I feel sorry for men who have to wear pants

atomicorange@lemmy.world to Showerthoughts@lemmy.world – 967 points –

I can wear a dress to work and nobody criticizes me. I’d be really sad if I had to wear pants all the time, they’re just not as comfortable. Let’s normalize pretty dresses for dudes!


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WFH'er here too. Clothes are entirely optional, though a handy t-shirt is good for impromptu cameras-on Zoom/Teams call!

True, working from home also made me feel like most people have very weird hang ups about clothes. Like in the range of the last couple of days I had a friend tell me that she had chosen her work partly based on getting to wear fancy clothes and another friend told me that sandals were weird on men but I could pull them off (very strange compliment). Very weird how people think about clothing.

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