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A lot of people seem to mistake carjacking for car theft. Especially mentioning that the person who shot the 13 year old was a security officer gives a wrong impression on what happened.

Carjacking is when the robber(s) take control of a car with a person inside the car. This is what happened here, with the security guard being inside the car. Under these circumstances it's perfectly reasonable to consider shooting the robbers and it's unreasonable to expect the security guard being able to identify the robber as a 13-year old harmless child. There is significant plausible risk to the person inside the car to warrent lethal force during self-defense.

Car theft is stealing an empty car. Shooting someone would be entirely unreasonable during a car theft.

The article doesn't mention wether the car had window tint and the two kids where unaware of the person inside or if they intentionally tried to rob the person. That information might change what can be considered reasonable response.

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I am going to assume you have a cellar spider. Removing part of the web isn't going to directly harm them. They don't recycle their web so you aren't even removing nutrients from them.

The only way it's going to affect them is by reducing their chances of catching prey. Cellar spiders don't have a sticky web and rather rely on prey brushing up against their web, then rushing there and killing it with a bite. So you are reducing the area they are covering.

They also usually just gradually increase the size of their web. So it's unlikely it will try to rebuild everything you removed at once. Meaning it's not going to waste too much energy.

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The big clubs are all an organized crime syndicate. How bad the situation will be mostly depend on your exact location. Especially with the Hell's Angels the involvement in organized crime depends a lot on the exact charter. Some just do illegal gambling, some light narcotics and gun trades while others are also involved in human trafficking and forced prostitution.

In most of the western world organized crime usually stays away from regular citizens. That's why many people here say if you don't approach them they will leave you be. But crime always affects regular people. And there is basically nothing you can do. It's just up to luck whether you specifically get affected or not.

When the Hell's Angels started to move into Europe most politicians just ignored it. But a war between locals clubs, the Hell's Angles and then the Banditos (who also moved into Europe) broke out almost immediately. Some people even got killed. But politicians only stepped in when a civilian got killed or severely injured because some gang member shot a rocket into a rivaling gang's bar. Then shit moved back into the shadows.

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As a man I never considered pants to be uncomfortable. They are the perfect mix of range of motion, hiding the private parts. and support. Dresses, skirts, and robes seem like a nightmare to wear. You either restrict your range of motion or have to constantly worry about showing your underwear. And I would wear boxer briefs underneath by choice anyhow, so I still end up wearing pants.

I think the bigger issue is that most of us men are too lazy to look for different kinds of pants and end up wearing the same stuff year-round. Which can indeed become uncomfortable due to changes in temperature. But that issue wouldn't be fixed by having access to dresses or robes. As again, some would either be too cold or too hot.

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It's ridiculous how the crime of using the VPN is just a 200 yuan fine. But the income is considered illegal because of it and they can just seize his entire salary earned, which amounted to just over 1 million yuan.

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Yes it's possible. Their version of Google Drive (Pan Baidu) is basically a paradise for piracy. But it's a bit of a pain in the ass for foreigners to get access. And obviously everything is in Chinese.

China doesn't care about foreign held copyright. So anything that isn't owned by a Chinese company is fair game. As long as it isn't considered banned material of course.

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Bush was the worse president, Trump is the worse person.

I can see a lot of potential presidents in 2001 act the same way as Bush did, especially any other Republican. Even Gore would have gone to war in Afghanistan. Unless of course we go down the rabbit hole of could he have prevented the 9/11 attacks. The Iraq war probably would have been avoided under Gore.

But I don't see any other president doing the same damages that Trump did. While the current status of the Republican Party has many people just as bad as Trump, I don't think they would have the same traction today without Trump.

And let's not forget the worst of Trump was prevented. If his coup would have succeeded, he would even be the worse president.

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I don't think it went too far. Not exposing people accidentally to NSFW content takes priority over giving people a better experience consuming NSFW content. If you want to consume NSFW content head over to an instance that focuses on NSFW content. For example, lemmynsfw.com will fulfill all your NSFW needs.

That's the advantage of the fediverse, you can have different instances focusing on different types of content. And having the main sites of kbin.social or lemmy.world focus on Non-NSFW content will make the entire fediverse easier to advertise to the public.

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Considering how many people live near the coast it would still be a huge step forward. Right now even for most coastal cities desalination isn't cost effective and they have to import water from inland.

And by not having to deliver as much water from inland to the coast that water can be distributed more for people living inland.

Yes, it's not going to make inhospitable areas liveable but it's not just "cool".

