7 Post – 129 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I like dogs, indie games and free software.

Richest man in the world begging for pennies.

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Setting up boundaries.

Leaving that garbage website was the best decision I've made for my mental health since pot

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I never thought about this indirect upside of using fediverse apps. There is absolutely no incentive to publicity, who the heck is gonna pay me for promoting their book over my BookWyrm? They will make two cents from that.

So when someone publishes something over these underdog app it's because they are genuinely interested. It's really refreshing to be able to read sincere opinions from people tbh.

Not one per se, but I love when a piece of open source software absolutely destroys it's competition. I'm not talking Firefox vs. Chrome or Unity vs. Godot debate (both are better, don't @ me), I'm talking when it's not even close, the open alternative is just industry standard.

VLC, Calibre, OBS and maybe Blender come to mind.

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People arguing a lot of legal stuff while I just think this was a dick move.

Wherever Aaron is, I hope he can't see this.

Edit: Well, thanks for the gold kind stranger!

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Google nowadays works if you wanna search something from the Wikipedia or like the same 20 websites. For anything else, good luck going through all the SEO autogenerated garbage.

I sure hope some subreddits to go private indefinitely this 30th, just to shut up this imbecile.

Too much rage bait, also after a time in here it's quite apparent how much the algorithm tries to push you to addiction.

I miss the niche communities tho.


I always thought it was the proportions that weren't healty. You get 50% bread, 50% meat, with a tiny slice of lettuce in the middle.

"It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier but you gotta do it every day, that's the hard part, but it does get easier".

As far as I'm concerned, everyone owns themselves watching Bojack Horseman.

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As a Mexican I've been dealing with stupid cartel blogs my whole life, I don't really care anymore. I just vibe with the 99.9% of people that is sane.

4 more... Explain briefly like I'm 5 the Embrace, Extend, Extinguish strategy with a kid selling lemonade and another kid joining in

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Lil bro thinks he is Sonic 😭


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Two days ago they were, as of his words "not profiting", and suddenly a blackout doesn't affect them? What a clown.

Nicotine+ is such a wild name for a piece of software.

I don't think people are defending it, they just think it's not that big a deal, it really is tho.

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Hey bud, be the change you want to see in the world!

I would like to know every song's lyrics upon hearing the first 10 seconds, think of the karaoke nights 🎤

Aw, why did you have to make me the bad guy.

If a website asks me log in to continue I just leave.

Yeah "Not interested" doesn't do a damn thing.

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NTA, that shouldn't rob your sleep tho, it's something that will happen, and kind of inevitable once reaching critical mass.

Despite that, I think there is nothing wrong with wanting to migrate useful content from dedicated communities into a safer, better platform. If you think about it, that content was never Reddit's, It was from the community, for the community.

People reposting low effort content and memes for engagement kinda suck tho.

Wait, that's what ETA meant over there?

Congrats dude, you have a hobby. Enjoy your time, life it's all about the small things :)

I will tell this nonstop, online advertisement (as a form of monetization) is pretty damn dated nowadays. You could give them literally a dollar every year and they would make more from you than serving you ads.

Unpopular opinion: I kinda feel like a reason ads are so popular nowadays is because it gives the user a way of feeling they are supporting a product/creator by doing pretty much nothing.

At first I thought they chickened out, now somehow I am both relieved and extremely sad.

The fact that we use private software for public schools is something I will never understand.

We are getting to a point where development cycles are getting longer than some consoles lifetimes.

Technically you can have any username you would ever like, just spin up your own instance!

Honestly you gotta have a lot of knowledge for gatekeeping, not many people are suited to gatekeep /s

Man, I can't believe we live at a time where being trans is more dangerous than having cancer...

Just let it settle organically.

I've never wanted to wear a dress, I do however enjoy the fact that I can work naked from home.

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Sadly, it will. People are too used of the whole "administratives of the product I consume represent me".

Federated applications (and open source for that matter), don't really have an "owner", nor a CEO. Yeah the devs may have some questionable opinions, but at the end of the day the software is free as in freedom for everyone to use as they please, the only thing they can control is their own instance. Just join another and block theirs if you like.

I use Arch because pacman sounds cooler than apt, wakka wakka.