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Joined 1 years ago

Minishoot' Adventures $11.99 (20% off)

Isometric Zelda / Metroidvania / bullet hell with a lot of accessibility features and neat art where you're a lil spaceship guy. Has a demo to see if it's your jam. Already beat it twice, would really love for them to make DLC or a sequel.

It should be. But I would be extremely surprised if everything in the terms of service isn't worded something like "you're buying a license to view this content that can be revoked whenever".

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Mostly I think its fine for all that.

But there's a special circle of hell for projects that rely on it for "documentation".

I get the temptation, I really do. But once you're taking money or have more than a couple people involved and semi-organized you really need at least a small wiki/git-hub landing page with the basics.

I know documentation is a separate skillset and a lot of work in its own right but projects can also stagnate and die because there isn't any.

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Anything post-2022, and probably post-2020, is suspect on Reddit because it became abundantly clear how steerable it was and how easy to generate sales as long as you didn't do anything too "suspicious". Current 'ad guides' tell advertisers not to link things because just saying the name reads as more authentic.

Before that it was legitimately people discussing, e.g., the best flashlight for x-y-z purposes. But a decent amount of old stuff has been gutted by people deleting their posts/accounts.

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Not sure how they could fight manifest v3, it's Google making an (objectively bad) internal code decision that has knock-on effects for Chromium and everyone else.

FWIW they are going to try and keep things working and are looking for workarounds

I believe Starfield at least was brigading to prove the point that the awards are silly at best at this point.

Did the job pretty well.

It's also the preferred descriptor for some. I've had friends with dwarfism that thought "little people" was condescending as hell and hated it.

None of this is ever black and white. Especially when it's just interjecting into comments on the Internet talking about the fantasy race that's either Jews with battle axes or persons from Svartálfheim.

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It somehow looks like a more pic heavy twitter. It's insane how much a site that was built and grew on its comment system seems to try and hide it now.

Ship based piracy absolutely.

Digital piracy:

I remember Kazaa and LimeWire where you hoped the thing you were downloading for hours/days wasn't a virus or a joke meme making fun of you for trusting someone. Getting an entire album of mp3s that were actually the band you hoped for and not missing any songs was a minor miracle.

Now there are dozens of automated tools that talk to each other. I type the name of the movie into a search bar, look through a list of posters and click the 'request' button. It get's torrented in the background and then shows up on my Plex server. If I paid for a usenet group all that could happen an order of magnitude faster.

Search in one place, watch in one place.

It's not quite as instant as streaming, but at this point I have such a back catalogue to work through that that isn't really an issue.

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The biscuits are the best part and they sell the mix, so not a lot of reason to visit if there's any other options for seafood.

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The military is a lot more tolerant about working around running aircraft than civilians. Nominally there's a lot more training/drilling/etc to keep situational awareness up... But also occasionally someone walks into a prop or gets sucked into a jet.

I'm sure this'll spawn a new series of briefings.

Not sure how it'll work with any payouts since she was a contractor. In general you're being paid more at the cost of less of the compensation packages that service members get.

"Square cube law cast Meteor! It was super effective!"

Next time you should unplug it from the wall first to be less stressful. :)

See also: every other service Amazon has bought.

I miss when Goodreads had updates.

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Is it cannibalism? It feels more like a (talking) bear eating a human.

I do feel like the Stormtooper point got lost on Lucas too by RotJ honestly. In Empire they do pretty good except when they're, again, explicitly trying to lure the hero into a trap. RotJ has the most weirdness of the originals and probably the most EU 'redemptions'/revisions. With stuff like "here's what was really up with the Ewoks", Boba not dying, etc.

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Yeah from the list the absolutely nuts, one-off, dragracing versions of cars from the 50s/60s made ~400hp. Which could be outdone by an option on the Camero last year. And if you wanted more it's not difficult, just more money.

And raw HP numbers don't take into account how much better modern cars drive or how much safer they are. I daily a car from the 80s and love it. But lack of ABS or traction control or airbags or a collapsible steering column does come to mind every once in awhile. Cars from the 50s/60s will have notably worse handling/cornering/etc.

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Arms. Not guns.

We've decided it's not okay for someone to have a Patriot missile, nuclear landmine, warships, and many other arms.

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It bugs me that everyone harps on the controller. It's far and away the least suspect part of this.

Multiple generations of hardware iterations by many competing companies, well defined and understood software interface options, literally billions of hours of testing, easily replaceable, several axes of control, and a huge portion of the population has at least some experience with one.

There's a reason the military uses them when they can.

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This is the only reason I haven't bought one yet. I have no use/need for a new laptop, but really like the idea at the very least over... every other manufacturer really.

Being able to choose/swap out ports alone would be fantastic.

He let the crazy veil slip a bit during the Thai cave rescue drama, but Covid seems to have really pushed him over the edge.

Warning. Do not look for Servarr apps or how to set them up on a home system of your choice like Unraid or it's alternatives. Doing so may be a violation of local copyright law.

