Capt. Wolf

2 Post – 310 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Perpetually tired mental health counselor, sometimes retro game streamer, comedian, Mensan, coffee connoisseur, bacon lover, chronic pain survivor, nefarious pirate, and generally all-round nice dude...

Oh cool, a bunch of soldiers whos only military experience is goose stepping in front of their glorious leader and filling up balloons with shit to float over South Korea...

They're the global equivalent of the stereotypical trenchcoat wearing, wannabe-nazi bullies that leave flaming bags of shit on people's doorsteps and couldnt spraypaint a swastika if they had a gun to their head.

I hope Kim rations them extra pants, cause given their track record, they're going to be filling up more than balloons.

Canned, already brewed coffee from a company called Snapchill.

Looking at their site, a 6-pack is $30... No thanks...

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Step outside into the heat and your sweat will instantly steam them out. Thanks global warming!

That's not really a shitpost. That's fucking good!

Reminds me of a stinger for Adult Swim or something from the early days of MTV animation or the art style Liquid Death uses.

Except this wasn't done by the democrats... Literally the first sentence of the article.

A Republican-led effort to block one of President Joe Biden's student loan debt relief programs in court has succeeded just days before it was set to go into effect.

You're voting for the people who just put your head on the chopping block...

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"Dry-cleaners hate this one millenial secret!"

Always on the lookout for new irrational fears!

I thought exactly the same...

Drink 2 of those a day and you're up to pack a day smoker levels of frivalous spending! Then again, I've seen people drop that much on a glorified chocolate milk at Starbucks...

Literally asking for people to interfere with the court case...

Sounds familiar...

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Says the guy who allegedly held coke parties at the Plaza while he was hooking up with underaged teenage girls, hung out with a known human trafficker, paid hush money to multiple women to hide how much of a predator he is, and has been found guilty of raping at least one of them.

Let's drug test them both.

In fact, I have a better idea. The debate is headed by Snoop Dogg. Both of them have to get high with him and answer his questions.

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I'm still waiting for the cat girls...

Edit: For whoever is downvoting me, this is literally the same group that hacked a nuclear research lab last year. Their demand was that they begin serious research into the creation of real life catgirls.

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Citing it as "an injustice to domestic publishers", Vietnamese studios reportedly say that local game development "will die" if Steam is able to keep releasing games without the same government scrutiny as domestic games...

Yeah! It's so unfair that one person can put their heart and soul into making a game on their own, self publish, and be successful! No way anyone else could possibly do that!

Doesn't this fall under first ammendment rights at that point? You can't block discussion and sharing of information online without violating the right to free speech.

Not that these fascists care...

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Chemical castration is the lowering of hormones medically. Physical castration would by physical removal of the testes.

Welcome back to the dark ages. See you at next week's drawing and quartering. It's right after the hangings! Hopefully we get some real kickers!

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Well... We all knew that was coming. If you still have an account haven't done so, now's a good time to purge your account!

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I'm convinced now that people saying something is "Bad for the fediverse" is just their ignorance and xenophobia showing.

Look at the shitposting or lemmy memes going around and you'll see a lot of people are actually afraid of users coming from reddit and spoiling the experience here.

I'm sure others don't want us growing because, consciously or unconsciously, they won't have as much traction or get as much attention. More people means you have less of a voice.

We can't argue about federation on the net, avoiding corporate control, or whatever while sticking our hand out and stopping people from joining. It just doesn't work that way.

People complaining about the size of a social media platform are missing the point of a social media platform...

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I'd love that, if I was ever on the hook for almost 100 high-end felony charges, I could just be like "Wait, time out! I have things I want to do first!" and expect the judge to be like "You know what? You go have fun! Play some golf! Run for president! You just take all the time you need, sweetie!"

You can bet your ass that any of us common schlubs would be rotting in a maximum security facility where you can't take a piss without being watched by a security camera and 5 guards and have a slightly less than assured chance of getting Epsteined before your court date.

"Rules for thee! Not for me!"

As a counselor, there's very clearly some serious internalizing going on.

OP, you might want to start asking yourself questions like, "Why does it REALLY bother me so much?" No offense, seriously not attacking, but your post raises some concerning flags. Counselling may be a good recommendation, because it seems there's more going on here than is being told.

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They've been a shit company for over a decade at least.

