
2 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

A lot of my professors of meteorology (and IT courses, of course) also use either Ubuntu or Kubuntu! Love to see it

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They certainly do, at least to an extent. In many fields where you have to work with a lot of data people will use R or Python to handle/transform/perform calculations.

True. HPC definitely plays a big role in the field, and essentially all compute clusters run some sort of Linux distro. Even though clients that can also be run locally then often have Windows binaries too, I'd say software support on Linux is at least as good as on Windows, probably a bit better.

I mean, it does make logical sense. But does the article actually say that he admitted to it? From how I understand it it doesn't.

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Feels like we're both getting the wrong content then. 🙃 I do care about Linux and barely see anything about it here.

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Thinking about finally getting one. The 512GB OLED does look very good...

I also wonder if they're ever going to have a non-handheld console (essentially a revamped Steam Machine). I've heard a bunch about people building PCs and running Holo ISO on there as a console replacement, might make sense to have an official solution from Valve.

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Completely agree. While both pants and dresses have their pros and cons, it should be everybody's own choice which one they want to wear. I hope that this is something that will change over time.

I've been using Duckduckgo for a while now, really like the option of using bangs to quickly search on other platforms like Maps, Google News, YouTube, etc.

From a logical point of view, I tend to mostly agree. The issue is, however, that many people only really change their opinion when they figure something out by themselves. While, in an argument, they won't be able to come back with anything, they'll often still hold on to their original opinion. If your goal is to change somebody's opinion, it can often be more effective to drop subtle hints over time and make them come to their own conclusion.

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My main deal breaker with most open source keyboards is the usually pretty bad multi language support. I type in three languages all the time and don't want to have to switch keyboards every time I switch the language. Currently using SwiftKey, just because it handles multi-language (fairly) well.

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Immich is still in relatively active development, but has a great feature set and is the only app that could reasonably replace Google Photos for me. Can recommend!

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Jup, love that the price is not just not being increased with upgraded specs, the remaining stock of the old Steam Deck variants is actually being significantly discounted.

I'd honestly love to see everything USB-C-ified. Would be great to finally just have one standard to concern yourself with.

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I think not wanting to federate/bridge with Bluesky is a very bad idea. The entire idea is that we should get a Fediverse that is as connected as possible, not split up into many tiny subsets of users.

Honestly, I'd still notice relatively quickly. I'm running TrueNAS at home for file sharing, Jellyfin, backups and (soon) Home Assistant, but most things do run on a hosted VPS. Reason being that I share many of these services with one or several friends and my home is limited to around 30 Mbps upstream.

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Fire TV has been a horrible experience for a while and is only getting worse with them adding more and more apps. I have yet to use a Fire TV that is not a laggy piece of garbage. Honestly, whenever someone I know is looking for a TV I urge them to stay away from Fire TV at all costs.

Would be interesting to hear a little more about your setup. I had some issues when I had Nextcloud installed directly on Debian (though nothing this major), have since switched to running it on Docker and it's been very solid.

I mean, the outcome speaks for itself. Although I would likely have gone for Gnome instead of KDE for somebody who is completely new to Linux and not exactly techy. I use KDE myself, but I have to say that the out-of-the-box look and feel of Gnome is a lot more polished.

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As for DaVinci Resolve, installation can be a bit weird if you don't happen to run one of the officially supported Distros. Because of that, the easiest way to run it is probably via DistroBox, Michael Horn made a great tutorial about that: https://youtu.be/wmRiZQ9IZfc

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I know, but at least we'd only have one physical connector at that point. While there are indeed a lot of standards for USB C, many of them are not all that relevant in day-to-day use when you're mostly just looking to connect some basic USB peripherals like a mouse, a thumb drive or charge your phone.

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It's dokuwiki.

As I understand, even when paying you would still see ads and not get any benefits over what Twitter is at the moment whatsoever. I honestly cannot imagine the platform retaining many users after such a drastic step.

I had been using Linux on servers for years, and finally also decided to give it a shot on the Desktop during the Linux challenge from linustechtips. Went to PopOS first, then Fedora and Debian and am currently on OpenSuse.

Sure, but the form factor of the Steam Deck will always limit performance and carry some extra cost with it. And for a large user base installing another OS on a PC (Holo ISO) is something they are not going to do. Hence, Steam Machine.

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May try it out if I can get over the fact that I won't have multi language support without switching manually anymore. I've been trying to move away from SwiftKey, but as someone who typed regularly in 3 (occasionally 4) languages and switches between them quite a lot, it's a feature that I'm not sure I can live without. So far I haven't seen any FOSS keyboards supporting multi language in such a seamless way.

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Like many people here I'm also planning on moving to Immich. It frankly looks amazing and it has a TrueCharts version, so it should be relatively easy to deploy on TrueNAS Scale. I'm going to wait a little longer though since it's still in relatively active development and there are quite a lot of breaking changes that I currently don't feel like dealing with.

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I've been using OpenSuse Slowroll basically since it released and so far am very happy with it.

It wouldn't be trivial to package such a big app as a flatpak (or snap for that matter) and also maintain it properly, so as long as the original developers don't do the work I think it is unlikely to happen. But for a tool that I'm going to be using a lot in the future I think it makes sense to invest the time once to install it, even if it's a bit more complicated.

If you want something that works very well and is quite convenient, I can recommend the Scaleway S3 Glacier storage. If you only need a few GBs, it will only cost a couple of cents per month.

I'm likely going to try out Wave Terminal with a self hosted LLM. I think it may well be quite useful, just don't want to upload my entire command history to OpenAI.

If anything, I feel like Nextcloud Mail is the thing that's going to end up being killed, not Roundcube. Nextcloud doesn't exactly seem like a company that would buy a superior product just to kill it off.

I've been using OpenSuse Slowroll basically since it was released and have so far been very happy with it.

I get the criticism that you still need to use the CLI for many more advanced tasks, but 11 "program install processes"? I assume you mean package managers? I only use two on Debian, apt and flatpak and don't really see the need for anything more. If you just use a gui store like Gnome Software or Discover you don't even see a difference between the two in the first place.

The only time that issues arise is when you try to instal something that is not (or not properly) supported on Linux. Otherwise I'd argue the presence of a centralized store GUI even makes installing apps easier on Linux than on Windows.

Jellyfin runs locally, it's just accessible through a reverse proxy that I have running on the VPS. It's not really practical to run it on a VPS since hosted storage ends up being a lot more expensive and my library is relatively big. Bandwidth hasn't been a huge issue so far though as not too many people use Jellyfin at once. I could see it becoming a problem though if I hosted too many of the other services locally too, like Nextcloud, a Minecraft Server, Teamspeak (for some friends who are eternally stuck in the 2000s), gittea and several more.

I'd also need to run a second machine to host docker containers on or replace my NAS completely with something more powerful, which likely wouldn't make sense economically as I live in a place where electricity is relatively expensive.

I'm using Fedora KDE at the moment.

Highly depends on where you are in the world. I feel like PHEVs might make some sense in America, in Europe demand is shrinking every year since charging networks have gotten fairly good and BEVs offer more flexibility in terms of charging, especially if you can't charge at home.

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There may be some hope of better FOSS map and Navigation Apps due to Overture Maps.

I guess it depends on what you're looking for. You'll probably be able to configure it to display your photos, but when it comes to more "advanced" features like creating albums, sharing photos with other users and the like, it's understandably pretty difficult to find a system that would allow you to configure your own storage system.

It took one release for Thunderbird to go from a pretty ancient looking program to one of the best looking ones out there.