I feel sorry for men who have to wear pants

atomicorange@lemmy.world to Showerthoughts@lemmy.world – 967 points –

I can wear a dress to work and nobody criticizes me. I’d be really sad if I had to wear pants all the time, they’re just not as comfortable. Let’s normalize pretty dresses for dudes!


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this is why i am naked at home all the time. Clothes are so restrictive. bball shorts are a good second. Skirt/Kilt could be even more comfortable.

Perhaps a nice lightweight kilt is available, but all the ones I've worn for weddings they are extremely heavy! Great freedom down below, but I think I'd prefer the bball shorts.

This. The first thing I do when I hit the door is strip down. I hate wearing clothes.

Kilts are super comfortable. Nothing rides up and your balls never get pinched. Fucking king George... Ruined it for everyone!