3 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So were at the point where we are paying for an experience with ads AND invasive trackers and personal data mining + psychological profiling just to watch videos? What the fuck, thats distopian AF.

Just gonna leave this here:

I've always thought it was completely rediculous that airlines charge a premium to board the plane sooner, like yea sure you wanna spend extra money to be on the cramped plane for a LONGER period of time? lol. Edit: I read some of the other comments mentioning getting dibs on overhead space and yea, if you're carrying on you bags that would make sense.

Well, I'm a cishet white male and I still didn't like living in Texas. I had to drive like 3-4 hours to get anywhere and back home, its hot, no winter for the most part(and when there was, any plans I had that involved leaving the house had to be canceled), power grid is shit and has way too many rolling blackouts. Internet service was abysmal, hot trash. The MAX speed I could get was like 10Mbps down. And then there's the political climate... Yea fuck that I'm never moving back.

"Joseph, who was appointed to the bench by former President Donald Trump, enjoined the EEOC from enforcing the abortion provision of its rules against the Catholic plaintiffs and employers located in Louisiana and Mississippi for the duration of the lawsuit."


And this is why I always use a VPN on my phone.

Yes, up to minimum wage, which is still often not enought to live on.

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Woooooo comment sorting!!!! (And other great things I'm sure, but) HORRAY COMMENT SORTING!!!!!!

We don't, enough of the US is gerrymandered as fuck and we use first past the post voting so most of us are voting to get a plurality for the guy other than the one we hate more, and that's if your even interested in politics here. The whole system is fucked and corrupt.

Edit: oh yea and the electoral college fucks us too.

Locally hosted Firefox.

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Pepper is spicey

Let's all hope the publisher doesnt fire the whole damn studio right before launch like is apparently common these days.

A lot of that traffic is people googling something and finding the answer on reddit and then getting on with their lives. it will probably be that way for quite a while.

I used to live in Texas and they did the same shit there. Tax EVs more because their owners weren't "paying their fair share on the highway tax"

Religions are protected classes under the constitution, political groups are not. Free speech is also protected. The combination of these factors means that weather the shop keeper in OPs photo is breaking the law is entirely dependant on how you interpret the constitution, which is what the supreme court is supposed to do.

You'd still have to convert it to 60Hz AC

With ya there. I would totally wear sweatpants to work if I were allowed to though.

Yea, let's just slap the missile equivalent of chatgpt on a bunch of drone missiles, what could go wrong? /s

Serriously though, what happens if the AI driving the drone hallucinates? I wouldn't want to be anywhere near these things when they're testing them.

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Lmao I'm so sad I never tried this when it was a thing. Nuking a bunch of fps players from orbit in eve would have been awesome.

Wonder what ther're going to do about r/political humor, since everyone subbed to it is a mod weather they want to be or not.

I still do it, because I'm a regular at many places and don't want then to spit in my food. Also I do this despite agreeing with everything above, its absolutely anti consumer and anti worker bullshit, but thats the society we live In unfortunately.

Don't be evil.

Oh? Well have fun living in the state that's closest to hell then.

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I mean, this just makes sense. If you are a content creator on reddit then you are subject to reddits whim, meanwhile content creators on lemmy get to choose an instance that moderates/admins closer to their needs and if that instance stops being useful to them for whatever reason, they can just pack up and move to another one. The more we scale the more prominent this effect will be and as long as we have some amount of organic growth we are destined to outcompete reddit I think.

Lol I mentioned nothing about politics. Its hot and humid as hell there and you have one of if not the lowest elevation of any state.

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I just ran powerdelete suit on my reddit accounts and replaced all of my posts/comments with ones urging users to join lemmy. I was going to wait until July 1rst but if reddit is going to get that serious, then so am I. I am OUT!

Fuck the hell off trump. We dont need this kind of ableist barbarism.

At the risk of upsetting people, most if not all religions. They can't all be right.

OK so I'm user Linux and currently using nobara(GE's version of fedora). Should I be considering a distro hop in the near future?

I would call parts of the US developed and other parts of the US refusing to develop.

Beat me to it, we have an xpost of it on our instance here:

I've had times in my life where it felt like there was nowhere for my life to go. It might not seem like it now but things can get better. I honestly hope things get better for you.

Wow, you must live a pretty sad life if you really believe that.

2 more... user checking in, my experience seems to confirm that theory. I can still see content from beehaw that I'm subscribed to from before they defederated.