
3 Post – 257 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

All things are possible through Christ!

I agree

The problem with sorting by hot, at least on my instance, is that I always seem to wind up looking at a post from years ago mixed in with more recent stuff. That's not a problem per se, but I find myself almost responding to a conversation that happened a long time ago.

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At least they seem to be working on it. Directing Firefox users to use a different browser in the mean time, temporarily, seems reasonable even if the language on that popup is a bit imprecise.

I did try adding a shirt to the cart and yeah, it added the wrong size. I'd have to switch to chrome to successfully complete an order at the moment. It's unfortunate, but as long as they're trying to fix it I don't see any point in feeling outraged.

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I hope Nintendo is able to make emulation illegal once and for all and end all this. People really shouldn't be allowed to run whatever software they want, they should only be allowed to run Microsoft Windows and the fun games they include on the bonus disc

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  • Cory Doctorow coins the term "enshittification" to describe how platforms start out benefiting users but eventually abuse users and business customers to extract all value.

  • Facebook started by prioritizing user privacy over ads but now prioritizes profits over all else.

  • Network effects are a double-edged sword - they lock users in but also make platforms vulnerable if users leave en masse.

  • Low switching costs due to universality and interoperability allow competitors to reverse engineer platforms and plug in competing services.

  • Mandatory interoperability and limiting data control can curb platform power by distributing control to users and smaller companies.

  • Recent antitrust actions aim to roll back decades of lax merger policy that let platforms consolidate power.

  • Breakups will take a long time so interoperability is a faster way to restore competition.

  • Laws should limit abusive behavior rather than rely on platforms to self-regulate.

  • Federated open services fail gracefully and encourage migration to better platforms.

  • Political will is growing but change will be gradual - focus should be on harm reduction in the near term.

I think most people wouldn't bother to do that, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it. If your wife finds it annoying it might be because she feels like her use of AC is now being monitored and judged. You should probably make it clear that that's not the case. If it is the case, then yeah, you should stop.

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It's difficult to see how this could work without keeping the association between those posts and the person entity in the database. All it would take is one so-motivated instance admin to reveal the identity of the poster. It might still have value for low-stakes stuff, but it might give the end user the incorrect idea that their posts are truly anonymous.

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If you don't know: It made them all gay

We should fully ignore any reddit publicity stunts

/s is for cowards! I will never!

I wonder if it has to do with the region you try to load it from. The message in the screenshot seems to indicate that it might.

I'd stick with Windows in your case. No shame in using what works. I had a laptop with hybrid Nvidia graphics and never could get it working satisfactorily with Linux.

No selection pressure after the age at which our adult teeth fail

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The bigger deal is that development by this team has been halted, not that it will be a little harder to find a trustworthy download of the most recent version.

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You're both completely wrong. The only important measurement of a vehicle is spirit

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I have never contributed to an open source project before, so if we exclude the third part this is the reverse of my habits. The stuff I do for work is bare minimum garbage, I freely admit. I really do not like my employer.

Whichever Jetbrains IDE is appropriate. I fell in love with Rider and wound up paying for their all-inclusive license.

Yeah, I think what he said was that anything allowed by law would be permitted, whatever that means. But then when they started impeding links to mastodon he was like "we don't have to let you advertise our competition >>>:(." Elon/Twitter has gotten so tedious to hear about.

The vast majority of people on Lemmy right now are directly from Reddit and they act exactly like the bog standard Redditors they are. Stop deluding yourself.

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Farts have to be pretty humid, right? I look forward to being able to charge my cellular telephone by simply expelling gas from my rear using specially made underwear.

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Thanks for the tip! And I happen to be the admin, lol. I'll set a cron job to restart the lemmy container and see what changes.

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Isn't following the local law the end user's responsibility? Like how in the US it's not lawful for me to install and use certain patented codecs without buying a license. (We all do, anyway.) Would it be "illegal software" or would it just make it easier for the end user to violate the law?

It doesn't matter where the bedbugs came from, they are everywhere. Paris is an international destination; this is entirely Paris's failure to manage it a problem that comes inevitably with that status.

This is why I am nude 100% of the time.

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You're probably already aware of this, but now Pirate Weather ( offers a Dark Sky style API. I honestly don't get amazing accuracy from it for my area, but it's not awful.

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They'll go anywhere they can get attention I suppose

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It's hard to imagine a practical reason to do so. This, however, has not been a good heuristic for determining what a CEO having a temper tantrum will do, so who the hell knows.

Oh, maybe is using another definition of "hot." ;)

Massive underground dwelling. Not sure why, but that was my first thought.

I also think means-testing serves mostly to create resentment instead of a society that we are all bought into and able to reap the benefits of.

  • Pay for youtube premium


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It is.

The people in charge of maintaining Mastodon in particular though need to establish some kind of legal entity and that needs legal recognition somewhere.

Absolutely nothing about this guy requires Russia to explain.

In my case, the major upside is that I make federation choices, not someone else. I prefer to be as openly federated as possible.

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Right, even if you don't use anything affected by the restrictions being put on the API, I just feel like Reddit will get noticeably worse from here on out. Huffman is basically promising that it will.

The problem, as I'm sure you know, is that a home server is not fit for purpose for the vast majority of people. Managing that is a fun project for some, but a complete non starter for most.

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I think it's an alright compromise. I rarely move my expansion cards around. I use four USB-C cards and sometimes swap one out for a storage card that has Windows installed on it.

2 more... has been invaluable to me as someone running a very low member-count (for now?) instance. This is a directory of communities on all known instances.

This is why I prefer using my own instance- I don't want these federation choices made for me by people like this.

To protect her privacy, of course