Chaotic Entropy

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Joined 12 months ago

A huge amount of products are just generic Chinese products that have a brand slapped on it. If you've ever bought a random small USB device (i.e USB hubs, etc) from a major brand like LogiTech and others, if you crack it open it is just the same device as cheap resellers with a branded coating. It's not worth it to many companies to bother manufacturing their own small tat so they just sub-contract out.

And sure, it likely works, but it's the exact same hardware with the same capabilities as a product a 10th of the price.

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Politicians can legally be bribed after the fact now. Phew, what a relief.

I guess step two is to decide exactly how many hours a bribe needs to be given, before doing someone a favour, for it to just be considered a gift.

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He'd prefer to just form an orderly mob, I guess? Much cheaper and so traditional.

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Every so often a federal politician doesn't get what they really really want, and never fully recover. RIP Hillary.

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Yeah, the small tat items and accessories, as I said.

A British mob in my eyes would be the sort that forms after a football game and smashes shit up. There would be an alternative name for the fancier kind.

Fucking hell. That woman needs to be sectioned.

"I didn't make any money from this. A sad day."

It's almost like employees are more than just numbers on a spreadsheet. Who knew.

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"Let's talk about all the cheap Chinese labour that Apple uses despite being the 10th richest company in the world."

"Let's not."

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"There could be infrastructure there, there could be tunnels there. We’re still looking into it.”

So... you bombed this refugee area, didn't give a fuck... you got the target you wanted along with a bunch of civilians. Now, after the fact, you are searching for more justifications than you had before the attack was sanctioned.

What the fuck. They may as well just say "tell us what you need to hear for this to be okay, and we'll say it".

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I'm not going to say that Boeing had this guy directly killed, but I can certainly see them and their legal team explicitly trying to make his life as hellish as possible until he felt that he only had one way out. Legal threats if you stop proceeding with your case, legals threats if you don't, they want a terrible warning for any other whistleblowers.

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"an employee made a threat towards his employer using social media"

Wow. That's... probably against their internal social media policy.

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Half the time I look at a website or article it is just AI generated crap anyway. Oh you want a product review? Here are a half dozen articles that have summarised the Amazon reviews of an item, with no first hand experience.

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The centralisation of all web browsing in the hands of a handful of aggregated front ends that basically monopolise on content provided by other people. Goodbye websites and independent communities.

Hello auto generated websites that exist to push ads and optimise SEO.

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Perkins said he tried to shoot the gun out of Mungeam’s hand, a skill he said he learned in training. The Republic could not confirm if officers are trained to shoot items out of suspects’ hands.

That... that's not a thing... and I guess he just kept trying after he kept failing to shoot the gun out of his hand...

What kind of "seen too many movies" bullshit is this.

Considering how prevalent scams and actively malicious content posing as ads are across ad services in general, having an ad blocker is just basic online safety at this point.

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This shouldn't be a distraction from the core issue, but obviously people should cut this shit out.

You can't sneeze online without some sociopathic child threatening to slit your throat.

Edit: Annnd it was an employee of Unity that made the threats...

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"A big hit" with people who desperately need accommodation that won't bankrupt them.

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Is it so hard to remember that the Israeli government is an extreme right wing, theocratic regime.

The likelihood of your values aligning well with them or their spokespeople, even within Israel, is very low. They stripped their own supreme court of the ability to stop them doing what they wanted.

That adult humans knew what they were doing and had things in hand.

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Religious nutjob on power trip backs down because his bullshit is called out and his power is shattered. More of this, please

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erroneously flag

They were legitimately picking up an activity that they generally try to prevent. AMD was using a technique to apply Anti-Lag+ that was expressly monitored for, to provide anti-cheat.

However you feel about NFTs... this is horrifying for the people who were there. They've been in some cases blinded by this absurd level of incompetence.

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Cool... driving whilst pregnant is the latest thing to fear US police over then. Wait until the first pregnant woman is shot as part of a routine traffic stop checking for abortion plans.

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I could have done without knowing that this was a thing. What a fucking world.

Oh good... janky oversold systems that do a lot of automation on a very shaky basis are also having high impacts when screwing up.

Also "Facewatch" is such an awful sounding company.

What possible reason would he have to do that...? If he wins, he gets off scot free. If he loses then he'll claim that he won and is being suppressed for political reasons and then get of scot free.

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Great... so we're reaffirming that society's various structures exist purely for the benefit of monied interests, as ever. Any benefit the regular person sees from arrangements is purely coincidental, your rights stop at the point at which a corporation needs them to.

Windows is the No. 1 OS amongst cocaine, heroine and meth dealers. Time for a crackdown.

If we want to outlaw tasteless and offensive music, we'll be here all day.

"We need you to reconsider... because we already did it and we're just looking for your stamp of approval after the fact."

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I pretty much only chose Lemmy because of the promise of Boost for Lemmy.

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So I don't have to do any of what you're saying in your post, I just have to not do the weird stuff your wife does. Cool.

Will it make my ISP give me more internets to push through that WiFi? No? Then it isn't going to change my world, sadly.

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I don't think I've ever been excited about the IPO of a company I'm a customer of. This trend continues.

"The customers love you, your colleagues respect and trust you... but upper management have expressed concerns about your comments around flaying them and their families alive."

Well that's... a take.

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Thousands of voters disenfranchised.