2 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

just a sad girl looking for laugh-out-louds

When CCST filed its lawsuit earlier this year on behalf of more than 70 Texas institutions, it said the Education Department’s rule was created “with a thumb on the scale to maximize the number of approved claims and, ultimately, further the administration’s loan forgiveness agenda.”


Sometimes I get a glimpse of what experiencing the Internet without an ad blocker looks like today and it kinda blows me away.

Good question. I don't have a good answer. I just wanted to pause for a moment and reflect on how concisely this question captures the moment we're living in.

Why would the owners of a website want to make it harder to browse their website

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It'll be like watching a bunch of CPU players fight each other in Smash Bros. That's entertaining, right?

Calling everyone "man", "bro", "you guys"

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Somehow, just about every time elite American men look at virtually any sociological change, they see a crisis of masculinity.

I've done that a handful of times. It's only happened when I've been on full mental autopilot and totally distracted with other things.

The more frustrating part about it is that my acquaintances notice and figure if I slip up, then it's more okay if they slip up from time to time too. And yeah, I try not to give people too much grief if they make mistakes, but, like... Please try not to make mistakes.

One of my acquaintances started a fairly large group text thread recently. Somewhere along the way someone said, "Who's the android user in here ruining everything?" I never said anything in the thread, so I felt like I was in the corner of a crowded room wearing a disguise about to be exposed.

I was also pretty annoyed. Like, what's it matter? Texts are for text. Text works fine.

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Does that also mean your first word on Lemmy is "fuck"?

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I mean... Was she into it?

At some point it will happen to you, and you will be sober. And when it does, you will remember this day.

Shitty people are seeking damages because a company failed to sufficiently insulate itself against the shitty things that those same shitty people were doing.

I'd give it a solid 25% probability of being one of those issues where the public is nearly universally in support of it when polled in isolation, but which nonetheless gets gridlocked by partisan shenanigans and fearmongering about the "nanny state". At least in my town.

You don't think the #tuesday chatter is exciting? For real though, I get the same vibe. It usually makes me close the app shortly after I open it. Maybe I'm not giving it enough of a chance.

I used to feel really sad about having to wear pants all the time. Some might have even called it dysphoric.

I wonder what proportion of the average user's rom library is from the 87%

Is ❎ the new 🅱️?

That weird compulsion to always be in pursuit of a relationship might be gender dysphoria.

lol effective at what

I mean if you wanna get into semantics, technically any knife could be called a butter knife once it's used to spread butter, couldn't it? But some knives are better at spreading butter than others. So maybe a more precise question would be: What makes a good butter knife? But this isn't c/precisequestions now is it

As far as how I end up in this situation: sometimes I cut my fruit before I go to butter my toast

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"Looks like it's sleepin' time. Gotta sleep-sleep-sleep." Or just sleep time.

Don't some companies sell "popcorn oil"? What is that made of?

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Both of these strange bugs happened when I was trying to read this post, and I don't think I ever observed them until just now.

I don't think it's an objective metric. Based on my experience, they talk amongst each other at research institutions, conferences, and through journal articles. If someone claims "most experts think x" when in reality most experts do not, then most experts hearing it will probably speak up about how wrong it is, shoot it down during peer review, or publish scathing critiques in response to it.

A "most experts" proclamation that aligns with reality will also cite several prior publications that have also been read and cited widely, which shows the idea has kinda stood the test of time.

Source: I been in the game a while, despite several attempts to escape. I do wonder if other fields have more objective approaches.

what do you do instead? is there an instead?

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Think of it more like a holiday

Some of the GBA remakes also added in voice tracks, like Mario saying "Just what I needed!" whenever you get a mushroom, or Link doing his grunts and "hii-yahs" whenever you swing the sword. I guess I could see how some people might think those were neat, but I mostly found them annoying, especially given the quality of the GBA audio.

did you know that displaying icons and figures of Jesus Christ on the cross was actually an old pagan tradition that early Christians co-opted to help spread their religion