7 Post – 148 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If it's a crime, do not fire them, lock them up in pris-

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called the actions "treason" and has initiated criminal proceedings.

Oh. Oh well.

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Based Greta, the one actual girlboss.

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Introduction to Spanish politics in 2023 for lemmytors:

Simplifying everything, the Spanish speaking right-wing is led by the mainstream right party Partido Popular or PP, which needs the support of the far right party Vox. However, Vox is radically centralist and wants to take away functions from Comunidades Autónomas or regional governments (similar to the US' individual states), which makes it impossible for a PP-Vox coalition to reach any agreement with the Catalan or Basque parties, for which autonomy of the regional governments is a core issue.

This means that the only viable government is one formed by PSOE (socialdemocrats/liberals) and Sumar (democratic socialists/anticapitalists), supported by ERC (Catalan left wing), Junts (Catalan right wing), Bildu (Basque left wing) and PNV (Basque right wing), which is a very similar composition to the government we had before these elections. This means a parliament that isn't too shaky, but also not too stable, because these parties have a lot of divergent goals and are mostly united by not wanting PP-Vox to reach the central government.

What has the government done during the previous 4 years?

These years have been fundamentally marked by the pandemic first, and by the war in Ukraine later. The pandemic was met with a moderately strong lockdown, which likely contained a potentially far more difficult disaster but badly damaged the tourism-based Spanish economy, while the right-wing opposition was promoting denialism and COVID conspiracy theories. In order to protect companies and employment, the government issued processes of temporary suspension of employment, where companies were forbidden to fire workers during the lockdown but their salaries were subsidized.

The sanctions on Russia shouldn't have affected Spain too much, since we mostly get our gas from Algeria, and this is backed by the fact that Spain got one of the lowest inflation rates of the EU in 2022. However, this didn't stop energy distribution companies from getting embroiled in a speculation process that has fundamentally affected basic goods, so even though in macroeconomic terms we have had a low inflation in comparison with other European countries, that inflation has been unevenly distributed and damaged humble families the most. A criticism that should be made here is that the government didn't do enough to regulate and/or punish distribution companies that engaged in speculation that wasn't driven by real cost increases.

These two matters aside, the government did also:

  • Enact a relatively ineffective minimum income, which according to official statistics has supported almost 2 million people, but looking deeper into the data you find plenty of bureaucratic traps that provoked these grants to become far too difficult to get and somewhat easy to lose.

  • Several feminist reforms, such as allowing 16 year olds to get abortions without parental permission, allowing doctors to grant paid medical leave due to particularly painful periods, and a reform on the law regulating sex abuse crimes. This measure has been particularly controversial as it provoked roughly 100 sex offenders to be released early, which according to the responsible minister was provoked by judges wilfully misinterpreting the law.

  • The "Trans Law", which grants the right of gender self-determination, allowing people to change their legal gender without permission from a doctor or a judge, making Spain one of the first countries of the world to recognize this right. While this provoked a lot of controversy in mass media and social media, voters mostly supported the reform, with over 50% supporting it and barely 20% opposing it.

  • A not too successful reform on rent, allowing cities to enact zones where landlords are forbidden to raise rent if they notice sharp increases. However, this hasn't prevented rent prices to continue raising. Near the end of the period, the government has started drafting plans for increasing public housing, but it's undeniable too little and too late.

  • Continued increases of minimum salary, aiming to get closer to France's, gradually increasing from 900€/month in 2019 to 1080€/month in 2023. During the same period, unemployement has decreased despite the pandemic. Inflation was within control until the start of the war.

It should also be mentioned:

  • Stagnation of Catalonya's indepedence process. While PSOE promised to negotiate with Catalan parties, the idea of a referendum has further slipped away across the years. While it remains unclear how aggressive Catalan parties will be during the incoming rounds of negotiations, their loss of support during these elections leaves them at a weakened position. It could be argued, after yesterday's results, that many Catalans have decided independence isn't too important for them as long as the Spanish-speaking right wing isn't ruling from Madrid.

  • Looking forward, there will likely continue to be tensions between PSOE's extremely moderate economic views, and Sumar's ambitions for wide reforms. One of the core measures Sumar has campaigned for was a reduction on the workweek. The ever rising price of rents will likely make housing a hot issue, but PSOE will find itself in tension as many members in the higher echelons of their party tend to appeal to landlords' interests.

