5 Post – 498 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Rexxitor. Biology nerd. Roguelites, indie games, and TRPGs. Drowning in unused yarn, unread books, and mandatory cat hair.

But the boxes were taken to the dumpster, yes? With time saved, even? Someone in a managerial position would rather hire, train, and pay a devoted garbage person instead of three adorably unpaid raccoons?

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That, and the conversations move far faster there. Any remark about anything moves the subject further up, and you're essentially subjected to reading the comments section of the entire sub all at once when you just came for the memes.

Holding a conversation in such a large place would be near impossible from experience, no matter how many channels there are. It's just not going to be pleasant because it's not made for what they want to do.

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Not even solely relegated to old people, either, unless the fediverse thinks 30-40 is old. We had one woman come by our shit little dollar store about 20 minutes after we'd closed. So, long enough for us to start counting out, cleaning, etc., but not long enough to go home yet.

Noticed the door was locked. Noticed those of us not still busy were hanging out and chatting while we waited, surreptitiously watching this person. Visibly read the store hours. Tried the lock again.

Started prying open the door while we all stared in horror, ended up breaking it, then threw a whole fit to boot because we couldn't sell her anything with all the tills in the back room and we kept trying to kick her out for some reason.

She wasn't even high. She was just that entitled, because very often for suburban moms, the rules don't apply if you don't let them.

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For anyone genuinely wondering, this is a preauricular pit -- a birth defect that could rarely signal other, bigger issues but which is usually harmless by itself. It's just a random opening, it doesn't even connect to anything.

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Fable does this too. At least the third one. I'd married a beggar with the honest intention of lifting up one of my kingdom's most socially aware instead of settling for some brainless, peacocking noble, and all he did with his time on the throne was become a national embarrassment on the same old street corner.

So. Remembering the existence of this "Henry VIII" achievement that I'd thought I was never gonna bother getting. I took my beloved beggar-king down to the treasury, positioned him at the very top of the overflowing pile of gold he always seemed to forget we had, and shot him in the head. And then I started thinking about that achievement.

There were a lot of NPCs that really did bug me.

I'm opening up a rival called "social media." Already, we're on everyone's lips, set to have a userbase spanning half the web.

Since I feel the sudden urge to vent, I've never forgotten staying at this one homeless shelter several years ago.

We found out much later after the place was shut down that they'd actually been receiving more than adequate donations the entire time, but the staff was just taking it all home with them and telling us that there was no food to give. They could do one or sometimes two meals, but never much, never more, and not dependably from day to. They had none.

So obviously we believed them and since this was just...the position we were in, I was taking the money I was technically required by agreement to save for a place and using it to buy food for myself and anywhere from 1 to 4 of the other residents.

One of them was Gabriel, who came in with the clothes on his back and a guitar. Gabriel was religious, but one of the painfully few who put the kindness part first and he was very sweet and tended to be walked on for it and to become depressed for being taken advantage of.

When he took his guitar around looking for gigs, I went with him for moral support. When one of those was a church, I sat in with the flock even though the related trauma makes my skin crawl. When winter drew close, I bought him what I still think was a pretty snazzy jacket.

I split a meal almost daily for months, because I'm not going to see anyone hungry when I can afford it, even though none of us could really afford it and doing so was imperiling my future. When he found out the fiance he doted on was banging his best friend while he himself was homeless, guess who was there to cry on immediately.

I don't regret any of those, to be very clear. I'd grudgingly do it again, because people matter more. But to think to check up on him some years after we parted and find him thanking god for looking after him during that time was a direct slap in the face. Over a decade later, it still stings.

Of course it would be god. Looking after each other like sentient, suffering beings, that's god's doing, personally stepping in to work his mysterious ways. I only take the blame for the bad shit.

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Bringing back r/place (which has been an April fools thing up until now) is just such a hollow grab for traffic it is pretty sad. To me, the state of the canvas itself (less the FUCK SPEZ everywhere and more how tiny the LGBTQ+ sections are compared to previous iterations) is a reflection of how badly they have poisoned many of the communities that made the site great in the first place.

