1 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

And y'all thought China having your data was something to be afraid of.

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It kinda reminds me how Reaper DAW lets people have a really long trial version that I used for ages and then eventually decided to buy it when I could afford it. It's been great.

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Because New Zealand is a fantasy hence why it doesn't exist on many world maps.

When can I start using a pigeon to preload games like Starfield?

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Trust me the extreme Redditors are here now too.

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Knowing he's a racist makes it interesting that he made a living off of playing music invented by black people. Also makes it even sweeter that Hendrix destroyed him on stage while jamming with Cream.

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Isn't that how WW2 started? Germany basically broke the Versailles Treaty and kept getting away with it so just kept going.

Nah everyone is playing some form of Fallout lol.

It's not rude where I live. You generally give them a short double honk and then you see them wave in the mirror to say sorry as they start moving. I usually give 3-5 seconds before I do it.

I never said I was comfortable with it, but you clearly missed the point I was making.

Worry about what data is being harvested in your own country where a law change can suddenly put you in danger of being arrested before worrying about China having some of your data.

Is it bad how much data the Chinese govt get from you using apps like Tik Tok or phones made by Huawei? Sure, but the threat is a lot closer to home than you think as this article shows.

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I had to laugh when they used naming a child as an example. What a dipshit.

I'm pretty sure I read or saw a documentary that basically said the downfall of Sega started with Sega of Japan starting to take more control and override Sega of America. I think that's how we ended up with the Sega Saturn and the failure of that console really didn't help the Dreamcast at all.

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Agreed, it's also just a very Reddit poster thing to do ironically.

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The analogy of farmer vs urban is great. Thanks!

Agreed, I'm not sure what this example is meant to convey but I don't think it's working haha

Came here for the Ian Watkins comment.

Haven't found another band close to sounding like Lostprophets and it sucks.

So much for the blessed rains down in Africa.

Turned on some music to start my day and dreamed of the house I'd never own...

PlayStation's killer app was likely Crash Bandicoot as that game paved the way for Sony (games like Wipeout, Ridge Racer and Tekken helped too) and gave them some real momentum, it just got better from there. I still remember playing the Demo of Crash and being absolutely blown away.

By the time FF7 released, the Nintendo 64 had launched so that probably contributed to the Saturn's downfall as well.

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this resulted in something called the Three Fifths compromise where slave-holding states could count each slave as 3/5 of a freed man

This part was fascinating. Thanks for taking the time to reply, that was interesting to read!

Chino pants are comfy enough for me.

I didn't fall for it. I would've heard about it if he'd done something bad.

But in Modern Warfare 2, all I had to do was go into a Russian sub and hit the launch button! Sarcasm obviously

I've got a cold which actually isn't too bad as I've wanted to take some time off work anyway but other than that, I'm not in the best place mentally so there's that as well.

Life kinda sucks, in a nutshell.

Reminds me of the PC Master Race people that comment on Console related posts. Like, cool we get that you're insecure about your platform of choice, we don't need to be reminded.

The people in charge at Unity can't just take over their customers project and boot the Devs out if they protest like Reddit did with Subreddits they protested for too long where they just banned the mods and took over the subs that had gone dark.

There's way more control in the Devs hands in this instance but Unity seem to be trying to rely on the fact that it's a massive pain in the ass to switch to a different engine mid development but that's definitely not stopping some people from making the migration still.

This one hurt so much.

Loved that random little side quest.

If you go the other option, the outcome is quite chilling.

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Did you play Royal or just vanilla P5? P5 Royal extra content is well worth it IMO.

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The AI starts to die slowly but after you leave the ship, the 2 Ryujin agents stay with the AI, and in its dying moments the AI decides to shut off the oxygen killing the agents onboard then self destructs.

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Yeah you're right, Royal was easy as compared to vanilla. Bi really enjoyed the extra story though!

Is it a popular opinion that people didn't like Predator 2? Nearly everyone I know loves it. Not as much as the original mind you but they still love it and so do I.

Lol the game comes with major trigger warnings the moment you boot it up, not to mention it's not for kids.

But damn, stay away from the likes of Doki Doki Literature Club if you think this game is bad.

Oh I definitely don't disagree, FF7, Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid all cemented PlayStation as a force to be reckoned with for suren and can be considered killer apps. I just remember for me getting a PlayStation personally being just wowed by the likes of Crash Bandicoot and Tekken. Fond memories for sure!

Nah there's a bigger chance of Halo coming to PS5 if MS recent moves are anything to go by.

There's no real need if I already have them on socials and can chat them that way otherwise if they're close enough friends and I feel like having their number would be more convenient, I usually give them my number first and they usually text me straight away or give me their number.

Edit - Sorry just noticed the "or other contact info" part.

I'm assuming you kinda want advice on the approach?

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Definitely a USA thing since Comcast were mentioned.

Here in New Zealand I have a friend who uses his Mobile hotspot to connect his Xbox to it to play games online at no extra cost from the mobile provider.

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Definitely an interesting topic for sure!

I guess most other governments would never need a system like that given I don't imagine there's any other country in the world that is made up of as many States as the US.

We have an interesting electoral system in NZ called MMP which is essentially a first across the post system so even if a party gets more votes than anyone else, it they didn't get enough to cross the post/finish line, they don't win and so a coalition can be formed by smaller parties that got less votes to get across the finish line and therefore the country is then run by multiple political parties.

That first descent blew my mind as I was only aware that we had sky islands as an added later to Hyrule so to go to the depths for the first time just blew my mind.

And yes A Plague Take Requiem ending is pretty tragic but such an excellent game and vast improvement over the first.

I really hope you get as much out of the game as many others have. What an experience.