Gay furry hackers leak data of transphobic pastor & far-right news network

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 890 points –
Gay furry hackers leak data of transphobic pastor & far-right news network

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I'm still waiting for the cat girls...

Edit: For whoever is downvoting me, this is literally the same group that hacked a nuclear research lab last year. Their demand was that they begin serious research into the creation of real life catgirls.

I didn't downvote you, but the context is appreciated because I didn't know why you said that.

My bad! I'm honestly surprised they didn't mention it in the article! It's journalistic gold!


That sounds like an interesting line of study, do you have and further insight on progress?

Lemmy has gotten a lot less civil recently, people just downvoting for no reason and calling each other shit they wouldn't dare say to a living person in front of them

I wouldnt call a few downvotes 'less civil'. Without the edit, the parent comment looked like a weird non sequitur. With the comment there was more context and now it has a lot of upvotes.

Totally why I clarified. I realized people probably had no idea what I was talking about. I figured more people would get the reference, but was obviously wrong. Not anyone's fault there but mine!

Couldn't not share it with people though. Such a crazy piece of news...

I mean, downvotes are supposed to be for irrelevant comments. Anyone who missed the reference would easily assume it to be irrelevant.

I think it's amusing how there are several people ITT that think the way people use upvotes and downvotes changed all because some amorphous entity tied to Lemmy said so.

They are absolutely "I agree with this" and "I disagree with this" buttons, Hexbear should have definitively proven that to all of you.

Just because people stick cotton swabs in their ears doesn't mean that they're supposed to be used for that.

Oh, I see, so you must pronounce GIFs as 'JIFs' then?

You really shouldn't stick cotton swabs inside your ear holes. They're not even that great at cleaning them out.

Imagine pronouncing gif as jif

It's literally gift without the t though

You're right, and people use q-tips to clean their ears.

What the creator intends does not matter, at all.

But being fit for use does matter though.

Cotton swabs pick up portions of ear wax, so it might make you feel happy, but they often push wax deeper which can lead to impacting.

Upvote/downvote based solely on agree/disagree may make you feel good for getting a little colour to match your opinion, but it doesn't result in good conversation or better content on Lemmy.

people just downvoting for no reason

Not what they're for. The downvote is not a "I disagree with this comment" button, It is a measure of how relevant to the discussion a comment is.

In this case your comment about how everyone is bad and evil and everything is actually not at all relevant to anything in this discussion

I think it's amusing how there are several people ITT that think the way people use upvotes and downvotes changed all because some amorphous entity tied to Lemmy said so.

They are absolutely "I agree with this" and "I disagree with this" buttons, Hexbear should have definitively proven that to all of you.