I got a laptop for my wife back when we were in college. It developed a problem with the monitor where the screen would look all corrupt after using it for a little bit. My wife, while reciting the prayer of percussive maintenance, would whack it and the problem would go away for a while. So I figured the connection had come loose. No biggie, just reseat it or replace it. The warranty had expired, so I cracked it open to see what was wrong. I reseated the cables in it and it worked... for a bit. Then the problem came back. Eventually we got fed up and bought another one, same model, figuring it was a fluke... It developed the same issue. Come to find out, Asus cheaped out in the ribbon cable for the monitor and installed ones that were too short for the laptop. Looking online, there were a bunch of people complaining about the same thing.

Around the same time as I had gotten her the new laptop, I'd also bought an Asus ZenPad for her to read on. We'll, that suddenly developed a screen issue too! Almost exactly the same as the laptops! My wife, ever eager to apply kinetic reinforcement, found that twisting the tablet a little bit also fixed the issue. I went online and, sure enough, Asus used cheap cables again! They would last just long enough for the warranty to expire before they'd detach.

I swore to myself I'll never buy another Asus product as long as I live. If I ever have kids, I'll disown them if they do too... Fuck these scammers.

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The number of clients I get who are clearly struggling with the burden of "what a man is and isn't" would astound you... Hint: It's a lot!

No, boys aren't OK...

Just be you, friends!

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You know...

In any other situation, if a defendent were being disorderly and uncontrollable in the court room, you'd think the judge might order them confined somewhere. Some sort of lockable room, you know until they're less, shall we say, contemptuous?

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Oddly, I feel like you need to specify this in the PNW...

Beer bar, whiskey bar, coffee bar, chocolate bar. There's a lot of ten guys out there who'd get confused.

Next update: Well, we never actually removed the feature because it's already irrevocably engrained in the file system. It can't be turned off or opted out of because it'll cause your hard drive to explode. Instead, we've buried it so deep that only hackers, malware, the government, and Facebook will be able to make use of it.

Y'see, what ya do is take yer two cords and cut the ends off. Strip the wire and tie 'em together. Then ya wrap em in electrical tape so they're water tight! Bam! Problem solved!

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It shouldn't have to be pointed out, but no, Trump didn't take money from his kids piggy banks. He asked grown, functional adults to give him money. They are his children, yes, but this makes it sound like he snuck into their rooms at night and took it. They, as adults and of their own free will, engaged in business with him with the full knowledge of what he was doing.

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This sort of thing is why Google's monopoly on the internet is so dangerous.

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This reads like someone played The Outer Worlds and was like... "You know what?"

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That's really not the case...

He condemned the whole thing 3 weeks ago as terrorism. He said it again 2 weeks ago too.

Problem is, people are so eager to jump on the "religion bad!" bandwagon that they'll take any bait they can, even when they really don't know what they're talking about.

Sure, there's plenty to hate on, but this isn't it...

The sounds like the premise for a Mario creepypasta horror game.

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This should be a glaring warning for anyone. The translation for this statement is only ever "WE ARE DOING OR PLAN TO DO SHADY, LIKELY ILLEGAL THINGS WITH YOUR INFORMATION! ~#plsdontsuekthx~“

"A presidential candidate..."

*Assumes its Trump*



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Nor fucking should she!

Remember, Paul Reubens(RIP) was arrested for getting his junk out at an adult theater. This trailer park queen had her tits out was getting felt up and was diddling her boyfriend in front of around kids in a well lit theatre! There's even video of them! She needs to be charged and put on a list!

Edit: Better? Can we all at least agree that she's a trashy piece of shit?

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If you don't talk to them, don't feel bad about not inviting them. It's a major life event, not just any old party. If anyone questions it, you tell them you're keeping it to close friends and family only. Other than that, it's nobody's business who you invite.

What kills me is that these rocket surgeons are blaming Biden for these forgiveness programs when the public service loan forgiveness plan was enacted almost 20 years ago by George Bush...

Either they're that history blind or they're desperate morons, praying the rest of the uneducated masses will just blindly go along with whatever they claim is true... Probably both... Who am I kidding!? Of course it's both!

This should have been a fact checking article. Instead it's just perpetuating the narrative that Biden is doing something wrong.

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Warhammer 40k got it wrong... We won't praise the god emperor. All corporate CEOs will merge into one being. The Company will be God, leader, and employer to all of humanity. Lesser companies will be grown and then merged with him to sustain him.

That's what's behind the wall in Lethal Company...

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You asked, AI answers!

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Stop, or I'll say stop again!

Won't help out the poor and struggling in his own country, but "Fuck yeah! Wars! It'd be a huge mistake not to support the wars!"

Fuck this worn out, muppet looking excuse for a human...


You mean like threatening to go after anyone that comes after him?

Also, what's he a witness to? His own crimes?