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Joined 12 months ago

All the projects that have shittier outcomes in my experience is always waterfall. This is mainly because the stakeholders usually have this bright idea to be added in the middle of development that's really need to be added at all costs and then got angry when the timeline got pushed because of their fucking request breaking a lot of shit.

At least scrum has a lead time of around 2 weeks so that when someone has a idea we can tell them we'll add it to the backlog and hope they forgot about it during the next sprint planning.

I hate how true this is. Not even 2 years later for my case.

Larian pls make a new series based on the Pathfinder ruleset. I think the success of BG3 has helped the mainstream to get used to DnD ruleset. Although Pathfinder is more complex, I think they have the chops to make it more accessible to the masses.

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Reportedly Gaben has implemented safeguards to prevent Valve from getting public after his death. So at least we can hope Valve doesn't go public in our lifetimes.

Yep, I also love the late 00s and early 10s feeling to Lemmy now. I find myself having more stuff done IRL since quitting reddit and browsing Lemmy occasionally.

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It's a rootkit. When it runs it basically has complete access to your system. You're at the mercy of the guys at Riot and pray that no one breaches their system.

IIRC Genshin Impact uses a similar system and a breach has already happened.

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Plenty of people have done plastic surgeries. You just notice the failed ones. Well known examples are Korean idols, most of them have plastic surgery performed on them.

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Money. It's the answer. Money.

My following on insta is dominated by meme pages, influencers, and that one person in your social group who practically shares their life on social media.

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More like the masks are off now. People are still racist but they didn't show it because of the social media implications. I saw a guy on LinkedIn who did an experiment because his name is middle eastern sounding he didn't get any response to his job applications. He decided to change his name on his resume to Jack and the response rate skyrocketed.

Sad, with the emergence of GPT they should've find a way to combine it with GPT to actually have a smart assistant.

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A good PM is rare because as soon as you get one, they'll get poached within a few months.

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It can show things that you've never downloaded if your ISP assigns a dynamic or shared IP. So it means some of your neighbors are into that kind of thing.

I think the way LTT handled the backpack warranty debacle shows that by contacting LTT, you won't get anything substantial in response. Linus will just keep being stubborn and you'll get nothing in response. Even the way that Linus responded in his "response", it's still a nothingburger response.

He's still doubling down on the way that he reviewed Billet Labs cooler and doesn't even acknowledge the biggest criticism that GN levied towards LTT, spending more time in making sure that the content that they're producing is accurate. Having a pinned comment and edited fixes shows that LTT doesn't really care about quality and instead pushing to keep more producing content.

I saw a post somewhere showing that at least 300 people unsubscribed from Floatplane, so that means at least 1500 USD/month (can be more if there's people who subscribe for 4k content) of revenue are lost. Just from him not wanting to spend 500 USD of his employee time to make sure that he reviewed the products properly.

Linus has completely lost the plot here. Although it's not unexpected since the way he handled the backpack warranty situation.

The biggest issue for me is the stale posts keep showing on my feed. Either the posts are too old, or it's too new with low engagement. I think the sweet spot for me is when a post is in its 1/3 of its lifecycle. Already got a discussion going but not too far that I can't engage meaningfully.

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The main problem in Japan is the birth rate basically doesn't even replenish the outgoing population. Japan also have one of the longest life expectancy. Tell me how can you take care of 10 seniors in a retirement home if there's only 1 working age person to take care of them?

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Has bean been a has been bean meme?

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The trick for me to reduce impulse buys is to see if I want to buy the thing 3 days in a row. If I kept thinking about buying the thing on the third day, I'll buy it.

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Don't forget that Star Trek universe went through an apocalyptic phase before reaching their post scarcity society. I'm quite optimistic that we'll reach Star Trek levels of peace, but reaching that state without having 90% of the population annihilated in some kind of a World War or some other catastrophe? That's what I'm kinda pessimistic about.

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Yep, you stop paying for taxes for long enough. You'll stop enjoying life.

Be the change you want to be, go off grid and live off the land without technology, like our hunter gatherer ancestors.