What has the right wing campaigned for?

PP, the mainstream right wing party, has ran a rather dull campaign based on common talking points for any opposition party, such as the ideas that the ruling party has mismanaged the economy, but haven't been too explicit regarding their actual plans.

Vox, on the other hand, has a very strange tendency to straight up copy the talking points of the US' republican party, regardless of how well accepted they are in Spanish society. Two particularly notorious examples would be their denialism of climate change and their attempt to capitalize on transphobia, despite Spain being one of the European countries most acceptive of trans people:

After the recent local elections a few months ago, many town councils now ruled by a PP-Vox coalition have engaged in a variety of measures such as the early removal of LGBT flags, and the censorship of media pieces that display LGBT realities in local services.

Edit: What the hell is this about me having a newsletter lmao. Thanks for the supportive comments though.

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None of y'all are getting it. Trans women have an unfair advantage in chess because they can turn the king into another queen.

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Have you guys contacted law enforcement?

Given that the goal of this instance is to serve as a reference of the Fediverse, it is expected that it will continue to grow, and in turn, attract more attention, which due to a game of numbers also involves more trolls and enemies. Thus, the fact that the instance is being DDOS'ed right now shouldn't be seen as a conjunctural problem, but rather a challenge that is here to stay and sometimes be a problem.

While I think it's a good idea for to do it this time, relying on a police force to routinely come to our call and do something means periods during which the instance will be out while we wait for them for work. The instance, and Lemmy in general, should have more robust defenses so that calling for external help is only required at exceptional times.

Cis guy here. Based mod.

I'm an Ex-christian. Religion has provoked plenty of suffering against me and my family through my life. I want to have the right to burn a Bible. The same way, I want Ex-muslims to have the right to burn the Quran.

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This screams manufactured outrage.

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I think people generally agree that the drafts for the Vietnam war were not justified.

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Spanish Catholics: Of course we should help the poor by engaging in charity, that’s a Christian virtue. Wait, no, what do you mean raising taxes to expand public services to help the poor? Public education??? UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME!?!?!?!? That’s- That’s literally communism, and we stand against communism!

The solution, to my reckoning, is to start making things you love because you love to make them and to refuse to sell out when they come knocking.

I mean, sure, that will solve some things. Not climate change, though. I think we can aim for a little higher, but when I say that perhaps seeking infinite growth in a finite planet might lead to an environmental catastrophe that's somehow controversial.

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But- But- But the memes of a Marxist-Leninist instance!!1!

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When a liberal says "tankie" they mean anything remotely communist-looking. When a leftist says "tankie", they mean authoritarians who like red flags and self-proclaimed communists who nonetheless support hierarchies and have no plan or intention to bring them down. I think the vast majority of people here knows this already.

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This person needs psychiatric help. But OOP needs to call the police and I'd wager that has far more priority.

*Edited OP to OOP, since OP likely didn't receive these messages themself.

You have a link near the bottom of the channel's description at the right, which in English it's likely called 'Moderation history' or 'Moderation log'. It isn't only a ban list, but general information on mod activity.

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But you don't see, comrade!!!!! We must tactically support the weaker evil that is defending values even more contrary to our own in this conjuncture where they're provoking perfectly avoidable, immense human suffering!!!! If we didn't, perhaps I'd have to question if my previously held positions were actually the rational conclusion to my core philosophical values, rather than contrarian posturing!!!1!! ::: spoiler spoiler (Also I'm scared that everyone else might look at me funny for saying something that the libs say or that the mods might remove me, but do not say this aloud) :::

There’s just no way they can make this type of shit up (assuming it’s a real question) without being delusional or sadistic.

Of course there is: they want to implement doublethink. It's a deliberate attempt to make workers not to pursue their own rational interest when it conflicts with corporate profits.

Why won't they think of the children? Why do they have to push their heterosexual agenda on them? 😔

This post is difamation against goblins.

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You claim you will do this if I use Firefox, right liberal? Well, joke's on you, because I'm ALREADY using Firefox. When will you start making out with me, hmm~? And where are your fox ears?

