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Coverage of politics became commodified and sensationalized in the name of ratings and advertising dollars and coupled with intense competition for viewer attention this has led to the news becoming more of a form of entertainment than anything informative.

At the same time, voter apathy drives politicians to search for new ways to create interest, promote themselves, and generate a following.

This promotes more and more sensational behavior, which is further played up by the media, which raises the bar for the kind of things a representative from a flyover red state hardly anyone cares about has to do to maintain a presence on the national stage.

Repeat that cycle a few times and now congress is looking at Hunter Biden's nudes.

I would suggest 'Amusing Ourselves to Death' by Neil Postman for further reading.

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Supervise your kid while they're on the internet. Install nanny filters on their phone and computer. Monitor who they hang out with. If you can't handle raising your kid, you should have thought of that before having them.

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I've worn a kilt to participate in Scottish heritage festivals and the Highland Games. It's a far, far better garment than pants or shorts in hot weather and super comfy in general. Pants are great, but for just hanging around and casual wear kilts are amazing.

Utilikilts (the ones with pockets) are awesome, but with a traditional kilt you can accesorize with a nice belt and sporran (the little pouch in front).

All in all, I'd be really happy to see more kilts and similar garments in day to day men's fashion.

I have a few servers that I've put together, both towers and rack mount, that are fairly old in IT terms but would still sell for thousands used.

I pulled most of the parts out of the trash.

I'm curious as to what kind of action they could potentially take against providers that are incorporated overseas, but have servers located in the U.S.


Seems like they adopted the world fucking, transformed it, and diversified it into new areas. World fucking used to be about war, finance, manufacturing, and pollution. Now it's about war, finance, media, fashion, manufacturing, the internet, politics, tech, society, food supplies, religion, pollution, and making the rich feel better about themselves.

The problem is that the more you fight change, the more you change things. Your movement becomes more and more focused on resisting change, and less focused on preserving any good qualities it once had. It's an inescapable bit of futility, hard coded into the human condition.

Forrest got it.

I switched in 2021 and I thought the same then.

The rest of us shouldn't have our freedoms restricted because of irresponsible parenting. You'd think people who place such a premium on personal responsibility wouldn't need the government to help them raise their kids.

I figured it was a given. If Trump gets elected, climate change accelerates. Does anyone think any different?

Mint is pretty good at "it just works" thing and has a very friendly UI. It also comes with a few very handy tools developed in house by the Mint team (though these can be installed on other Debian/Ubuntu based distros). It's usually high on the list of recommended distros for people new to Linux or who just need general purpose computing without a lot of fuss.

I usually recommend Mint, Zorin, MX Linux and Pop OS starting out. But since Linux is free, all it costs you is time and energy if you want to shop around. has an expansive database of distributions.

There's a lot of good reading material and tutorials out there. And while you might find some folks who can be dismissive or elitist in the community, genuinely helpful and friendly people are out there too, so don't be afraid to ask for help.

Kilts are the answer.

Think of what a power move it would be to stand there flexing your bare calves as you nail a presentation to the board on a Thursday afternoon.

More seriously, they can look good dressed up or down, and are super comfy.


I've got a pair of Skullcandy Mods. The sound quality is decent but not stellar, battery life is good, charge time is good and they feel pretty solidly made. Pretty good deal for $40 on Amazon.

I previously had some of their ANC overears that while not spectacular, were much better than I expected given the price point.

Sure they do. Just don't have sex. Then you won't have kids and won't have to worry about them seeing porn on the internet.

It's simple, if you're not responsible enough to keep your kid off PornHub, you're not responsible enough to have sex. =P