They specifically said there were going to be loading screens and no user driven landings. I agree with not preordering games, but I also think you need to actually look at what the dev is saying before you set your expectations.

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OK, 3/3, but I should get points for only running Linux on WSL and Steam Deck. I'm not a nerd.

Edit: and my two android phones and my router.

Reddit users will be reposting Lemmy content for real money gold by 2025. Fucking spez...

At the time Firefox was clunky, unpopular, and did not have good compatibility across all sites

Firefox was an excellent, fast, highly compatible, alternative to Internet Explorer. It was already winning when Chrome came on the scene. However, Firefox actually got more clunky and slower over time, so Chrome was a breath of fresh air in comparison. People like me who used Firefox back from version 0.6 jumped to Chrome because it was doing what Firefox used to do. Chrome was a genuinely better product for a long time, but then like Firefox, it too got slower and more clunky. Meanwhile, Firefox saw what they were up against and went back to their roots. Firefox has gotten a lot better in the last couple years.

Google also significantly pushed Chrome adoption by encouraging people to download it in Google search and Gmail.

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Mini is fine. Micro is very close to being symmetrical that it might as well be. For cables that small, reversible is the way to go.

Nothing is barely a brand already. They're going to split up into a sub brand? To make even cheaper stuff?

I have auto update turned on and I still need to do manual updates all the time. Moving that option always felt so user hostile to me although I can't really say why.

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Call me when they stop actively supporting genocide. Empty words are empty.

We need to retake the Senate for the blue team in 2024 so that we can have a real leader, like Diane Feinstein.

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It's perfectly optimized. I'm getting a rock solid 30fps. /s

Seriously though, I think it's fine. Especially indoors and in space, it performs well and looks incredible. New Atlantis is kinda ugly and janky though.

His mercenary army is going to be run by a Putin stooge. I'm not completely sure that's better. Not exactly bawling over here, but I would have rather seen him march on the Kremlin instead.

I tried to make Discord work for a couple niche interests I had. Holy shit is it awful. I genuinely don't understand why people think it's okay. Maybe it's kids who have never experienced forums?

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The verge review is up as well. 8.0


Glad the price is just $300 instead of the rumored $365. Still too rich for my blood but I'll be on the lookout for a refurb.

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Nobody shits on Muslims as much as racists like you.

Not much. It's mainly just a texture. I think the most flavorful was a type of ant that tasted kind of like a black bean.

Raises cost $30,000. That's why they prefer the ping pong table.

Don't blame me I voted for Tim Apple

Because it's clickbait garbage like everything else from The Hill.

(treats other people like shit)

"believe it or not, I'm a real person"

Lemmy.world is by far the best experience for a new user. You can convince people to move to a new instance once they're already on lemmy.world. Starting off in a random instance is much more confusing.

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Sync is more polished, but Infinity has a much better layout on the Galaxy Fold. I'm using Infinity for now, but hoping it improves quickly.

Neither is as good as Reddit Is Fun for foldables, unfortunately. That had a perfect interface IMO. Much better than Apollo too.

One thing that really bothers me on Infinity is that I see no way to show the parent of a comment that I am looking at. It only times you the option to show all other comments, but not the parent specifically.