According to one of my discord servers, the available pallet this year is eight whole colors, including black and white. Possible that in addition to the exodus of LGBT members, there aren't as many presentations because you simply can't even make a lot of the flags with what they've been given. They've made bisexuality and lesbianism impossible to depict.

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I think this is really what it is. I've spent a lot of my time here enamored with the quality of conversation, and when I joined it reminded me of the sort of discussion I used to scroll through on forums when I was a kid.

I hadn't seen it since, and I'd gotten so used to the bullshit that I barely remembered the difference. I'd really just chalked up the civility to the forum in question being several dozen regulars who knew each other too well to be dicks.

We need more content, but it's making me kind of averse to pushing so hard to get the rest over here, lest they just bring the shit behavior with them

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Well, they kinda do. They don't have to be human to look like users from the outside.

Looking at this screams that they're planning to cut and run, though. It's arson for the insurance money. Nobody would look at this longterm and think it was going to turn out well

Ah, reddit comment bots. Now with...Boomhauer?

For nobody wondering, I'm gonna go with lolno. Moving away from reddit means I'm moving away from reddit, not screaming profanities on their front lawn at 3am like a drunken ex trying to prove how much I don't need them.

A lot of people you read about who grew to be leaders in their field by some ridiculous age like 25, spoke fluently in 5 different languages, etc. etc. did so because they had three things: dedicated one-on-one tutors, an appreciable collection of slaves and/or other general servants to free up their personal time, and enough family wealth to pay for both from the time they could walk.

Mozart was composing as a toddler, but he also came from a wealthy family of musicians that taught him basically nothing else. Ever. That was the one thing. He hyper-specialized in music and socially he was the guy that got bored and did cartwheels and meowed in public. If Mozart was in your position, with the kind of loving care and finances most students have today, he would have been the kid in class who beatboxes over the teacher.

I'm actually still coming to terms with this myself. with mixed success. I've always loved art, but I've never been where I want to be. I've been making strides again, but the further I take it, the more it becomes apparent that 90% of the problems I've ever had with it were not me, they were because no one ever bothered to teach me. And I'm pissed about the decades I lost simply because child me was never shown concepts that would have changed everything.

Do not judge your own accomplishments on the same scale as someone who had ample time to devote to their studies because their family had house slaves doing everything you have to do by yourself.

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Probably 3 minutes, tops, in a neutral setting, but every reddit employee and pro-dumbass mod knows that's the first thing anyone is going to do, so they'll be up all night alongside their bots, cheating and shadowbanning like last time. Not that I'm naming names, Chtorr.

No way under god will they allow the kinds of things users are about to depict happening to spez

I'd believe it if I hadn't already heard of Musk being the type to fire workers in his line of sight at pure random simply to fire someone. It apparently got so bad that aids would plan the route he would take to the meetings around having as few victims as possible out in the open.

It would be a smart move for anyone, and he is succeeding to a good extent (they'll just go elsewhere?), but I think that's just a happy accident of his. I feel like he's really just using it as a chew toy so he can feel all big and important with the headlines. If he were being journalistically gray rocked, I wonder what he'd do.

The grotesque graffiti is just the word "fuck." I'm disappointed. You should see the stuff that ends up in bathrooms over the course of 6 hours, and people have to touch their own poop for that

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“I get good chat going, the AI is set up properly, very good start, like 10 messages in or so but then suddenly the AI decides I should cum and end it all,” another user said. “The thing is that the sex part haven't even started yet.”

Well, if it isn't my own intrusive thoughts

Eh, people kept awarding me, so I do have a couple left over from all that. Wasn't gonna use them because that would make me look like a tool, but this idea might be funny enough to sway me

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[Don't assume consensus nor finished state]

Often a proposal is just that - someone trying to solve a problem by proposing technical means to address it. Having a proposal sent out to public forums doesn't necessarily imply that the sender's employer is determined on pushing that proposal as is.

It also doesn't mean that the proposal is "done" and the proposal authors won't appreciate constructive suggestions for improvement.

[Be the signal, not the noise]

In cases where controversial browser proposals (or lack of adoption for features folks want, which is a related, but different, subject), it's not uncommon to see issues with dozens or even hundreds of comments from presumably well-intentioned folks, trying to influence the team working on the feature to change their minds.