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No no. The rest of the world is constantly out of sorts on what common measurements are. It's like how monolingual non-English-speaking people are constantly aware they're not speaking the natural language of English.


"Of the people that like bread, some are vegan."

That anti-semitic people are also anti-Israel is not a surprise. Lumping everyone who is critical of Israel in with anti-semitists is a logical fallacy. Saying that anyone critical of Israel's actions is anti-semitic is dogma.

The working solution being 5 child comments deep on a wrong solution flagged as correct is my favorite.

There is a lot of abandonware and stuff where the companies just dissolved and ownership of any IP is questionable at best.

But also I don't think there's a way to give Nintendo/Game Freak money to play Gen 1 Pokemon at the moment? There's plenty of stuff like that. Sega and SquareEnix and some others have done a decent job of licensing/re-releasing some games. But there's plenty out there that they 'could' release and seemingly have no interest.

He wasn't.

The War of the Currents was Edison and Westinghouse. The elephant was executed by the ASPCA and filmed by the Edison Studios years after, that company had been sold by Edison years before. The payment argument was Tesla and a manager.

Tesla and Edison wrote each other personal letters and spoke well of each other in public years later.

Edison was an asshole. Tesla's 'legend' is weird.

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Which were Facebook branded/partnership.

I do think it's weird those flew under the radar when people flipped out so much about Google Glass.

It's a mostly standard view of Tolkien scholarship. They're much more a medieval view of jewishness then something straight racist like say, JK Rowling's goblins. As makes sense for an Old English scholar like Tolkein.

Ancient people, separated into familial tribes, outcast from their ancestral home, not really welcomed anywhere but tolerated some places, warrior poet tradition, noble 'in their way', beards, gold, noses.

Sprinkle on some Norse/Germanic for flavor and there you go. Though then you can get into the side conversation of Yiddish being a Germanic dialect/language.

Drug dealers would go out of business if users would stop paying for them.

Would be curious if that's actually the case or if it's just the next iteration of the "organized theft is causing billions in lost profit" from last year that was just BS.

Reality and the current narrative a C-level is pushing to get the result they want ain't always all that similar.

I like that the article lays out the development of federalism pre-civil war. I think the most concise description of their argument I've heard is that it's just the "Air Bud argument".

"There's no rule section of the constitution that says a dog state can't play basketball secede."

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He was already attacking Biden on his age during the election. At the age Trump now is.

I'd wager they're not talking electronic parts like hard drives, but electronic parts like microcontrollers and capacitors, stuff you solder together. It is pretty good for that in my experience in the US, you just have to know what you want beforehand and be good about reading the descriptions.

....people didn't just... stop researching fluoride after the 40s/50s. Newer studies have found less of a dramatic benefit, likely because brushing with fluoridated toothpaste is more common, but there is still a significant benefit. The countries that reduced water fluoridation and saw little to no change have universal free dental care for children.

A lot of the pushback relies on pointing out that there are diminishing returns. Multiple sources of fluoride don't seem to have compounding benefits. But that completely ignores that the goal is to raise the baseline.

Not all kids are good at brushing their teeth, not all parents care or know to put it as a priority if they're struggling. It's not going to impact virtually anyone above the poverty line, but for the people who need it most it absolutely helps.

Fluoridating water is ridiculously cheap way to add a layer of safety. A ~15-25% reduction in cavities is absolutely worth pursuing.

There are ~20,000 objects in orbit large enough to be tracked as hazards. Personally unclear if that includes active satellites, but that's 'only' another ~10,000.

There are ~100,000 airline flights a day worldwide.

How crowded does the sky look with planes?

Yes space junk is a thing to be concerned about / regulate. But at the scales involved it's basically negligible. We're orders of magnitude away from any kind of cascade or locking ourselves out of orbit or any other doomsday scenario.

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If you wanted them just for charging it would be fine. Barrel jacks are still pretty ubiquitous.

If you want them to also be data they get less great. They make 3.5mm/etc jacks with 3 "pins" and I assume more. But every time you're inserting/removing the cable it's rubbing past the insulators separating the contacts. Their failure per plug/unplug is higher than something like USB-C where the 24 contacts are being pushed together instead of brushing past each other. It would suck if you put in your USB-barrel and one of the contacts broke/bent.

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Except Mason didn't help draft the Bill of Rights. Madison looked at the Virginia Bill of Rights along with a mountain of other documents to draft the Federal version. Madison's proposal was then stripped down and reworded and argued over before being partially adopted.

Saying Mason drafted the 2nd amendment is like saying Lucas drafted the current Star Wars shows.

This is basically the fluoride 'debate'.

(Yes, fluoridating the water supply is good.)

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This shouldn't even be a fringe Christian belief. At least one of Paul's letters at the end of the New Testament explicitly spells out, "don't police other people's behavior", in reference to non-christian practices not being a matter for christians to worry about. It follows pretty directly from "let he who is without sin cast the first stone".