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Gaming laptops aren't a scam, they fill a niche. For people like me they are the best option available. I travel frequently and then stay there for usually a few months before having to travel again. So a desktop doesn't work for me at all. I need a decent computer for work. Most business laptop that fill my needs are also on the heavier side. The ones that are portable usually have integraded gpu's, which just doesn't work for me. So the step from business laptop that fills my needs to gaming laptop is minimal.

All of the drawbacks of a gaming laptop are barely affecting me. And while this seems like an edgecase, there are a lot more people who have needs that a gaming laptop fulfills and can't be met by other devices.

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France banned basically all religious symbols in public schools. This includes crosses or the Jewish kippah. It's now expanded to include the abaya dresses. Veils and headscarves were already banned.

I think it's stupid since the dress isn't necessarily religious. It's just commonly worn by Muslims. Might as well ban white buttoning down shirts at this point because that's what some christians wear, especially to church.

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I don't think it crossed his mind a lot. Dogs don't deal with starvation nearly as good as humans do. Things already get life-threatening for them after 5-7 days with no food. Humans can go 10x as much. So the fact the dog made it 3 months means they had somewhat regular access to food.

If you add that the companionship the dog gave was probably invaluable. And keeping down raw dog meat is another level from raw fish. I don't think eating the dog was much on his mind.

Water, sun, and drowning were probably a much bigger threat on their lives than starvation.

Because one of the biggest issues with sex work, human trafficking, gets worse with legalization. Studies across Europe have shown that countries that outlaw prostitution see a decrease in human trafficking victims while countries that legalized or decriminalized it see an increase.

Unlike with drugs, you don't just create a way to increase the supply. A very small minority of women actually want to engage in sex work. And the few who do, usually envision the high class escort lifestyle. But working in a brothel charging $100 per client isn't something many want to do.

But legalizing prostitution increases demand. Which makes it more profitable for criminals to utilize human trafficking to fill that demand.


One source of it.

It also doesn't help at all with protecting victims of human trafficking. Victims of human trafficking are already protected. But they don't step forward because of threats against their own well being and that of their families. Something that doesn't change just because their work technically is legal now.

Which leaves a small percentage of people who fall into financial hardship and consider prostitution as a method of overcoming said hardship. For them that might slightly improve their situation. But that still means exploiting vulnerable people and isn't people engaging in sex work because they want to. And it's even questionable if people in these scenarios would follow the legal way.

So while initially it might seem like legalizing it solves a lot of issues, it is more difficult than that.

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I came around the idea of stricter enforcement of age verification for online services. But the way it is implemented doesn't make any sense. I wouldn't trust porn sites with any personal information of mine.

I like the idea France is working on, a double anonymity age verification service. A third-party (hopefully the government) is used to verify your age and generate a token and that token can be used on any site to verify your age. The site verifying your age doesn't know for which service you are generating the token and the site doesn't have any access to personal data.

Whether or not pornographic material should be accessible to people under the age of 18 is another topic. I am not sure what a good age cut-off would be. But I definitely agree that there should be an age limit.

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Canned fruits are often placed in a ton of syrup and sugar. So they aren't all that great for you. Even if you don't drink the syrup.

Canned vegetables on the other hand are perfectly fine and no different from frozen vegetables. There are rarely preservatives added since the heat and vacuum is enough to keep them from spoiling.

It's important to buy just vegetables. If you buy pre-made canned food then the quality drops significantly due to the amount of sugar, salt, and fats added. So canned peas are fine, canned pea soup not so much.

Canned vegetables have a worse reputation than deserved and it mostly comes from taste rather than health issues.

But mixing up your diet is never a bad idea. So instead of just going canned goods you can consider dried goods. Dried fruits don't have the same issue as canned fruits while still having a long shelf life. There are dried apple or banana chips, dried plums, mangos, apricots, also nuts and seeds are great alternatives.

And even dried vegetables are an option. They require a little bit more planning because some of them need to be soaked over night. And beans usually need to be cooked in addition to the soaking as they are poisonous otherwise. But not all dried vegetables need soaking, lentils can be cooked immediately. And offers, such as dried peas can even be eaten as snack in dried form.

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I can only assume but the first few pictures where probably coerced and after wards she was threatened to send more or he would release them. That definitely counts as forced. She was only 11 and this thing went on for 3 years. It's definitely not just "look what you made me do".

You can force someone to do something without being physically present.

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That's a misbelief, most lottery winner do just fine long after winning. We just only hear about the ones who go broke because that's report worthy.

And it's almost impossible to go broke with winning 1 billion. Even if you are only left with "only" 500 mil after taxes, and you manage to lose 99% of that, you are still left with 5 million. Which is still enough to have a comfortable life.

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Child sexual abuse is more than just rape by an adult. But many people only consider this form of sexual abuse and that's why they think the number is high.