In the many years I've been working on the web platform, I've yet to see this work. Not even once.

What is this, "Good vibes only?"

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I mean, sort of makes sense? I assume with the overkill in firepower, he expected to meet armed resistance. Way more than a security guard would actually pose irl. So that I can at least get my head around.

But if he wanted to sneak into the actual caves like the phrasing would suggest, why die in the bathroom?

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I don't really think it's fair to pretend that, before two weeks ago, anyone under god had any idea what an instance was unless they were already heavily tech-oriented.

It took me hours of trying to read through not-my-kind-of-jargon to understand what the hell I was looking at and what kind of consequences that unexplained choice would have, and it really seems like a good number of users that initially struggled forget the learning curve extremely quickly the moment they're over it.

14 more...

Lmfao. Well, thanks for the free PR, I'm sure, because some poor secretary in his office knows there isn't jack shit they can sue over.

Not that I'm ever going to pretend to like Meta, but having competition is supposed to be the definition of his precious free market. There's even rules and everything about monopolies. Can't take issue with that unless he's ready to declare himself not a capitalist.

Christmas carols. Being forced to come back to a retail job over the Christmas rush a little over a week after my brother was found dead on the floor outside my bedroom :)

The boss there had a very personal bone to pick with me, made it clear she didn't even have to give me any bereavement leave since I was part time, and when a customer went on a Mach 4 tirade because I wasn't smiling hard enough (not kidding), she backed them up and threatened to fire me in front of everyone.

12hrs+ of this every day. I preferred working by myself in back because people would leave me the fuck alone to do my job, but it turns out it was also useful for intermittent off-camera crying!

To this day, 13 years later, I can still tell you the exact playlist that was on the radio. That was when The Fray's How to Save a Life was still big and I used to really like that song, but I can avoid it now a lot easier than I can avoid "I'll Be Home for Christmas."

It got me forcibly stopped by the police once, when I couldn't take it anymore, ran out of the store, and the owner assumed I stole something. I really just don't leave the house after October.

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“Why not take advantage of information the bad guys share willingly online? After all, they have friends lists, too,” one SocialNet video says.

*monitors random citizens' pregnancies*

This is acceptable. This is definitely normal.

Side note for anyone with a few days and $2 to spare, Orwell is apparently on sale and I encourage its consideration. It's literally what the government has decided to do, but with the player in the driver's seat and it's really good if you're into stuff like that.

The mystery cut in the middle of my forehead has healed. My left shoulder seems to be in working order again. Before that it was the right one, which lingered for 2 days and did so loudly enough to dampen my mood for both of them.

Before that, I was bewildered to find the uncomfortably visible marks of a random handprint halfway up my forearm, and even more confused to see that the whole thing lined up perfectly with the fingers of my other hand. I had been gripping my own arm in my sleep hard enough to leave bruises.

Kind of excited to see what the next sleep injury is going to be.

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I figured I had worse things in my history and my personal TSA agent deserved to see this too, but nothing comes up except weird non-porn crypto stuff, a fully-clothed Shadowheart, and a magazine cover with muffins on it.

Don't let this be my legacy.

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Well, speaking as a chronically homeless person, it's been stupid for five years.

It barely even says anything different. It's like switching out "starving masses" with "unfed persons," and I hope it does something for someone because it's not doing it for me

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Even if they weren't wrongly convicted. Murderer happens to follow any one of the religions that forbid pork? What's feeding them bacon going to accomplish, exactly? It's purely out of spite when the object is supposed to be to discourage reoffending. Treating people humanely makes them act human. Call them a dog and they'll act like a dog.

Even the more progressive can be like this. People have weird ideas about human worth being something measurable and thus rescindable.

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Leaning disagree. The best argument I've seen for anonymizing it is having that information appropriated by corporations. Which admittedly they could just gather from your posts if they wanted to.

