4 Post – 229 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I don't think it's too controversial to suggest that 5e mechanics are not the strength of BG3. It would be arguably praised more if it kept the world design of BG3 and replaced the combat to have the spell scope of DO2 with the basic actions of 5e (aka shove, which arguably BG3 tweaked anyway to make it fun in combat)

I'll miss the design approach of the game but BG3 was just a big advertisement to how good a D:OS3 will be

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It was community chosen. So a lot of people trolled. There's a random dating sim in the"Outstanding story" finalists

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Sorry in advance to people who hate talking about it but Dark Souls is a very paradoxical experience It can:

  • Help you learn patience and awareness
  • Help you learn not to stress over losses
  • Help you learn that people have different experiences of enjoyment and understand your scope of interest in games.
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The four people vote and you still drive off a cliff due to gerrymandering

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It suggests they can't afford to pay rent. It's an old stereotype that is kind of redundant nowadays since (a) most people renting can't afford it anymore and (b) different cultures are way more accepting and even encouraged living with your family. Most people understand that now.

You still here the saying buts it's more about NEETs taking advantage of family rather than being smart

Ah yes, my favourite underrated game. TGA's 2019 game of the year and 10 million units sold Sekiro.

I should probably add my own. They like plants

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It probably depends on the university. There are definitely dregs of "incel" culture that get in but they can't socialize and are usually left alone. In the workforce, interviews stop them from getting much further then that.

Slow grounded movement in open world games is so dumb. Why the fuck do you think I want to spend 5minutes walking across a plain or on a path I can't that forces me to move slowly. I do appreciate how some games like this actively just take control for you so you can do a chore (Final Fantasy XIV autodrive, RDR2 lets you automatically move on a path while riding a horse) butIf your open world is that boring, can you just add a mode that brings me to my destination?

I'd much rather a more densely populated world on a smaller scale (Yakuza) some fun extreme forms of movement (Gravity Rush, Tears of the Kingdom). Heck even just have a faster option for mobility on basic terrain is better (Elden Ring). If there was a big desert and you gave me a dune buggy that goes 100mph, that feels way better then having to walk/trod around a hilly or mountainous landscape dotted with areas you have to move around or carefully move through.

Obviously if you lean into that mechanic as being intentionally frustrating, feel free.

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I really do think Elemental was quite good, The advertising was really god awful. It was a movie about cultural and societal boundaries and prejudice, not about a opposites attract romance.

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In the comics he tries to sell the compound and no one wants it iirc due to its lifespan. Stupid but at least it's brought up

Clique culture in small companies is pretty common. It might not be boys club but there's no middle man to protect Devs from those in charge so there's always going to be pressure to hang out if everyone is or to work overtime. You have to work in that clique culture but you don't have to always say yes as long as you are friendly about it. The phrase "being firm" has never sat right with me for these as it's the antithesis of friendliness you can be loose and say no and if it's brought up again stay loose and continue to say no. You don't need an excuse but a loose excuse is works well.

Security is obviously always scary but the tech landscape does not really have that anyway. Realistically if the only worry is it's a small company and everything else is good, take it. If you find that you don't fit into the small team flow, then you can continue looking in the future.

Square feels like the most obvious choice due to their ties

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I saw a video about keeping organized and they recommended having a towel rack for your light-worn clothes and it blew my mind that I could have an actual place for this chunk of clothes rather than a chair or the floor. Sometimes obvious ideas can seem so smart

There's been some social discrimination occurring around people who don't have blue messages being excluded, or being seen as poor. Not a great use base but the fact I am even aware of blue Vs green messages means some people do.

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Yep makes sense. I mean it's clear people hate deep systems when something like Baldur's Gate 3 becomes the undisputed Game of the Year /s

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This is interesting because firings I've been involved with nearly always cut the important staff first because they make the most. The more valuable, the more you get paid and therefore the more you save when they go.

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People tried to block the Activision acquisition. Some were mocked for their attempt and some were mocked for their stance. It wasn't enforced because for all the attempts, it couldn't be proved which is more an indicator better definitions needed to be in place

1.5 kind of makes sense. It holds Kingdom Hearts 1 and a remake of the GBA game that comes before Kingdom Hearts 2 (also comes with a the cutscenes of another game between 1 and 2). I guess they wanted to keep the naming similar because 2.5 comes with Kingdom Hearts 2 and...a prequel to every game... and a cutscene collection of some weird side game about an AI. They then released a bundle of both of these on PS4 which they named 1.5+2.5. 2.8 they were really scrambling. Because they wanted to release the rest of the games in some way before Kingdom Hearts 3 so that holds a sequel to Kingdom Hearts 2, A standalone demo for 3 and...a movie from the earliest part of the series that actually is a giant pit of questions with no answers which may or may not have been answered by the gacha. No idea.

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The issue was not that Superheroes are milked. It's the gameplay isn't fun and no one wants GaaS.