But child sexual abuse also includes fondling, exhibition, kissing, forced nudity, etc. Basically anything that leads to sexual gratification. And it also includes if these things are done by older children. I think if the age difference is greater than 2 years it's considered csa even if it was done with "consent" aka it's assumed the power/authority difference doesn't allow for consent to exist. Which seems like a fair assessment.

If you take all of that into consideration, the number is totally plausible.

That's a terrible solution to the problem. It will only work a short time on locals before they just ignore it. And in the mean time is a huge safety issue because drivers will focus on the lines and are more likely to miss pedestrians or even oncoming traffic.

The worst part about this is the already have a much better solution in the picture. Add more of these tree/plant boxes to the road. It will narrow down the road and force drivers to slow down.

It would still cause some issues with visibility but if you space the trees out enough and add some clearly marked pedestrian crossings that shouldn't be too much of an issue.

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Kids are afraid of being alone in the dark. The monster under the bed or in the closet is just how they communicate their fear.

I had a room similar to what you suggested. No big closets and an elevated bed. But I still got scared sometimes. And the only things that helped were being in a well lit room and or not being alone.

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It's just easier to advertise a single big game rather than several smaller ones. Even if you are interested in games it's impossible to keep track of everything that's being released. More casual players are aware of even fewer games. That's why AAA games still sell so well because they are the only games a lot of people are even aware of.

If the companies have to split their marketing budget between multiple titles, they would reach a much smaller audience. And even if one of the smaller titles would be a hit, it probably sells fewer copies for a lower price.

Don't you know the migrants are causing the hurricanes in the first place.

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It's not a legitimate competition, that's the entirely point. The claim is AI models rely on stealing content and changing it slightly or not all. And if a "regular" journalist does this, they would get into trouble. Just because the entity switches to an AI company doesn't make this business model legitimate.

A few years ago there was a big plagiarism scandal on IGN because one of their "journalists" mostly took reviews of other people, changed a few words, and published it. Obviously that's not fine.

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I only buy it once or twice a year but no other chocolate spread tastes nearly as good.

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It's adding an additional class to the protected classes list. It probably didn't fall under any of the previous classes like race, religious beliefs, or national origins. So technically you could discriminate against them based on caste just like you can discriminate against people under the age of 40.

So I wouldn't call it pointless especially given that people from regions who face caste discrimination were the ones pushing for the law. It's not just some cheap PR stunt from a government. It might only affect a very small minority but that's exactly what these kinds of laws are supposed to do, protect a vulnerable group.

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That's the entire point of the fediverse, if you don't like how content is served to you in one instance, you move to another instance. I am not heading over to lemmynsfw.com and complaining about how consuming SFW content is difficult over there either. You can still consume either content on either platform if you want to but having the two main instances, which currently are kbin.social and lemmy.world, focus on SFW content and neglecting NSFW content makes perfect sense.

Many people are going to use kbin in public and then not having NSFW content pop up on accident is super important. And while user customization is always a nice thing to have, I can totally understand that the devs of kbin currently have other priorities. And so taking the more drastic approach is perfectly fine.

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Just block the account that made the posts. It's a single account so it takes 5 seconds to get rid of it all. It's what I did.

This really depends on your exact location. In most of the "western" world, it would be legal. But just because it's legal, doesn't mean it will go unpunished. You could still be arrested and then have some charges thrown at you trying to make one stick. Disturbing the peace would probably be one of the charges that could stick. And of course other things such as resisting arrest. Whether or not it goes that far would depend on why, where, and how you were out in your underwear and if someone has it out for you or not.

Businesses and even certain public places can obviously refuse you entry.

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They often sell an auto-install USB stick you just have to plug into your PC. So at least there is some effort put into it that still makes it "worth paying for". And if you need to install it on multiple devices, it can save a lot of time if you don't know how to do it yourself.

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No one is complaining about the carbon a cow is breathing in and out. It's the methane they produce, which is a very potent greenhouse gas, about 80 times the warming power.

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That's the thing, an abaya doesn't cover your head. There might be some designs that do but in general it's just a maxi-dress with long sleeves. So that's why I think this is stupid. I can understand banning wearing it with an Hijab or other types of headscarves. But as it stand they are sending children home because their dress is too long.

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Head over to the website of the company go to the about section and read about their values. They usually list something like teamwork, communication, working autonomously, speed, or quality. You pick 2-3 of these values and that's what you talk about when they ask about yourself.

For the actual technical part it's hard to prepare for. Most people don't actually care about you being perfect but just want to see if you actually are familiar with what you said you are. So as long as you have an idea what you are talking about you will be fine.

Even if you don't know the answer, just come up with something that could work. Don't just say you don't know. Explain your train of thought as to why your solution could work. And any other ideas you might have.

