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Joined 1 years ago

That's his m.o.

DDOS against a little self hosted instance isn't really a concern I'd have. I'd be more concerned with the scraping of private information, ransomware, password compromises, things of that nature. If you keep your edge devices on the latest security patches and you are cognizant on what you are exposing and how, you'll be fine.

I suppose my argument is that if a law is unjust, then so is the punishment for breaking it.

How do you suggest a whistleblower actually get and release the information they need to prove themselves if not by breaking bad laws that protect corruption?

Not trying to drum up an argument but I think your black and white stance is flawed.

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I know that's the norm but you'd think that even with it being the first time he was caught, the 30 count would warrant a more serious response. What would they do if he did this 30 times with a trial between each commitment of a felony? I think that should be a deciding factor even if it's not likely to be.

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My bad directing towards whistleblowers when you meant journos. And only about them encouraging others to break the law. Even talking about journalists though I think the same logic can apply. If one lives in for example, an authoritarian regime, any word spoken against the state is considered unlawful. If we apply the situation to less authoritarian government, that still have laws against disseminating information about the government, we run up against the same issues. It's against the law to show your government doing wrong. So what recourse is left but to break the law in hopes that you can effect some change?

How is a journalist or a whistleblower to call out the worst without breaking the laws or discussing the same? I get that they can sometimes, your two examples, though I'm not familiar with the instances, I'm sure are great examples of when it all goes right. But some information that should be made known, will see the government pursuing the full extent of the law and potentially beyond, against individuals involved in its dissemination. Journalist, whistleblower, exfiltrator, won't matter.

I can understand protecting innocent people by censoring what comes out. I think that Assange is a scumbag and don't like how he operates, but I also think governments need to be held accountable for their actions and choices.

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I probably have the jargon wrong as I'm no lawyer. But I would still think the count severity should matter more than it does.

If it's not too hard to charge, it's not too hard to list.

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I wish these idiots would quit trying to tell the people playing the game that they are wrong for not liking it. Like, no man, listen to them, this is feedback. You can't take all of it without a pinch of salt but if you see a common theme, then you should address it.

I want to believe....but I can't. I'm glad someone put the bill out there. But there is no way this gets bipartisan support or gets pushed through in any way. It will die in the halls of our inept, depraved, corrupt government.

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What a fucking tool

It's not new. It already applies equally. Biden wasn't part of an insurrection.

When your congregation are loud bigots, racists, and assholes, or when your clergy fuck kids and cover it up, or when the religion as a whole surpresses or hates certain genders or sexualities... This is not a surprising trend at all to anyone reasonable.

If you know what BoingBoing is, your knees probably crackle when you squat and stand.

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I lead a mostly boring life. And the interesting parts would invade more privacy more than I care to expose. I'd love to post content. But I know better than to let too much of myself out. I already expose too much as is, but it can be worse. And nothing good comes from that.

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Yeah it's relying in star power and the drooling masses to get money. It's an awful awful attempt and it's extremely apparent from the trailers that this is going to be hot fucking garbage. The only thing that would potentially save it, is if all this shit was promo trolling and the actual movie used completely different better suited people with better lines etc.

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But not at odds with running a corporate environment.

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Politicians shouldn't practice medicine without a fucking license either.

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The problem is that your files are in OneDrive instead of SharePoint. OneDrive is for personal files that you occasionally want to collab with others on. SharePoint is for collaborative files that you occasionally want to restrict.

One is meant to be closed most of the time, the other open most of the time. And the way sharing and other features work within the tends to reflect that charactistic.

Your team files need to be in a SharePoint library. It is possible to have a direct link in the file explorer to the SharePoint files and run everything as if it is a local file server. MS is seemingly trying to move away from that and keeping the browser open to the document library has mostly the same functionality with some minorly different steps.

But it sounds to me like your IT dept doesn't have enough experience with M365 to know how to handle this properly.

Over here in the, "no fucking shit" category of news...

Died the first time I saw this. I wish he'd kept up his hobby. It's hilarious.

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This is why we can't have nice things. It was nice to be on platforms with no corporate stink for a brief moment.

I despise both those people but a picture of them in the same place at the same time near each other, and I might add not even touching or other signs of familiarity; it's really just a opportunity shot. Probably for her or maybe just by the event photographer. I wish it proved more of a connection, but it really doesn't.

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All of these methods have extreme bandwidth but terrible latency and packet loss.

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This is a great read for anyone curious about what happens when a greedy platform that grows at all costs "helps" an open platform.

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I can see a lot of DE Fans not enjoying this. But DE was a weaker entry to me so I'm excited to play this one.

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Boo you whore. Asus really is just kicking itself in the dick the last 5 years or so.

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Nazi has been so overused that people aren't listening to the word now that there is a valid thing to apply it too. They assume it's the same overblown rhetoric.

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Survivorship bias much...

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3.keep calm and lemmy on.

The conservatives opinions bother me. But the authoritarianism is the bigger issue to me. This desire to force their opinions and wills on other people instead of living their lives as they want and leaving others alone is far more problematic.

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If you don't like it, don't watch it. I've kinda given up on Chappelle. I'm not offended, he's just not really funny to me anymore. I'm sure I'll catch the few funny bits in a YT short soon and that'll be enough for me.

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Laughs in Firefox.

Neat that they grew. But don't eat them. Between road grime and exhaust fumes, they aren't safe.

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Well well well. If it isn't the consequences of my own actions...

I avoided using telegram when it asked for my phone number.

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He never thought they'd eat HIS face.

This trend is why I am saving to swap the engine on my car when it blows. I don't like any screens in my car but a digital clock, and maybe a readout on the dash. I just want a fun, reliable vehicle with excellent AC, good safety ratings, and decent fuel mileage. Power windows are a bonus. Lol

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Just keep on killing off your voter base. We will see things come around eventually

Airline loses 6 years of baggage....