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Roughly around 86% of people in Sweden speak English. The level of English spoken in Scandinavia is high

This is the one time where you're entitled to assume that the foreigner you're speaking to can speak English, anon.

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Depends a lot on which subreddits you frequented. Some subreddits were alright, but many of the largest ones would frequently have uncontested ableism and transphobia.

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Speaking to weekly magazine Der Spiegel, in an interview first published on Saturday, Skea warned against laying too much value on the international community's current nominal target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius compared the pre-industrial era.

"We should not despair and fall into a state of shock" if global temperatures were to increase by this amount, he said.

In a separate discussion with German news agency DPA, Skea expanded on why.

"If you constantly communicate the message that we are all doomed to extinction, then that paralyzes people and prevents them from taking the necessary steps to get a grip on climate change," he said.

"The world won't end if it warms by more than 1.5 degrees," Skea told Der Spiegel. "It will however be a more dangerous world."

Surpassing that mark would lead to many problems and social tensions, he said, but still that would not constitute an existential threat to humanity.


Skea predicted that one difficult area might prove to be changing people's lifestyles. He said that no scientist could tell people how to live or what to eat.

"Individual abstinence is good, but it alone will not bring about the change to the extent it will be necessary," Skea said. "If we are to live more climate consciously, we need entirely new infrastructure. People will not get on bikes if there are no cycle paths."

Skea said he also wanted to adapt the IPCC so that it could provide better and more targeted advice to specific groups of people on how they could act to combat climate change.

He named groups like town planners, landowners and businesses: "With all these things it's about real people and their real lives, not scientific abstractions. We need to come down a level," he told DPA.

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I know how to use file explorer though

What are the kids being taught that this is worth mentioning???

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Before any of the usual suspects comes in to defend LinkedIn for "trying to make money", have you tried publishing a job offering on LinkedIn? If you haven't, shut up, they're already making cash. If you have, my brother in Christ, you think they need MORE???

Neutron male be like:

Excuse me, but I will not tolerate such degenerate language in this Christian subreddit. "Wet-Ass-Pussies"? Please say "Wet-Ass-P-Words" instead and ask the Lord to forgive you for such indecency.

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. I kept looking for the punchline, yet there was none.

We SHOULD be telling people to use planes less though.

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Personally I find it really cool that they reanimated Nixon's corpse to make the head's voices.

You have to drop the fake humility after years and years of continuously being disappointed everywhere you go.


Use this one trick to get your trans roommate to make you a sandwich.

I love you, bro, I love you so much that I want to kiss your lips until our faces are both full of spit, bro, I desire you so much that I want to bend you over and ******* **** ****** *** ******* in the *** ****** **** ******* ****** ***** with ******* ******* watching. , bro.

No homo though.

Hey it's me, a tankie! I never interact with this channel but I was told to come here and be annoying and flood your meme discussions with 500 links to Marxism 101 texts. What do you mean you have not only read Marx and Engels, but also Gramsci, Luxemburg and Hobsbawm and still think Stalin sucked ass? Listen here you neoliberal individualistic radlib fascist [censored-slur] [censored-slur] [censored-slur] I'll have you know...

The wiser people are so full of doubts because we are wise.

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Israel =/= Judaism

There are Jews who don't like the government of Israel, and Israelis critical of their own country.

Casual villainy. For some, it's a hobby; for others, it's a ladder you have to climb to get into competitive villainy and land a job at Raytheon, Facebook or Autism Speaks.

The genuine peripheralisation and plunder of Ukraine, it can be seen, has been carried out by the advanced capitalism of the West. In these circumstances, arguments designed to blame Russia for Ukraine’s economic dilemmas over the years are distracting and unhelpful.

It is a remarkable example of moral degradation to call an unfair trade relationship "plunder" when the country this author is making apologia for has actually invaded, destroyed cities, murdered thousands and actually, literally plundered Ukraine, and not in figurative terms.

The relations of core-periphery are a phenomenon that deserves to be taken seriously, not to be used as a use-and-throw-away talking point when you're out of arguments to defend your preferred imperial power.

And yet you're taking a photo and uploading it to 196, rather than helping your cat out with the chores. Shame on you.