The problem is that a lot of examples people use are not the ones turned up to 11. I have ADHD but I don't tell people I lock my door walk 4 steps and realize I was thinking about other things and therefore have no idea if I did and have to fix it. Because lots of people do that

Stuff like re-arranging your room every 2 months due to flashes of inspiration, sure. Getting frustrated because you had the brilliant idea to do two things last night and now you can't decide which takes priority, sure. Endlessly scrolling on Netflix? Nah

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Consider it a teenage country. It has growing pains and likes to think it knows better. It's hard to look at it knowing the luxuries other countries have and still believe the rhetoric that is suggested in a lot of media glfron earlier in life

Reminder that guys can wear Kilts if they want to

Boycotts never work with games, regardless of the reason. Remember the Modern Warfare Boycott when women were introduced to the franchise as playable?

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Live service comes across as life service. A game made to monopolize my time and become a significant part of my life by using addictive systems. By the very nature of enjoying the variety of games, it will immediately turn me off a game.

Some of Warner Bros' Biggest Games in recent years are:

  • Gotham Knights
  • Mortal Kombat 1
  • Multiversus
  • Suicide Squad

Yeah, that's not a surprising statement

It's true. I once played spin the bottle with one other person and didn't realize what the plan was after playing it. Thought it was just an awkward interaction until she asked brought it up a couple years later.

Later on in life, a girl invited me to a sleepover and we were joking and having fun shared a bed and went to sleep. I woke up to her crying because she took it as me finding her ugly and not being into her.

Needless to say neither went anywhere because I guess my smooth brain was not an attractive trait.

Probably very hot take for this community. The $1 for every hour of enjoyment is a stupid metric. People will spend upwards of $10 for a 2 hour movie or $5 for an hour-long album. Games have components of many pieces of media and many treat it's worth lower. I'm all for saving money but it's a different discussion regarding the value of the medium, especially when we just discuss it as the consumer-mindset of "hours of my life" vs. experience of enjoyment

A Massively multiplayer online role playing game does not mean the game is a game as a service. It's a route of finance just like some shooting games are and some aren't.

I feel awful when I step on a snail. But stuff like gnatt flies, it's like I've given your friends so much leverage letting them out and now you're taking advantage by breeding in my plants and flying into my nose

Diets are all a mental Issue.

I'm half way to my overall goal, I've been fat all my life. It's not until I genuinely though I should lose weight that I put in the time to figure out my shortcomings with dieting and to stick to my activities.

If a diet overwhelms you slow down. If something fails, figure out why it's not working. DON'T ASSUME! My stupid ass thought I had mental mental reactions to not eating takeout. Turns out during my casual diet attempts I was eating like 800 calories a day.

I stopped attempting to jog, now I've been going on daily walks for the past 3 months

I stopped trying to curb my impulses. Now Ive learnt about nutrition and the basics of the calories I eat, I order take out conscious of my intake

Literally the only issue I've had is stressing about how much stuff to keep on top of and most of my decisions for my diet are based on reducing it (quick meals, minimal cleaning, keeping to routines)

It isn't in the fact that it's not unbelievable. But there's clearly a lot of effort put into the game and it's fun with some enjoyable characters and allows you to be stupid. The Presentation has also made a CRPG that seems to look accessible to a larger fanbase so experiencing this choice is fresh to many people.

I'm not sure why this became popular. I'll easily spend £8 to watch a 1.5 hour film so why would I limit myself on a game I could enjoy if it's short. I just play games I think I'll like. I'm not picking up a 100 hour multiplayer because it's better value

If Spider-Man was invented today he'd be considered a self insert. Jaded nerd gets super powers and constantly inner monologues he could beat up his bully

I know it's a joke but I could barely join a meeting in my underwear without the paranoia of clicking the video, let alone without them

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Weirdly even if this was some vindictive way to get more overtime out of people, I believe studies suggest people who WFH are more likely to work overtime because it's less impeding and the barrier to look at work is less (I don't remember any studies off the top of my head). So I assume this is just a management problem as management are usually the people having trouble when it comes to WFH

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COVID Lockdown may have helped. PC has finally got a strong grasp on the eastern market over the last couple of years and the companies have followed suit. I think suggesting it's due to the boom of vtubing may be a bit too specific but there seems to be a trend

The title mean very little. As long as my wages are going up, I don't care if a company want to call me even a junior developer

The idea behind using a credit card is to earn credit for when you actually need to borrow money. You should be using credit cards as proof you can pay back what you spend so you should have that money. An ideal use case is having the money on a debit card, opting to use a credit card and paying it off before it incurs a cost. Doing this would be free for you but could help greatly in the long term when you borrow for something like a mortgage.

But you shouldn't do this if you are already bad with money. I just use mine to pay for online subscriptions and have them automatically paid off because I know I can't be trusted to remember to pay them off

If you tried the customisation, it feels extremely bare bones in comparison to Tekken 7. So I wouldn't be surprised if stuff was removed to add to the Store.