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I am sorry but this just sounds like today's society with nothing new added to it. You just said there won't be any middleman anymore. And just magiced away a lot of issues, which often are solved by the middleman.

The doctor's club would still need people to run the club. There needs to be someone your farmers can approach to find an available doctor. They can't just shout it into the wind.

Your farmers won't have the logistics to bring their food to the people. They won't know how much to bring where. They won't have the equipment to do so. And if you solve all of these issues they won't have enough time to farm anymore.

Universal healthcare isn't a new concept and doesn't require people to buy exclusive access.

And you still talk about compensation but based on your explaining money would be useless. Everyone has free access to these shared specialists.

Knowing I had to look out for something spotting the IPS was easy. Don't know if it would have been as obvious without knowing something is wrong. But I receive so many fake parcel emails (at least at one of my email addresses) that checking the website/app rather than klicking a link is the default option. And I usually add the email adress of the legitimate shops to my contacts so I can easily filter out emails from new e-mail addresses and ignore them.

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You can set a seeding limit in the option, it's under "BitTorrent" "Seeding Limit". The torrent will then go to "Completed" and not seed anymore once it's reached the limit. You can also manually "Pause" a fully downloaded torrent and it will stop seeding.

I wouldn't say it's more "correct" than deleting it and I personally also delete them. But keeping the torrents on a "Completed" status would allow reseeding or redownloading without having to find the torrent file again. It could also serve as a log to easily see what you have downloaded.

The McDonald's lady's case blew up because the jury slapped McDonald's with huge punitive damages. If she would have gotten the 10-30k she asked for initially or even just the 125k for actual damages no one would care about the case. But the 2.7 million in punitive damages just make this lawsuit seem frivolous. But she had no control over that.

And IIRC one big reason why she won was because the cups weren't suited for holding such hot liquid. The temperature of coffee didn't decrease in McDonald's after the lawsuit.

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I don't think it matters nearly as much as the article makes it sound. Especially since multiclassing is super viable in 5E and BG3 removed all kinds of requirements for multiclassing and even allows you to respec. Meaning even multiclass combos that struggle if played out at level 1 can just be recreated later. And that means you can recreate the toolkit of a Bard fairly easily and focus more on the aspect you actually enjoy.

I think any class with ritual casting is going to feel very rewarding in your first playthrough, assuming you don't forget to utilize it. So you have Bard, Cleric, Druid, and Wizard, and Arcane Trickster and Eldritch Knight. But even any class with just cantrips are already going to give you a lot you might not be used to from other RPGs.

The only class I wouldn't recommend for the first playthrough might be Paladin. The oath just limits your choices in certain situations. And while you could break your oath and become an "Oathbreaker", I personally don't feel this is the best for the first time playing. I think being able to explore all options available without having to consider your oaths makes for a better first-time-playing experience. But Paladin is on the list for my second round.

Edit: I forgot that BG3 made changes to Arcane Trickster and Eldritch Knight, they can both also ritual cast. In general, there are a lot of changes made that make the game way more open and allows you things to make it fun.

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I wouldn't say he is sentenced to destitution. Wage garnishment is capped at 25% of disposable income. And you keep a minimum of 217.5 per week (30 hours of minimum wage a week).

A 25% pay cut certainly hurts but depending on his income he could still have a decent life.

The amount is ridiculous but even a more reasonable sentence around 500k-5mil would probably not change anything for his situation. Most people wouldn't pay that off in their lifetime at 25% of income.

The big issue with removing the headphones jack is just that it's now impossible to use wired headphones while charging the phone.

For a lot of people that doesn't matter but for some of us that's a big deal. If they added a second USB-C port that would fix the issue.

But saying the 3.5 jack is legacy technology is also kinda wrong. A USB headset is not inherently better. You have to compare the digital audio converter that's used. While USB headphones use their own dac, the jack uses the dac of the phone. So a cheap phone with high quality USB headphones will be better but a high quality phone with cheap USB headphones would be worse than using the jack.

Which even means jacks would be more sustainable because you only need one dac per phone rather than one per headphone.

And any form of wireless headphones are just inferior to wired connections.

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Don't read to much into it. This is a pure publicity stunt to slow down the rate of people leaving the church. But they don't change at their core. In a few years from now we will find out about all the abuse and dirty businesses going on right now that the Pope and the rest of the Catholic Church is sweeping under the rug as we speak.

They have done similar publicity stunts before. Pope Francis was preaching tolerance and acceptance of homosexuality as far back as 2013. Did things really improve since then?

I see it the same way as Nestle announcing some kind of charity or "commiting" to some kind of sustainability. Yeah sure it does some good but they only do it to hide all the bad stuff.