Is it legal to be out in public in just underwear?

🇰 đŸ”ĩ 🇱 đŸ‡Ļ đŸ‡ŗ đŸ‡Ļ 🇰 ℹī¸ to No Stupid – 21 points –

You're not quite naked, but you're not quite dressed either. Is it legal? I don't know and I've always been curious.


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This really depends on your exact location. In most of the "western" world, it would be legal. But just because it's legal, doesn't mean it will go unpunished. You could still be arrested and then have some charges thrown at you trying to make one stick. Disturbing the peace would probably be one of the charges that could stick. And of course other things such as resisting arrest. Whether or not it goes that far would depend on why, where, and how you were out in your underwear and if someone has it out for you or not.

Businesses and even certain public places can obviously refuse you entry.

And if you're in a school zone, or hanging out in front of a Boys' and Girls' Club, or Chuck E Cheese, there are (depending on state and local municipality, please check your local listings) other expectations of dress and decency. You may have to register, even if you didn't directly commit a sexual crime.

I'm sure some places still have antiquated and unconstitutional laws on the books that might prohibit exactly that. Easy to put on paper but would fall at the slightest bit of opposition.