It's a good thing they aren't in charge of adult toys... to Lemmy – 852 points –

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Y'see, what ya do is take yer two cords and cut the ends off. Strip the wire and tie 'em together. Then ya wrap em in electrical tape so they're water tight! Bam! Problem solved!

You mean these?

I posted these ones I found at the ski area I worked at 8 years ago. I wish they were a joke but some fucking moron had made these and used them on the trees in front of the lodge. In piles of snow too.

Me and my dad actually had to do this with a high voltage plug for an air compressor.

We had a welder that had the same plug as our air compressor but we needed it to be longer. So we spliced two male ends together to make an extension.

It was only extremely dangerous for about 5 minutes but that was some of the sweatiest 5 minutes of my life.

Next time you should unplug it from the wall first to be less stressful. :)

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