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Joined 1 years ago

Well that really sucks because it was often the only way to actually find the content on the page that the Google results "promised". For numerous reasons - sometimes the content simply changes, gets deleted or is made inaccessible because of geo-fencing or the site is straight up broken and so on.

Yes, there's but believe it or not, not everything is there.

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People that propose this kind of stuff always know exactly nothing about how the internet, or technology in general, works.

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The AI is already turning against its creator, lol.

*Laughs in Firefox*

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Aren't rockets vehicles that ride on fire (that they create themselves)?

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By they way, I just found out that they removed the button, but typing into Google still redirects you to the cached version (if it exists). But who knows for how long. And there's the question whether they'll continue to cache new pages.

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who find Firefox difficult to use

WTF? HOW? How is it difficult to use? It works like any other web browser?!

It only shows how ridiculous the copyright laws are. Songs recorded in the 1940s and 50s should've long been public domain by now.

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If they start building vertical cinemas, that's when we lose.

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I mean, I might have considered paying for YT premium if I thought it offered some value (other than disabling ads) but I won't sure as hell pay for anything that any company is trying to blackmail me into.

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Isn't this how it always goes with any kind of censorship? It doesn't even matter if there were good intentions behind it or not, the result is the same.

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500W adapter for hair clippers? What would you be clipping, woolly mammoth?

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Me right now: Me right now

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This is why I prefer sans-serif fonts that have lower case l's with a little bend on the bottom. For example the new default font in Office (Aptos) does exactly that.

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What’s a good alternative?

I haven't used any such tool for almost a decade probably and I don't think there's a need to nowadays. Occasionally I run the Windows Disk Cleanup utility to get rid of temp files and Windows Update installation files and that's about it. Cleaning the registry is bullshit anyway that does more harm than good (doesn't speed up anything certainly).

Day 147: They still haven't noticed.

What? They are doing /r/place now? Is that some last ditch effort to make peace with the userbase or even to lure back those who left, lol?

Anyway, I admit I had a quick glance at the canvas, saw the huge text /U/SPEZ IST EIN HURENSOHN, chuckled and left.

Microsoft should name a version of their OS in her honor. It would be called Windows Nyder.

I have a perfectly functioning PC (that will very likely be still perfectly usable by 2025) that cannot be upgraded to Win 11 because MS has for some strange reason put quite harsh but completely artificial hardware requirements on W11 that only CPUs manufactured in the last 3-4 years meet. And before you say "You can switch to Linux", no I can't. Not with the software I use for work. And then there's gaming of course...

(Now, I bought a new PC recently, so I'm fine for the foreseeable future but not everyone can either afford it or simply feels the need to upgrade their computer)

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I mean, there's /r/SubSimulatorGPT2 that's been running for years... Although that one was at least hilarious to read because at that stage the AI was in the sweet spot of being simultaneously coherent while making total lapses in logic.

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My last comment on reddit is "Fuck /u/spez" too. I didn't do anything as radical as deleting my comments/posts, nor made any definitive statements but while I lurked a few times there, I never made a new comment since June 30. And by now I'm becoming confident that it will stay that way.

It’s called white, but you can see it’s pretty clearly blue

It's more complicated than that. "White" is a completely made up term, it has no physical basis. Colors are a perception, they're not physically real. We just gave labels to some frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum and their different combinations. And just like a camera, the human brain uses white balance correction to compensate for the fact that in different times of the day, the sunlight reaching us here on Earth has different color temperature (because it travels through different thickness of atmosphere), and by extent to compensate for different color of artificial lighting. So what our brain perceives as "white" is much dependent on context. It's how the infamous white+gold/blue+black dress illusion works. It's why when you put on ski goggles with orange lenses, the snow looks yellow at first but becomes "white" after a while. Then you take them off and the snow becomes momentarily blueish before it balances to white again. You can also force yourself to have the white balance temporarily out of sync in each eye.