I personally think making people explain why they downvoted something is more conducive than just....being dogpiled with no explanation. This is not to say confronting someone in an emotionally charged manner is a good thing to do, but if having to downvote out loud makes people think twice because they don't want anyone knowing they disagree with X, maybe that's a good habit to reassess. That and it's legitimately made me analyze whether I'm only doing it to be a dick

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Not even bothering to work out the logic, is he. If he did, he wouldn't have any right to be angry, and he really, really wants to be angry. Imagine some foreign government gracefully granting you the recognized right to fish in your own damn house.

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I leave the pot on the counter for five days, forgetting its contents were harmless, and then wash the pot.

My dad would have been a boomer. Guy did have the advantage of entering the workforce during a time when it was still not only possible but even normal to expect to hold the same job for decades, but that and a kid who cared about him were about all he ever had to his name. And then he lost the job too.

He fought hard as shit, but with zero legs up and several of them permanently down, he never managed anything resembling the life he (or anyone else) hoped for, and after he died, the palliative nurse told his remaining family he was better off.

Being born in a lucky generation makes it easier, but it doesn't guarantee one has it easy. It's not an age group, it's a behavior. Not that we aren't already in the Find Out stage, for that to matter. But the fewer people under the impression all the bad people are going to die out, the better.

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While it is funny, I don't think that the punishment for her in this article will really amount to much. If she had the kind of empathy necessary to relate that experience with what she put others through, she wouldn't have done it in the first place.

Whatever customers like herself that she comes across, I think it's a 50/50 whether she spends her time doing nothing but exacerbating problems and causing regular scenes or siding with "her people" and breaking rules, stealing, etc. out of spite.

Agree with MrShankles it has to be under threat of breaking probation to even work. Ultimately, she needs more reform than just receiving identical abuse in turn.

A spokesperson for Marina Port Vell said that the boat had not been damaged in Friday’s action. “After a quick action on behalf of the security team, the incident has been corrected and the boat is now in a perfect state,” the spokesperson told CNN.

Cannot stress enough that a new paint job is not the kind of action that's going to fix jack shit. More than likely, it's barely an annoyance. Few people on the planet have not heard the message already. If you don't want them joyriding a massive yacht everywhere, remove the yacht.

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I think there are maybe two times in my life I've been pro-second amendment, and watching that video just now is one of them.

That guy, threatening multiple people with what anyone with eyes would see as an extremely open murder threat? Often with a fake body to demonstrate their life actually is actively at stake in this moment? You can shoot that guy.

I don't know whether I'd call that intentional. Mods Admins still retain and already utilized the power to wipe whatever they wish. They left the other renditions before this more or less alone (to my knowledge), to be overwritten by users during the natural course of things.

If he were that concerned about what was being written, I doubt he would wait to be certain the very last image of the finished r/place was a giant fuck-you billboard. He'd either wipe every fuck or try to end it after this one is gone so he can pretend it ended on a good note.

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8 and 9.

I figure I can either make bank lending the anthropologists/archeologists a hand with an extinct language, or at least have a bunch of fun bringing it back to life as a personal hobby.

And really? No one's picking nine? Have any of you seen Albert Einstein's calves? He biked regularly. If it turns out I can outrun him now, that won't always be the case as my sedentary ass ages.

No matter how crap my skeleton becomes, I'm giving myself an automatic default level of movement that isn't all that shabby

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Hey now, Leon Cooperman has given over $155 million in different grants and charities.

He just happens to have two billion three hundred and forty five million left over.

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No, a burrito to the face is physical abuse. Being verbally and physically abused every day of your job is not how jobs are supposed to work, and viewing things like that as silly small things to be affected by is itself pretty damaging.

If I lean across the counter and punch you in the head, you're allowed to have some kind of feeling about that. Especially in a setting that heavily discourages and may even punish defending yourself, the way retail often does.

Convincing yourself it's fine because the world is cruel keeps the world cruel. More importantly, it keeps you from considering you deserve anything other than cruelty. We need to care about each other.

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The thing about these is whenever I see them the first time, I can read them because scrolling quickly leaves the picture just unfocused enough.

And then I scroll past, back up because I'm very sure of what I just read, and it's just a photo of cats or something. Amazing. My mind knows what it saw, but it has no proof.