4 Post – 55 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Boxers-while-working gang rise up.

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I have found my calling and pilgrimage.

Tbf, I have a slight feeling the users here might have a FOSS bend at a higher clip, so that perspective is to be expected.

I know because I'm one of these guys. Insert any tech company in for X and I'll have something to grumble about after a few beers 😅

Well, I mean, in the United States our culture is built around "business good; much innovation" and anything to stymie corporate efforts is met with groans of "you'll understand why it must be this way when you're older." It's almost reflex for some to be apologists for corporations.

Heck, I even read some takes around that damned submarine being along the lines of "we shouldn't regulate the sub industry -- that CEO was just trying to innovate!"

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I thank god smart phones didn't exist in thebMySpace/FaceBook transitional time. Holy god I was an edgy atheist getting into "debates" about religion with my friend's parents.

one test and when you pass it you don’t have to go to school anymore.

In America it's called the GED. I know this because a friend of mine took it at 15 and started community college immediately.

I guess he found out that selenium script kiddies like myself can simply scrape the website instead of paying the api fees. It's not as efficient — or maybe my scripts just suck — but you can't beat free!

Or, more cynically, they're making the app more painful to use if you aren't paying for it.

Well, billionaires are wonderful people deep down.

Govern -> Government
Settle -> Settlement
Judge -> *Judg*ment

I advocate for "judge" to be spelled "judg" for adherence to English standards.

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It's certainly on my list alongside Debian. It's a shame, since my distro of choice is Fedora but I'll switch next time I need to re-install my OS. If they throw opt-out telemetry into the mix I'm dipping immediately. Sure, I could opt out, but I don't want to fuck it up.

You're personal life aside, cause I understand middle/high school is the worst, what do you mean by "decentralized schooling" and what does that mean in your view? Is it curriculum or who "runs" the building?

Yeah, I'm sticking with wefwef until I get my iPhone later this year.

Til community didn't exist before Ford's invention.

This may sound argumentative, it isn't:

The capitalist pitched the infrastructure cost to the government, design of transportation and city design flex around them, and now you need to buy the privilege to participate in society back from them. Where I live public transport is basically non-existent (unless you just so happen to live in a wealthy area, oddly enough) and I've known people trapped in poverty because no car means no job, but job don't pay, so they work for car because everyone is laser focused on the merits for the individual over the collective. Even if it's cooking the environment and is inefficient for moving people en-masse as well.

In the example you gave why not offer a train station that goes to the city? I'm one of the fortunate few that can take the train into the city and it has been ideal. Just me, my e-bike, and the train. No insurance; no emissions. It'd be perfect save the two tons of metal flying around me constantly.

I wonder if the same thing happened during the digg migration.

Eh screw it, thine to break the redditless streak.

I take a train to the city, and I bike to the station whenever I need to go into the office. The amount of disabled folk I see that could not transport themselves otherwise because a car is requisite would shock you.

The point of their community is improving public transport so it isn't as car centric and a requirement to participate society.

I don't see exactly how that's "commie" to strive for a more democratic society.

Also we need to consider how phone companies differ from Google and Apple. Those two also generate money off the users purchasing apps and etc, and they have the ability to push users to their services easier. Where as strictly phone manufacturers make money at the sale of the handset, so -- as you put it -- they're incentivized to have as much penetration as possible by selling as many models they can.

Tho, I do think people are starting to care about support length as the phone market matures and people wait longer to buy their new phones. Which is why, I think, Android manufacturers are lengthening support (and not out of the goodness of their hearts)

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Absolutely vile. It's quite literally on their front page.

Or -- Christ it's 2023 -- Apple's first fucking USB-C phone. Holy mother of god, having one stupid cable for the devices I want was a siren song of a mad god, but we're finally here.

In 2023

I think it's the impulse to have the Frediverse grow, but it's a bit of a Trojan horse innit?

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Yeah, for now people are still going to incidentally use reddit for human-written non-seo optimized text.

Heck, I needed it last night for help with my computer.

"And we think you're gonna love it"


Yeah, this kinda hit me whenever my first pair of AirPods died because I was using them so much. They have such tiny batteries, so a percentage difference in total charging capacity was felt quicker. Additionally, the use-case lends to them being discharged almost completely, which hurts life further. While it's convenient, I realized I was paying a really sharp subscription service where there's no service from the manufacturer to continue the use of the parts and ultimately the product is designed to be landfill debris.

I switched to a wire after that.

Who do we call the enemy? 
My children, my children
Who do we call the enemy?

Who do we call the enemy?
The enemy is poverty
And the wall keeps out the enemy
And we build the wall to keep us free
That's why we build the wall
We build the wall to keep us free

Hoffman’s reaction

Care to share a link if you have it readily available? Otherwise I can hunt around for it :)

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Yeah, maybe there could be blurb during the sign up section when selecting an instance? That being said, I didn't know what I was doing when I first signed up for Lemmy and chose without knowing choosing the largest one didn't matter.

They’re fighting a losing battle, but I hope a side effect of it is that new people come in and change both the economics and artistry of Hollywood. Most Hollywood content sits in a very rigid box. It’s repetitive, unoriginal, and unappealing.

My two cents is there's a structural issue that's converged to strictly Campbellian story-telling as the end-all-be-all structure. Sure, you'll have something come out of HBO or AppleTV that breaks it, but AAA movies rarely break it.

"Come home with me"

Something happened in the 80's, but I can't put my finger on what 🤔

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So wait, if they can revert any changes then how are things being harmed?

I agree, but I'm just spitballing why others could potentially see Meta joining the verse as a positive.

I've been waiting for this forever!!

Yeah, unfortunately my house is pretty old, so there's exactly one spot I can place a modem/router. I could centralize the router, but it always ends in a cable 🙃

I haven't worn a belt in months. 🥳

Well, for example, Android phones need to be rooted for full system access, for example. That's a series of hoops to jump through. Same goes for installing a malicious .apk. A windows user just needs to click through a AUC prompt and the lovely has keys to the city. That's before we touch the wonder that is admin PowerShell.

I suppose the ratio of how much knowledge the average person knows about tech to "dangerous" behavior naturally taught by the OS is higher, I suspect, on Windows.

I thought that initially as well, but consider when I search for "gaming" across the different instances I'd likely choose the largest community. Should something go awry with the hosting of that community (say, defedration from the other instances or it goes down) another will step up. It's really not so bad.

In my opinion and understanding, anyhow.

Oh god, I was blind to them. The fuckers are every where.

Ack! another one.

Oh man, I dunno, I could put my foot down at work — but judging how the Windows-folk react in my personal life whenever anything goes wrong the first words out of their mouth is "Oh, is this a [MacOS, Linux] thing?"

More often than not it's not an issue related to the OS. I couldn't imagine it dialed up to 11 in a professional development environment.

Precisely. I'll likely block all traffic from Meta's instance, but that would cause a ton of users to migrate.