If you printed out your chart and looked at it at different times of day or under different lighting conditions, what you'd think as neutral white would change too. So you can't really say which white is the "true white", it's all relative.

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To be fair, W8.1 wasn't that bad, you could even change the full screen start menu to a regular one. W10 was better though. W11 is... well they fixed the most glaring issues over the last year but I still can't get over the crippled start menu.

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Were so many people using it to avoid ads?

I doubt that as well. There are much better ways to deal with ads. I always only used it when the content on the page didn't exist anymore or couldn't be accessed for whatever reason.

But I suspected this was coming, they've been hiding this feature deeper and deeper in the last few years.

Scientists have demonstrated that human genes can be controlled with electricity, a breakthrough that could pave the way toward wearable devices that program genes to perform medical interventions, reports a new study.

That's actually fucking scary.

These scientists definitely didn't stop to think if they should.

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Hey, I didn't even know there were more instances when I joined. I just went where RIF sent me, lol.

Seriously, all the other photos from the event are pretty meh but this one is World Press Photo material.

He's not pining, he's passed on! The bird is no more, he ceased to be! This is an EX-bird!

I know what a serif is. And I'm specifically not talking about that. I'm talking about this:

I occasionally open RIF just to see if it's still working which it is but it doesn't let me login, meaning I can only access the front page of /r/all and man, it is abysmal. The content there doesn't even motivate me to stay there any longer than for a quick glance, lol. Tbf, if I open old.reddit on PC while logged in (which I now almost never do and I haven't posted anything there since June 31), it is better but it still doesn't feel completely the same. Plenty of subs still missing, some other that I didn't use to see much are now more present instead, and then there's /r/videos which still requires profanity in titles but now also, hilariously, only allows text transcripts of videos with no link to them.

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Have you ever had a dream that you, you had, your, you could, you’ll do, you wants, you could do so, you’ll do, you could, you want, you want him to do you so much you could do anything?

I don't understand why disposable vapes are even legal at all. I mean we banned friggin' plastic straws but this thing is fine?! Who even came up with such a terrible product in current times?

Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.

I spent the last few days almost literally under a rock and... what the hell is Threads and why is it everywhere?

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Not to mention that even if you personally managed to switch to something else, if you're not doing some completely solo work, you will still receive files from others (or may be expected to send files to others) in Adobe format. So even if you wouldn't be using it, you'd still have to pay for it to stay competitive. At which point you may as well use it because of what you said, that most of the alternatives are missing those expert features. So in professional setting, there's unfortunately no escaping Adobe. Someone would have to come up with an alternative feature full package of apps covering all bases (because Adobe isn't just Photoshop and not just graphic design but an entire interwoven ecosystem used in various related fields) and then work really, really hard to push the industry toward it. And it would still probably take a decade or two. So realistically, it would have to be or become some big corporation that would likely turn evil too as the time goes. Or some open source miracle like Blender that would have to attract enough big sponsors.

Not defending Adobe, just saying how it is. I have enough grievances about their software (how they managed to fuck up something as simple as Acrobat is beyond me) but you just have to deal with it or look for a job in another field. (I'm lucky enough that Adobe is only secondary software for me but even then I still can't escape it.)

Goodbye Bluesky

monitors are usually a different aspect ratio to a TV

What? Aren't like 90% of monitors and 99% of TVs 16:9? There are a few monitors that are 16:10, some extremely rare 5:4 and 4:3 and then there are the ultrawide monitors which are obviously a different aspect ratio but saying that monitors are "usually" a different aspect ratio is factually incorrect. If you're deciding between a 4K TV and 4K monitor, then there's no danger of accidentally buying something of different format.

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I misread the title and thought it said "You Need to Update Your Phone [if you have one], Right now", which I found quite strange, then started reading the post and was like "Hey, but I have an Android, do you assume everyone has an iPhone now?"... So here I am anyway.