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You see, most people (myself included) subliminally think that their car is an extension of their personal space. You can see this by looking at your nearest neighboring car during a red light stop. The amount of people doing things usually reserved for their bedrooms are astronomical because our subconscious thought we're in a safe when we're inside our cars except for everybody can see that you're picking your nose in all of its glory.

So when you merge a little bit too late or you use your high beam several times, the person on the receiving end might interpret that as an encroachment of their personal space and react accordingly. During my experience as a road user, you can predict how ragey a person is based on the personalization that a person does to their car. The isolation wrought by the recent pandemic doesn't really help because it made some people forget how to empathize with another human being.

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Yep, he basically built his empire off the back of his employer. LTT basically uses NCIX inventory for their early videos.

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It's all offset by the small screen. Playing Ghost of Tsushima on low-medium graphics coupled with frame gen is chef's kiss on a handheld.

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AMD simply doesn’t have the R&D capability to overtake NVIDIA on the technology front right now. When developing Ryzen, they took advantage of Intel getting complacent on all fronts. AMD also had Jim Keller in laying the groundwork for Zen architecture.

However with NVIDIA, even though the consumer side offering has been underwhelming, they still kept going full throttle on the development of their enterprise parts. So if AMD ever got close enough on the performance side, NVIDIA only need to trickle down their chip design from enterprise/HPC to the consumer side.

So, if AMD really want to take market share from NVIDIA on the consumer front, they’ll need to undercut on pricing real hard. Like offering 80%-90% of the performance for 60% of the price. But from what I’ve seen from AMD behavior for the 7900XTX release, they’re content with the status quo as it is.

The only wildcard in GPU space right now is Intel. I sincerely hope they can light a fire on AMD and NVIDIA asses and start a performance wars that we’ve enjoyed in CPU space since Zen 2 got released.

I don't like the DM (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)

They're just covering their asses when the masses have started to develop taste for the rich.

Now I know what to stream on my second monitor while working. Reminds me of the Depp v. Heard. I got that shit playing on my second monitor non stop. I'm not much of a person who likes to bicker. But watching rich people fight each other warms some part of me.

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Don't worry people won't stay unemployed for long. WW3 breaks out and suddenly everyone unemployed is drafted.

I know a guy at college who basically uses this as a pick-up line to get girls. He said if you're with him you're basically set because he'll inherit a lot of house from his landlord parents so you won't need to work anymore.

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30 seconds of asking ChatGPT can save you time reading documentation. Hell, in the future it can even save your employer money from not paying you!

They even ignored Brandon Sanderson who offered free advice on how to write the story FFS. Even the show runner had the gall to say he's a fanboy of the series.

I'm a Sync guy, it has the best scrolling performance on my shitty low end phone. I've tried other apps but all of them still have stutters during scroll but Sync still manages to keep smooth.

He's not gonna do that if he wants to keep getting sent weapons.

This, very much this. I've been having more pleasant discussions with random people replying to Mastodon posts compared to the brain parasites victim making their nest on xitter.

Yep, AFAIK their current policy of 4 years upgrade only covers devices that use One UI (the lower end models uses One UI Core which have some features stripped). So that means only A5x and up devices.

Do you support the existence of an apartheid state? Yes or no answer only.

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I still don't understand how Brave became the face of the privacy focused browser. Doing some cryptocurrency related shit is the biggest red flag that an entity should not be trusted now.

Men, let me introduce you to sarongs. My cousin was roommates with a Ukrainian guy and after he tried wearing it he basically got converted. He bought a dozen to be brought back to Ukraine. With the conflict going on I hope he's safe now.

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Facebook is bad but TikTok is bad^bad. I use neither, Soo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

For real tho, when me and my partner decided to delete our social media our mental health and relationship improved immensely. It even improved our social lives too, if I wanted to know how someone is doing I'll just shoot em a text or call em and catch up or setup an outing together.

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Most people (not just teenagers) just don't care. One of my favourite things to do when I'm visiting my parents is to open their phones and click on the clear all notifications button. Watching all those notifications slide away is so satisfying.