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Joined 1 years ago


Parroted Hitler again.

20 more...

Literally trying to bring about the apocalypse.

12 more...

Anti-Zionism is not antisemitic.

Lumping in all Jewish people with the genocidal apartheid ethnostate absolutely is.

That awkward moment when the genocidal occupying force can't handle literal facts.

Young people are people and deserving of rights, including but not limited to the vote. There is no stupid thing a young person could do with their vote that old people don't already do and we don't require them not to in order to keep their vote.

46 more...

How about both of you go the fuck home and let an actual progressive do some actual good for once?

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Honestly, one thing I hate about being biologically male is that men's clothes all look so goddamn generic.

Oh, you're wearing a suit. It's. A suit. I guess. They all look the same.

You're wearing jeans. And a t-shirt. And they all look basically the same.

Khakis and a polo? You madlad. Well, you and everybody else at the country club. Who all look exactly the fucking same.

The thing that really gets me is, it didn't used to be this way. You look at pictures of people in paintings and whatnot and men had some wild shit going on. There was variety, if somewhat less, even into the early 20th. But... seriously tell me if I'm wrong here... it feels like we got to WWII and men's fashion just stopped. Like an entire generation of men put on uniforms and eighty years later we still haven't completely taken them off.

15 more...

"Fuck you, got mine" is pretty much a cornerstone of their platform...

Is she gay or European?

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Thinking back on that series, I'm still kind of amazed at what we witnessed with S8. Not the season itself, obviously, but the phenomenon of it.

GoT was a huge fandom. Everybody was talking about it, for years. People were fuckin' naming their kids after those characters.

And then S8 happened and the whole thing was just gone. That entire enormous fandom erased more or less overnight. A moment of confused outage and then... silence.

I've never seen or heard of anything like it.

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You say "toy breed" I say "rat with delusions of grandeur."

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Cry me a river.

Better yet, Big Pharma, bleed me a river, full of the money you've gouged from the sick and the dying, of insulin profits and unpaid wages. Bleed until you fucking die, you inhuman parasites.

I don't mind the ones copying content from Reddit. I came here to get away from Reddit and I don't really mind seeing the content so long as I'm not giving spez and his fucks any clicks.

I do mind the ones posting links TO Reddit. I... came here to get away from Reddit. I don't need links back. I know where Reddit is...

7 more...

Never take anything a Republican says as though it were in good faith.

I've heard it said that if you assume every awful thing in the world is Reagan's fault, you will be right far more often than you're wrong.

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Republicans would be lining up all the way to Russia to crucify a Democrat who did even a fraction of what Dullard Grump bragged about on television.

38 more...

I disagree with the anti-AI bandwagon.

I am indifferent to moldy memes.

If your only job is to own things, you are a parasite, not a creator.

18 more...

This poor doggo did nothing wrong.

Look at his smiley face.

I wanna hug him and tell him he is a good boy.

Sounds good to me. Eat the rich, fuck Israel.

How evil do you have to be to be too evil for Walmart?

6 more...

Tell me again how this has to do with "defending themselves."

Genocidal monsters.

Anyone enrolled in the SAVE Plan who took out less than $12,000 in initial loans and has been paying them down for the past 10 years or more will have them forgiven.

It always pisses me off when I see qualifications like this. You know who needs forgiveness? People who got suckered into a lot of fucking debt. You know who needs forgiveness? People who have missed a lot of fucking payments.

Qualifications like this seem designed to make sure relief goes directly to those who need it least every time.

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This should be grounds for immediate removal.

4 more...

Keep telling yourself this. Trump thanks you for getting out of the way.

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They failed the last one and they've only gotten worse since, so...

Now listen...

There is no way any Fairy Type is zero sugar.

... Is a symmetrical pair too much to ask for?

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I always try to rescue black cats because of the stigma around them and how people mistreat them. I love my shiny voids.

1 more...

He was involved in...

... Sabotaging peace talks that extended the Vietnam War by years. (This was literally treason and he knew it.) He did this to help Nixon win election.

... Carpet-bombing Cambodia (who weren't even involved) which gave rise to the Khmer Rouge (who killed a fucking lot of people).

... Using the Kurds as part of a proxy war and throwing them under the bus the instant he didn't need them any more (leaving them vulnerable to another genocide).

... Fucking Watergate. As in, he was in that shit deeper than Nixon himself and got off basically clean.

... Training and equipping the Mujahideen (as part of yet another proxy war with Russia) back when we liked Afghanistan (because they hated Russia too). They later became the Taliban. Lots of people say Bush did 9/11, and, while he isn't blameless, in a very real way Nixon and Kissinger did 9/11.

... Botching a kidnapping attempt (that was itself an attempt to prevent a progressive candidate from being elected in Chile) which ended up getting a famous general assassinated instead.

That's just what I remember off the top of my head.

It goes deeper.

Maybe as deep as his ass is in hell now.

"Cheese bro?" You can't make this shit up.

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Sounds like a whole lot o' quittin' time to me.

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How do you say "All Cops Are Bastards" in French?

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As with everything Republicans do, the cruelty is the point.

Isn't this what literally every billionaire is doing all day every day?

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"Forget the Constitution" -- Party of the Constitution voter.

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I'm not even surprised anymore.

Punch every Nazi. Every single one.

4 more...

Glorifying "the grind" is a toxic coping mechanism for dealing with the fact that our grandparents' generation got what they were promised and pulled up the ladder behind them, leaving the rest of us behind in debt and on fire. People glorify working themselves to death because they cannot bring themselves to accept things like it should not be this way and does not have to be, or you are just as much a victim of the 1% as whoever it is you've been taught to look down upon. It's taking advantage of the psychological need for self-assurance and a vague sense of superiority, but ultimately it's propaganda to keep the poor in line.

No matter how hard you "grind," if you are not self-employed you are always making orders of magnitude more money for someone else than you are for yourself. If you are self-employed, it's still true, but to a lesser degree.